Friday, September 20, 2024, 03:03 (GMT+7)

Friday, August 16, 2024, 07:56 (GMT+7)
Coast Guard Region 1 improves the effectiveness of studying and following Uncle Ho's example

To effectively carry out the task of enforcing the law, maintaining security, order and safety in the strategic sea area, along with the synchronous implementation of all aspects of work, the Command of Coast Guard Region 1 constantly promotes studying and following Uncle Ho's example, contributing to building a clean and strong Party commitee, a comprehensively strong unit that is "exemplary and typical", to successfully complete all assigned tasks.

Coast Guard Region 1 is tasked with training, being ready to fight, patrolling, inspecting, maintaining law enforcement, protecting resources and the environment; maintaining security, order, safety, searching and rescuing in the sea area stretching over 760km, through 10 coastal provinces and cities, from the Bac Luan estuary, Quang Ninh province to Con Co island, Quang Tri province. This is a sea area with thousands of coastal islands, various large and small seaports, so it has a particularly important strategic position in the fields of politics, security, national defence, foreign affairs, marine economic activities, trade, tourism and services.

Implementing Conclusion No. 01-KL/TW, dated 18 May 2021 of the Politburo on continuing to implement Directive No. 05-CT/TW, dated 15 May 2016 of the 12th Politburo on "Promoting the study and following of Ho Chi Minh's ideology, morality and lifestyle", in recent years, the Region’s Party Committee and Command, as well as the Party committees and commanders of agencies and units have led and directed the comprehensive and synchronous implementation of creative solutions and effective ways. Party committees and commanders at all levels have thoroughly implemented the motto "the superiors set exemplary examples, the subordinates actively follow" in order to promote the role of organisations and forces in leading, directing, advising, guiding and implementing the study and following of Uncle Ho. Self-criticism and criticism is encouraged along with the spirit of "self-reflection" and "self-correction". At the same time, diverse propaganda of education are promoted, such as: seminars, forums, bulletin boards, slogans, internal radio. The model "Uncle Ho's teachings on those days" is combined with the activities of the Facebook groups named "Children of the sea" and "For the sovereignty and security of the sea and islands", in order to widely inspire and make all cadres, party members, the masses and people deeply aware of the meaning of studying and following Uncle Ho; the responsibility for self-cultivation and training; the qualities of "Uncle Ho's soldiers" - Coast Guard soldiers. The individualism and the degradation in political ideology, morality, lifestyle, "self-evolution", "self-transformation" is prevented. Thereby, the leadership capacity and fighting strength of Party committees, Party organisations, and unit leaders is improved, contributing to successfully fulfilling assigned tasks.

In the coming years, the sovereignty and security of the Tonkin Gulf is assumed to be stable. However, the criminal and law violations at sea are supposed to be complicated, such as smuggling, trade fraud, and drug crimes. Therefore, it becomes increasingly difficult for the task of building the Coast Guard to safeguard the Fatherland and maintain law enforcement at sea. In this situation, the Region’s Party Committee and the Command continues to identify and promote studying and following Uncle Ho as a breakthrough that creates motivation for officers and soldiers to successfully complete all tasks.

Delegation of the General Political Department checks the implementation of Conclusion No.01 dated 18 May 2021 of the Politburo at Coast Guard Region 1

During his lifetime, President Ho Chi Minh always paid attention to political and ideological education, as to him: "If thinking is inappropriate, the work will be wrong". Therefore, improving the effectiveness of political and ideological education, building courage, will and determination for officers and soldiers is identified by the Region's Party Committee and the Commander as the top priority in order to meet the high demand of specific tasks which require independent operations at sea in harsh environmental conditions, facing dangers to maintain and enforce the law, searching and rescue activities. Accordingly, agencies and units have strictly maintained the political education regime, focusing on educating cadres on the Party's viewpoints, policies and guidelines, the State's policies and laws, especially the Strategy to Safeguard the Fatherland in the new situation and Resolution No. 36-NQ/TW, dated 22 October 2018 on "Strategy for sustainable development of Vietnam's marine economy to 2030, with a vision to 2045". They have also promoted the implementation of Directive No. 2423-CT/QUTW, dated 09 November 2023 of the Central Military Commission Standing Committee on innovation and improvement of the quality of political education work in the new period. Besides, they have continued to thoroughly grasp and effectively implement directives, plans and instructions on promoting the study and following of Ho Chi Minh's ideology, morality and lifestyle in accordance with the effective implementation of Resolution No. 4 of the Central Committee (13th tenure), Regulation No. 08-QD/TW of the Central Executive Committee on the responsibility of setting an example for cadres and party members, Regulation No. 144-CT/TW, dated 09 May 2024 of the Politburo on revolutionary ethical standards of cadres and party members in the new period. Thereby, they have managed to build will, belief, creating strong motivation, helping all cadres, party members and the masses overcome all difficulties and hardships to successfully carry out all tasks. At the same time, they have sustained the regular inspection and supervision to promptly detect cases, prevent and strictly handle violations, encourage and reward outstanding groups and individuals.

