Friday, September 20, 2024, 08:41 (GMT+7)

Saturday, July 27, 2024, 10:22 (GMT+7)
Can Gio District strengthens political education for militia and self-defence forces

Can Gio is a coastal district, consisting of 7 commune-level administrative units (01 island commune), characterised by long-standing mangrove forests, intertwined with a dense canal system, so it holds an important position in defence and security on the sea direction of Ho Chi Minh City. Currently, the District has 17 militia and self-defence units (4 marine militia platoons), accounting for 0.79% of the population. Fully aware of the important role of militia and self-defence forces in building a strong national defence, in recent years, together with Party Committees, local authorities, Party Committees, and Military Commands, the District regularly pays attention to building militia and self-defence forcess with a reasonable strength and structure, suitable for the area of ​​operation. In particular, attention has been paid to political education to raise awareness, orient thinking, guide action, foster, form and develop personalities and capabilities; gradually improve the overall quality of this force, contributing to maintaining political security, social order and safety, which has been highly appreciated by local party committees, authorities and the superiors.

Implementing Political, Cultural, and Legal Day

However, currently, in the City and the District, hostile forces continue to take advantage of the difficulties of social life; the complexity in the fight against corruption, negativity and racial and religious issues,... to conduct sabotage against our Party and State openly and promote "self-evolution" and "self-transformation" internally. Meanwhile, family circumstances of a number of members of this force remain difficult and their levels of awareness are uneven; the negative impacts of the market economy significantly affect their mind and task performance. Overcoming those difficulties and challenges, the District’s Military Party Committee and Military Command have synchronously and drastically implemented leadership and direction measures to improve the quality of political education for the militia and self-defence forces. On this basis, they have drawn some valuable experiences to unify implementation throughout the area as follows.

First of all, the District attaches importance to the role of party committees and commanders, especially political agencies and officers at all levels, in political education for militia and self-defence forces. Thoroughly grasping the resolutions, directives and instructions of superiors on this work, especially Directive No. 2423-CT/QUTW, dated 09 November 2023 of the Standing Office of the Central Military Commission on renovating to improve the effectiveness of political education in the new period and the Project of "Innovating political education at the units in the new period", the District’s Military Party Committee and the District Military Command have elaborated an important content in the leadership resolution and political education plan for militia and self-defence forces. Then, party committees and commanders at all levels are required to include this content in their leadership resolutions and implementation plans with specific targets, relevant to the subjects, tasks and areas. Moreover, they are also required to strictly comply with regulations on making, passing and approving political lesson plans, assigning specific responsibilities, especially promoting the role of political cadres at the grassroots level in implementation. Besides, the District requires the serious adherence of regulations, implementing "3 reals" in inspection and review of results of political education at all levels. As a result, political education work for militia and self-defence forces has been carried out on a regular basis and in an in-depth manner. There has been a comprehensive progressive change with many good models and creative ways of doing, contributing to strengthening the political steadfastness, ideology, morality, lifestyle and law-abiding consciousness of cadres and members of the militia and self-defence force.

Studying Uncle Ho's teaching with the militia and self defence force

Along with that, the District actively innovates the content, form, and methods of political education for militia and self-defence forces, creating positive changes and improving the quality of teaching and learning. Closely following the documents and materials of the superiors, the characteristics of subjects and areas, the District compiles lectures, clearly defines the programmes, forms, and methods of education, and applies them appropriately to each agency, unit, and locality. As far as the contents and programmes are concerned: based on regulations on contents and programmes of political education for militia and self-defence forces of the Ministry of National Defence, Military Region 7 and Ho Chi Minh City Military Command, the District builds specialised topics for each stage and each year associated with the implementation of the Campaign "Promoting traditions, dedicating talents, being worthy of the title of Uncle Ho's Soldiers"; the "Determined to Win" Emulation movement, the "3 best" emulation movement; Directive No. 855-CT/QUTW, dated 12 August 2019 of the Standing Office of the Central Military Commission; annual supplementary topics and legal topics. At the same time, it requires teachers to update the historical, cultural and revolutionary traditions of the district; the heroes and martyrs in the revolutionary struggles; notable examples in socio-economic development to arouse the will and determination of this force. Due to its large area, the District implements decentralisation in political education; choose a suitable time, usually on weekends, so that the militia and self-defence forces can arrange their work and participate in full members. The teaching staff applies a variety of forms and methods of political education, such as: concentrated learning; topic research; political and ideological exchanges; news briefing; learning via internal computer network, etc. For each topic, lecturers flexibly apply many different forms and methods such as problem arousing, discussion and debate, etc.

In addition, the District closely associates political education with the implementation of the model "5-good Party cells, 5-good party members", "Cadres and party members guide the masses and their subordinates", "5-active in ideological work", "Building an exemplary, representative and responsible militia force", "Militia hold the people". Actively fight against wrong views and protect the Party's ideological foundation; prevent and rappel the deterioration in political ideology, ethics, and lifestyle; firmly grasp the situation, promptly inform, propagate, and orient mindset for cadres and soldiers of the militia and self-defence forces given the new, complex and sensitive issues. Units and localities regularly consolidate and improve the operational quality and efficiency of cultural institutions, cultural and artistic activities, etc., promoting propaganda and education of revolutionary traditions; promote visual education through activities of field trips to museums, historical relics, friendship exchanges, meeting the needs of political, cultural and spiritual life of militia and self-defence cadres and soldiers. Doing this helps improve the quality of political education, making cadres and soldiers of the militia and self-defence forces imbue and promote the noble qualities of "Uncle Ho's Soldiers", and the fine traditions of the militia and self-defence force.

As most of the political teachers for militia and self-defence forces are part-time, performing many different tasks at the same time, the District’s Military Party Committee and Military Command pay special attention to improving the quality of this important staff. Accordingly, they regularly review and appoint qualified and capable personnel as teachers and rapporteurs. At the same time, they foster training to improve the quality of political teaching staff; proactively grasp plans and send this staff to refresher training courses held by higher echelons. At the same time, they also conduct training on pedagogical and soft skills. Be means of those positive measures, up to now, the District has developed 19 groups of political teaching staff with 38 people, meeting the needs of political education at agencies and units.

As demands for political education for the militia and self-defence forces are increasing, while the budget allocated and the facilities are still limited, and some of the equipment has been degraded, the District has invested and supplied enough facilities and equipment for political education and put them into use and management effectively. The district has received and used funds and materials allocated by higher echelons for political education in the right manner, achieving high efficiency. Besides, it also mobilised local funding sources to purchase teaching equipment and aids; consolidate books and lectures to improve the quality of political education for militia and self-defence forces. School supplies are provided to each cadre and soldier in full. Moreover, newspaper, audio and visual equipment are made accessible as per regulations. In addition, every year, the District also compiles, prints, and distributes documents, pictures, photos, banners, slogans, hoardings, and posters to serve visual education; makes and releases documentary films as supporting activities in political education at agencies and units. All these measures have contributed to building the militia and self-defence force politically strong, serving as a basis for improving its overall quality, combat power, and firmly protecting the locality in all situations.

Lieutenant Colonel TRINH XUAN TAM, Political Commissar of the District Military Command

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