Friday, September 20, 2024, 03:12 (GMT+7)

Thursday, August 15, 2024, 09:16 (GMT+7)
Building and promoting the role of Military entrepreneurs and enterprises in the new period

On 10 October 2023, the Politburo (13th tenure) issued Resolution No. 41-NQ/TW on building and promoting the role of Vietnamese entrepreneurs in the new period, including major orientations for creating new mechanisms and policies to build and develop the entrepreneurs and enterprises of the country in general, and those of the Military in particular. To realise this resolution, it is required that Party committees and commanders at all levels of the entire Military focus on leadership and direction of implementation with synchronous and appropriate solutions.

Recently, under the leadership of the Party, the management of the State, directly the Central Military Commission and the Ministry of National Defence, Military entrepreneurs and enterprises have been developed comprehensively in terms of quantity, quality, scale, production and business sectors, etc., continuing to affirm and promote their role in the cause of building and defending the Fatherland. In particular, in the context of international integration and fierce competition of the market economy; difficulties and challenges caused by economic recession, inflation and negative impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic, power rivalry, armed conflicts;... Military entrepreneurs have proven their sharpness, proactiveness, creativity, political responsibility, bravery, intelligence, and qualities of "Uncle Ho's Soldiers" to perform well their functions of advising, directing, and managing production and business, making important contributions to the development of enterprises and the effectiveness in "labour and production front" of the entire Military. Military enterprises have managed to overcome difficulties and always taken the lead in combining economy with national defence, national defence with economy; actively restructured and transformed the operational models, proactively adapted, enhanced production and business in line with the country's socio-economic development strategy, the task of building the Military, consolidating national defence, making significant contribution to economic growth, and improving the living standards of the people. Besides taking part in socio-economic development, strengthening national defence and security at home, military enterprises have proactively researched and developed foreign markets and achieved positive results, contributing to promoting foreign affairs and international economic integration. Especially, some military enterprises have built and affirmed strong brands, becoming regional and world giants and important pillars of the country’s economy in the fields of information technology, telecommunications, logistics, etc.,. For their outstanding achievements, Military enterprises and entrepreneurs have been honoured and awarded noble titles and prizes by the Party, the State, ministries, branches, organisations, and domestic and international associations.

Sr. Lt. Gen. Vu Hai San works with Corporation No.28 (Photo:

In the time to come, the cause of industrialisation, modernisation and international integration will still be promoted by our country in the context of complex and unpredictable developments in the world and the region. Trade competition between major countries, armed conflicts, non-traditional security challenges,  market fluctuation coupled with disruptions in the global supply chains will negatively affect socio-economic development and the operations of enterprises, including those of the Military. Therefore, in order to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of production and economic development, building and promoting the role of Military entrepreneurs and enterprises to meet the requirements of the new period, it is necessary to carry out many drastic and synchronous solutions, focusing on the following ones.

Firstly, strengthening the leadership and direction of Party committees and commanders at all levels in building and developing Military entrepreneurs and enterprises. Military agencies, units and enterprises should thoroughly grasp Resolution No. 41-NQ/TW, dated 10 October 2023 of the Politburo (13th tenure) on building and promoting the role of Vietnamese entrepreneurs in the new period; Plan No. 2663-KH/QUTW, dated 28 February 2024 of the Central Military Commission on implementing Resolution No. 41-NQ/TW, and the viewpoints, goals, tasks and solutions identified by the Politburo and the Central Military Commission. On that basis, they should concretise and build their leadership policies, plans, and implementation solutions in accordance with assigned functions and tasks. At the same time, propaganda and education should be promoted to raise awareness of Party committees, Party organisations, commanders at all levels, cadres, Party members, and mass organisations about the position and role of businessmen in building and developing military enterprises and performing the function of "a labour army" in the new situation. As for the entrepreneurs, it is necessary to deeply understand their role, mission, honour and responsibility; actively cultivate, train, strictly comply with the Party's guidelines and policies, the State's policies and laws, and the Military discipline, strive to be worthy of being "soldier entrepreneurs", contributing to beautifying the qualities and fine tradition of "Uncle Ho's Soldiers".

Secondly, promoting restructuring, innovation and improving the operational efficiency of enterprises in conjunction with consolidating the contingent of Military entrepreneurs. Military units and enterprises should continue to thoroughly grasp and promote the implementation of resolutions, directives and projects of the Party, the Government, the Central Military Commission, and the Ministry of National Defence on restructuring, innovation and improving the efficiency of business and production, focusing on Conclusion No. 1815-KL/QUTW, dated 03 March 2023 of the Central Military Commission on continuing to implement Resolution No. 425-NQ/QUTW, dated 18 May 2017 "On the arrangement, innovation and improvement of the operational efficiency of Military enterprises by 2020 and beyond"; the Project of restructuring Military enterprises for the period of 2021 - 2025. In particular, it is necessary to link with the implementation of the Project on restructuring the Military according to Resolution No. 05-NQ/TW of the Politburo; Resolution No. 230-NQ/QUTW of the Central Military Commission and the Government's orientation for the development of state-owned enterprises, etc. The Ministry of National Defence will concentrate resources for consolidating and developing a number of corporations with appropriate scale, effective operation, and regional and international competitiveness.