Bearing in mind President Ho Chi Minh's teaching: "Cadres are the root of all work", the Region identifies improving the quality of cadres as the basis and foundation for maintaining and enforcing the law at sea. To effectively implement this content, the Region's Party Committee continues to thoroughly grasp and concretise resolutions, conclusions, regulations and rules of all levels on cadre work and cadre building. It also effectively carries out the tasks of duty assignment, management, procedures, planning, appointment and rotation of cadres; strengthens internal political protection work, strictly implements regulations on examination, verification and conclusion of political standards to preventing unworthy people those do not meet the standards and conditions to enter the cadre team of leaders, commanders, managers and Party committees at all levels. In addition, the Region continue to effectively implement breakthrough solutions to improve the capability and responsibility of current cadres; takes the results of studying and following Ho Chi Minh's ideology, morality, and style and the implementation of "self-reflection and self-correction" as criteria in evaluating cadres. Regularly review the quality of cadres; conduct planning according to the established criteria. In addition to general requirements, political, military, legal, and technical cadres must comprehend and master the law, have the ability to organise, manage, and implement measures to perform their functions and tasks effectively. Cadres, commanders, and leaders must study on their own, participate in specialised training courses, and directly perform tasks to hone their skills and accumulate experiences, etc. Multiple solutions have been applied to improve the quality of cadres, such as studying while working, training at other academies and schools, establishing training courses on politics, military, profession and legal knowledge, etc.

Recognising the position and importance of the sea and islands for the survival and development of the nation, President Ho Chi Minh often advised: “The land is the home, and the sea is the door. We cannot protect the home without protecting the door”. His instructions became the key goal and task for the Region to improve the quality of training, exploiting, mastering and promoting the effectiveness of weapons and equipment in maintaining law enforcement, security and sovereignty of the sea and islands. The Party Committee and the Command of the Region direct agencies and units to continue to innovate the content, forms and training methods in accordance with the functions, tasks, available weapons and equipment. During the training process, the units adhere to the motto of “Basic, practical, stable”, attach importance to synchronous and specialised training, taking the goal of maintaining the security, sovereignty, order, safety of the sea, islands, and continental shelf of the Fatherland, enforcing the law and building a “regular, elite, modern” Region as the training goal. Single-ship training and squadron training are regularly conducted in accordance with patrol, inspection, and law enforcement tasks, especially at night, in complex weather conditions and in any situations. At the same time, officers and employees are trained to grasp, master, exploit, and effectively use existing equipment. The focus of that is on the quality of professional training for police officers, guards, professional officers, and law enforcement officers, to ensure the improvement of their capability to grasp, review, and assess the situation, strictly implement the process of inspecting, controling, investigating, and handling of violations at sea. Along with that, competitions and sports events are hosted to improve awareness, knowledge, skills, and experiences for officers and soldiers to master and maximise the technical and tactical features of equipment when performing tasks and enforcing the law at sea.

Imbued with the idea of ​​“Unity is our invincible strength”, the Region has been successfully coordinating with other forces and promoting foreign affairs activities. The Region’s Party Committee and the Command determines to continue to proactively coordinate closely with the forces: Navy, Border Guard, Police, Customs, Fisheries Surveillance, local military agencies and Party committees and authorities of 10 coastal provinces and cities to promptly exchange information, grasp the situation; diversifies forms of propaganda and dissemination of laws to the people, especially fishermen who regularly operate at sea. The implementation of the programme “Coast Guards are fishermen’s companions” is encouraged to actively help people in preventing, combating and overcoming the consequences of storms, floods and accidents at sea and building new rural areas. The Region’s units have also given gifts to civil-political agencies, twinned units, privileged families and disadvantaged people in the area where they are stationed, etc. Thereby, the coordination with other forces is improved, contributing to consolidating the "people's hearts and minds posture" and promoting the combined strength of the entire political system in protecting the sea and islands. Along with that, the Region continues to thoroughly grasp and strictly implement regulations on defence foreign affairs. The relation with the South China Sea Sub-Department/China Coast Guard is maintained; joint patrol in the waters adjacent to the demarcation line of the Tonkin Gulf is sustained; officers are sent to international training programmes, etc. in accordance with the viewpoints and guidelines of the Party and State in the spirit of cooperation, friendship, and building a peaceful and stable sea. Faced with increasingly high requirements and tasks, officers and soldiers of Coast Guard Region 1 continue to study and follow Ho Chi Minh's ideology, morality and style, constantly promote the tradition of "Solidarity, discipline, intelligence, courage, overcoming difficulties, excellently completing all tasks", contributing to maintaining the sovereignty and security of the sea and islands of the Fatherland.

Senior Colonel NGUYEN VAN HIEN, Deputy Political Commissar of Region

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