Friday, September 20, 2024, 08:37 (GMT+7)

Friday, December 29, 2023, 07:46 (GMT+7)
Dak Nong Provincial armed forces promote the implementation of Conclusion No. 01 of the Politburo (13th Tenure)

Thoroughly understanding the meanings and importance of the studying and following Ho Chi Minh’s thought, morality, and style, the armed forces of Dak Nong province have been actively promoting the implementation of Conclusion No. 01-KL/TW of the Politburo (13th Tenure) with many synchronous solutions, helping to create overall strength and excellently accomplish all assigned tasks.

Located in the Southern Central Highlands, with a 141km border with Cambodia, Dak Nong province has an important strategic position in terms of socio-economy, national defence, security and foreign affairs of the Central Highlands, Military Region 5 and the whole country. However, due to history and many other different reasons (both subjective and objective), the province’s economic proportion in the country’s overall economy is still quite small, and people’s living conditions, especially ethnic minorities are still facing a lot of difficulties; hostile and reactionary forces always find the ways to seduce, establish contacts, incite sabotage, induce local people to illegal cross the border, etc. to destabilise the area, which has significantly affected political security, order, social safety, defence and military work as well as socio-economic development of the Province. To successfully complete the assigned tasks, the Provincial Military Party Committee and Military Command have drastically and synchronously implemented policies and solutions, of which promoting learning and following Ho Chi Minh’s ideology, ethics, and style is a central one.

Right after Conclusion No.01-KL/TW of the Politburo (13th Tenure) on continuously implementing Direction No. 05-CT/TW on “promoting the learning and following of Ho Chi Minh’s thought, morality and style” being issued on 17 January 2022, the Provincial Military Party Committee developed and issued Plan No.47-KH/DU on “promoting the learning and following Ho Chi Minh’s thought, morality and style” to synchronously organise and implement throughout the Provincial Military Party Committee and armed forces. After nearly two years of implementation, with high determination in leadership, self-motivation, creativity, as well as with effective movements and models, the learning and following of Ho Chi Minh’s thought, morality and style has been widely spread in the awareness and actions of all cadres and soldiers in Dak Nong province’s armed forces, through which, helping to build the pure and strong party committees and party cells, excellently strong public unions,  comprehensively strong, “typical and exemplary” units deserving to be the core forces in building the all-people national defence, the national defence posture connected with the people’s hearts and minds posture, the strong Provincial defence zones, maintaining the political stability and creating suitable conditions for the fast and sustainable development of the Province.

The model of each party organistion helps each household escape from poverty sustainably has been carried out effectively

Presently, Dak Nong province has been attentively building the “elite, compact and strong” armed forces according to Resolution No.05 of the Politburo (13th tenure), Resolution No. 230 of the Central Military Commission on the organisation of Vietnam People’s Army for the period 2021 - 2030 and the following years in the context of complex developments in the world and region; the hostile, reactionary forces have taken full advantage of issues related to “ethnicity”, “religions” with many complex tricks to promote the acts of sabotage; the negative impacts of market economy, etc. have significantly affected the awareness of all ethnic groups in general, the cadres and soldiers of the Provincial armed forces in particular. In order to successfully accomplish the assigned missions, together with comprehensively implementing all working fields, the Provincial Military Party Committee and Military Command have continuously promoted the studying and following of Ho Chi Minh’s thought, morality and style according to Conclusion No. 01-KL/TW (13th Tenure) with main solutions as follows:

Strengthening the education, improving the self-awareness for cadres and soldiers in studying and following Ho Chi Minh’s thought, morality and style, especially the self-reliance, resilience and desire for a prosperous and happy country. Doing this will create the unity in the awareness that the studying and following of Ho Chi Minh’s thought, morality and style should be considered the regular work in all party cells, offices, units, cadres and soldiers; being the motivation and a great strength so that all cadres and soldiers of Dak Nong provincial armed forces could prove their inner force and overcome difficulties to successfully accomplish all assigned missions. To this end, all offices and units, especially the ones in borders, need to flexibly use the grasping and learning methods, making sure they are suitable with the reality and participants; applying the “studying and following of Ho Chi Minh’s thought, morality and style on the self-reliance, resilience and desire for a prosperous and happy country” into their annual plans of political education. In their implementation, all units continue to strictly implement Resolution No. 847-NQ/QUTW, dated 28 December 2021 by the Central Military Commission on Promoting the qualities of “Uncle Ho’s Soldiers”, firmly preventing the individualism in the new situation and Conclusion No. 21-KL/TW, dated 25 October 2021 by the Party Central Committee (13th Tenure); firmly preventing, strictly punishing cadres and party members degraded in their political thought, morality and lifestyle, having expression of “self-evolution” and “self-transformation”. Together, bringing into play the responsibility of all-level party committees and commands, cadres, party members and people, heightening the spirit of serving the Homeland and the people, deserving to be “Uncle Ho’s Soldiers”.