Along with restructuring towards lean, compact, and strong direction with effective and efficient operations, Military enterprises should proactively develop and implement development strategies, production and business strategies in line with their operating models; innovate corporate governance, promote digital transformation, application of modern science and technology in production; actively integrate, expand markets, improve competitiveness, and make more contributions to socio-economic development and defence and security strengthening. As far as the leaders, managers and commanders of Military enterprises are concerned, it is necessary to promote the mettle and intelligence of revolutionary soldier businessmen and the spirit of innovation, creativity, boldness, responsibility, and continue to affirm the vanguard role on the "labour and production front".

Thirdly, implementing measures synchronously to develop a strong contingent of Military businessmen, meeting the requirements of building the Military and the cause of industrialisation and modernisation of the country in the new period. On the basis of the viewpoints, goals, tasks, and solutions identified in Resolution No. 41-NQ/TW and closely following the assigned functions and tasks, Military enterprises should proactively advise and propose measures to perfect and develop the contingent of business managers with required political qualities, moral standards, capability, and comprehensive qualifications, meeting the goal of building a "lean, compact, strong, and modern" Military and the industrialisation and modernisation cause of the country. Continue to thoroughly carry out employment, planning, training, fostering, arranging, using, managing, and training the managers, ensuring that they have good mindset, vision, qualifications, and high professional capacity, serving as a driving force and inspiration in Military enterprises. Strengthen training and fostering on new issues, such as: digital transformation, digital economy, modern business administration, new business trends; combining economy with national defence in the context of integration; knowledge of foreign economics, etc. In particular, attention should be paid to fostering and improving political qualities, morality, business culture, awareness of the rule of law, the responsibility for maintaining prestige, building the brand of Military enterprises, and the qualities of "Uncle Ho's Soldiers", in order to make the contingent of soldier businessmen truly "both red and expert". The functional bodies of the Ministry of National Defence should coordinate with units and enterprises in the entire Military to proactively advise on the development of programmes and plans to implement the Strategy for developing Military businessmen in accordance with the Government's orientation. At the same time, they should regularly adhere to reality, promptly grasp difficulties, arising problems and limitations related to Military businessmen and enterprises to propose appropriate policies and solutions to the Central Military Commission and the Ministry of National Defence.

Fourthly, promoting research to perfect mechanisms and policies, create a favourable, safe and equal business environment for Military entrepreneurs and enterprises. The functional bodies of the Ministry of National Defence should closely adhere to the guidelines and policies of the Party and the State, proactively advise and propose to the Central Military Commission and the Ministry of National Defence to supplement and perfect mechanisms and policies to create favourable conditions for Military entrepreneurs and enterprises to thrive and contribute. In particular, it is necessary to research and advise on building mechanisms and policies to develop large-scale Military enterprises as flagships in a number of key industries and fields to hold important positions in the global supply chain and value chain; policies to support enterprises in performing production combined with national defence tasks in strategic areas, border areas, on seas and islands; policies for supporting enterprises in digital transformation, implementing digital economic models, green economy, circular economy, sharing economy, etc., to support Military enterprises in their integration into the world economy and receive and apply advanced and modern technology in production and business. On the other hand, it is necessary to continue to research, advise, and propose to perfect mechanisms and policies to encourage and create conditions for Military businessmen to bring into full play their talents and intelligence, and effectively implement the spirit of "7 dares" under the direction of General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong and the Politburo's orientations for entrepreneurs. In addition, it is necessary to promote commendation work to honour notable entrepreneurs and enterprises with much contribution to the country’s economy and Military building; actively detect and resolutely counter the wrong views and distortions refuting the role of Military entrepreneurs and enterprises.

Finally, there is a need to consolidate and improve the organisation, innovate the content and methods, and improve the operational efficiency of the Military Business Association, in order to promote the role of this socio-political and professional organisation which represents the legitimate and legal rights and interests of military businessmen and enterprises, thereby practically developing a strong team of Military entrepreneurs and enterprises, meeting the requirements of the mission, deserving the trust of the Party, the State and the People, contributing to the successful implementation of the cause of national construction and defence in the new situation.

Senior Lieutenant General VU HAI SAN, Member of the Party Central Committee, Member of the Central Military Commission, Deputy Minister of National Defence

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