Taking care of the elderly

Closely coordinating the studying and following of Ho Chi Minh’s thought, morality and style with the implementation of the unit’s political tasks. This is a very important solution contributing to creating general strengths for offices and units to successfully complete the assigned tasks. Therefore, the offices and units should bring the contents of studying and following Ho Chi Minh’s thought, morality and style into their regular resolutions, concretising them with implementation programmes and plans; continuously completing, improving and concretising 5 standards of “Uncle Ho’s Soldiers” in the new era, making them suitable with the assigned features, functions and missions.  Regularly completing the plans on studying and following Ho Chi Minh’s thought, morality and style connected with the programmes and action plans on implementing the unit’s resolutions; with all contents having focused on “Building the Provincial armed forces which are strong in politics, thought, organisation and morality connected with building comprehensively strong, “typical and exemplary” units. Each individual should build the commitment, registering the plans related to the assigned duties and tasks which have been approved by the party committees and commands; periodically reporting the results to the party cells who are doing the inspection, examination and supervision. To gain high results, when studying and following Uncle Ho, the units should strictly comply with the motto of “the superiors setting good examples, the inferiors actively following” and “party members going ahead, followed by the public” with practical actions in different tasks such as: political work, military work, army ordinance, engineering, maintaining the discipline, building the regularity, saving, preventing corruption and wastes, etc.; joining the construction of the local politics; saving, preventing corruption and wastes; talking the talk, walking the walk in implementing the set-out plans and action programmes, ensuring the specificity, practicality, and effectiveness; considering it as a criterion to evaluate, select, reward officials, party members, union members, and other members.

Being imbued with Uncle Ho’s teachings, i.e. “A live example is more valuable than hundreds of propagandised speeches”, the Provincial Party Committee has required all-level party committees and cells to promote the exemplary roles and responsibility of all cadres and party members, especially the leaders’ of offices and units in studying and following Uncle Ho. To well implement this content, all-level leaders and commanders must have stable thought and correct viewpoints in accordance with the spirit of “seven dares”; own the scientific, democratic and practical leading and commanding style, always be the core of unity, motivation and collective intelligence; maintain the leading principles, making sure the objectivity, comprehensiveness, justice, publicness, clarity and accuracy. They need to continuously study, self-improve and train their revolutionary morality to be exemplary in their personality and lifestyle; be industrious, economical, integral, public-minded and selfless; honest, simple, straight, sincere, uncorrupted, etc. They also need to regularly make self-criticism and criticism, protect the rights and fight against the wrongs. All offices and units well organise the political activities of “self-considering, self-correcting”, self-criticism and criticism, which could help cadres, party members and people rightly evaluate the results and timely repair their shortcomings and weaknesses, making them actively self-improve, train and maintain the ethic quality and lifestyle of “Uncle Ho’s Soldiers”; be “exemplary, leading and positive in their work, talking the talk, walking the walk”, successfully accomplish the assigned missions and be the good examples for soldiers to follow.

Enhancing their examination and supervision is a solution for Provincial Party Committee and Military Command to correctly evaluate the results in order to timely supplement suitable methods in leading and directing the studying and following of Uncle Ho. Therefore, the Province directs all-level party committees and supervisory committees need to build their examination and supervision plans for 100% party cells and members based on their duties and tasks connected with the studying and following of Ho Chi Minh’s thought, morality and style. All contents should focus on self-improving and training the political quality, morality, lifestyle, discipline observance and the task results. It is necessary to connect the examination and supervision of all-level party committees and supervisory committees with the ones by the commanders towards cadres and soldiers under their command; well prove the supervisory role of the public unions and the military council for the party cells, cadres and party members in doing their exemplary responsibility, especially the all-level leaders of party committees and commanders, through their learning, working, activities and accomplishing the tasks. Timely detecting the violations to correct and prevent, strictly punishing organisations and individuals having wrong awareness, thought and behaviour.

Together with the above solutions, the party committees and commands at all levels need to prove their motivation and creativity, flexible and practical application in implementing the Conclusion No. 21-KL/TW by the Central Party Committee. Timely making commendation to groups and individuals with achievements, new models, creative and effective working methods in their studying and following of Uncle Ho. This contributes to building “typical and exemplary” offices and units, excellently accomplishing all assigned tasks, deserving to be the loyally and reliably political and combatting force of the Party Committee, government and people of all groups in Dak Nong Province, creating favourable conditions to successfully complete all targets of socio-economic development, defence and security according to the assigned action programme on implementing the party resolutions at all levels.

Senior Colonel DO NGUYEN HOAI, Commissar of the Provincial Military Command

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