Friday, September 20, 2024, 14:06 (GMT+7)

Sunday, December 24, 2023, 21:32 (GMT+7)
Brigade 171 enhances political will and fighting morale for troops

Faced with the requirements and tasks of protecting sovereignty over seas and islands in the new situation, Brigade 171 focuses on enhancing the political bravery and morale of troops by means of many synchronous, practical, and effective solutions as a basis for improving its overall quality and combat power, contributing to firmly protecting the sovereignty of the sea, islands, and southern continental shelf of the Fatherland.

Brigade 171, under Naval Region 2, is responsible for training and combat readiness; patrolling, managing, and firmly protecting sovereignty and sovereign rights; participating in search and rescue, and prevention and control of disasters on the seas, islands, and southern continental shelf of the Fatherland, and other ad hoc tasks. In recent years, the situation in the East Sea has seen many complicated developments, risking instability and unpredictability; the Brigade has been assigned new and challenging tasks. Meanwhile, its units often operate independently, for long days at sea, in harsh climate and weather conditions,  facing complex, difficult and even life-threatening situations. Besides, most of its weapons, equipment, and ships have been used for many years, degraded, and fallen short of uniformity; the family conditions of officers and soldiers still face difficulties, etc. Correctly aware of the situation, its tasks and responsibilities, as well as the difficulties and challenges posed to political and ideological work, the Party Committee and Brigade commander focus on leading, directing, and deploying many breakthrough solutions, focusing on improving the political will and fighting morale for its soldiers, building politically strong units, serving as a foundation for improving its overall quality and combat power, successfully completing all assigned tasks.

To make it effective, the Brigade Party Committee directs its agencies and units to well carry out political education for subjects, focusing on successfully implementing the project "Innovating political education at the units in the new period", associated with the implementation of the project "Innovating oral propaganda and activities of rapporteur until 2025 and the following years”. In particular, emphasis is placed on briefing the soldiers about the requirements and tasks of protecting sovereignty over seas and islands; plots and acts of sabotage of hostile forces; the Party's consistent stance in resolving complex issues and disagreements in the East Sea by peaceful means on the basis of international law, the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea and the Declaration of conduct of parties in the East Sea (DOC), etc. At the same time, it attaches importance to compiling topics related to the functions and tasks of the Brigade, the tasks of anti-submarine ships. In order for officers and soldiers to remain firm and persistent, the Brigade seriously adheres to regulations on managing soldiers' ideology; grasps and directs public opinion within the unit; holds training to improve the skills of recognising and handling ideological situations that may arise for staff, resolutely not to be made passive or surprised in ideological situations; strengthens education for soldiers to clearly understand the position, role, responsibilities and tasks of the Anti-Submarine Ship Brigade in the task of protecting sea and island sovereignty; advantages and difficulties in training and combat readiness that each Naval officer and soldier must deal and overcome. Doing this helps nurture their right attitude and motivation, their will to overcome difficulties, thereby, they will not be afraid of sacrifice or hardship, and be ready to fight when situations arise. Thanks to these measures, 100% of its officers and soldiers have strong political stance and courage; clearly realise that the seas and islands are part of the territory of the Fatherland, sovereignty over the sea and islands is sacred and inviolable. At the same time, they are deeply aware of the adversaries and partners, heighten vigilance, properly implement the motto and policies to handle situations according to the direction of the Region and the Army of resolute, persistent, clever; do not provoke or be provoked; actively prevent foreign encroachments, and do not let conflicts occur, in order to maintain peace, stability, security and safety in the country’s Southern seas and islands.

It has been shown that, in difficult, arduous, and sacrificial circumstances, officers and soldiers of the Brigade, especially those performing tasks on combat ships, always uphold their will and determination to remain firm at the high sea to successfully complete the assigned tasks, enhancing the noble traditions of the Heroic Navy. Promoting that tradition, the Brigade continues to nurture the soldiers' fighting morale through practical training and through task performance at sea and on islands. In training tasks, the Brigade well implements the motto "Basic - Practical - Solid", focusing on "Basic, mastery, in-depth training in exploiting and using weapons, technical equipment and implementing safety rules and improving the quality of training for officers"; "All-crew combat practice", taking the task of protecting the sovereignty of the sea, islands, and continental shelf of the Fatherland and building a "revolutionary, regular, elite, and modern" Brigade as the training goals. In personnel training, it focuses on new issues, weak areas related to their responsibilities and tasks, especially the organisation and method of conducting technical and tactical training. During the implementation process, it increases practice time and hand-on experience; combines training with patrolling, managing and protecting the seas under its control. Through practice, there have appeared many groups and individuals who show no hesitation to complicated, stressful and dangerous situations, handle things flexibly, persistently hold the position, resolutely fight and ready to sacrifice to protect the sacred sovereignty of the sea and islands of the Fatherland. Their actions are truly inspiring and become the role models, contributing practically to building other soldiers' fighting morale.

Along with that, the Brigade focuses on improving the all-round leadership capacity, fighting power of party organisations and the quality of cadres and party members; promotes the Determination to Win Emulation movement; attaches importance to improving the living standards of officers and soldiers. This is considered an important content to create a favourable environment to foster the soldiers' personalities and fighting morale. To make it effective, the Brigade seriously implements Resolution 4 of the Party Central Committee (13th tenure) on Party building and rectification; resolutely fights against manifestations of deterioration in political ideology, morality, lifestyle, "self-evolution" and "self-transformation". At the same time, it actively innovates and improves the quality of party activities, especially those at the party cells; attaches importance to the capacity to build, grasp and implement the resolutions. Furthermore, it requests party committees and party organisations at all levels to promote education, management, and training of cadres and party members in morality and lifestyle, while upholding the pioneering and exemplary role of the presiding officers; strengthens inspection and supervision; attaches importance to inspecting party organisations and party members when they show signs of violation; strictly punishes violations of Party discipline right from the grassroots. As a result, every year, 100% of its party organisations complete their tasks well, in which 28% or above complete their tasks excellently; 100% of party members complete their tasks, in which 83% and above complete their tasks well and excellently. Moreover, the Brigade aims emulation movements at carrying out the unit's central political tasks. The emulation movements of "Solidarity, exemplary, disciplined, creative, safe, determined to win", "Excellent training, safety, mastery, regularity, modernity",... have been effectively carried out, motivating and encouraging its officers and soldiers to strive to overcome difficulties and successfully fulfil their responsibilities and assigned tasks. What’s more, it takes attentive care about the material and spiritual life of the soldiers and their  families, especially those conducting duties on combat ships, on holidays, Tet, etc. At the same time, the promotion of rank, salary, position, and commendation work are carried out in a democratic, transparent, and righteous manner, thereby encouraging its officers and soldiers to dedicate and commit to their work and their units.

Promoting the results achieved, the Brigade decides to continue to innovate, constantly improve the effectiveness of building political will and fighting morale for its troops, as a basis for improving its overall quality, fighting strength, making its troops ready to accept and successfully complete the task of protecting the sovereignty of the sea, islands, and Southern continental shelf of the country.

Colonel PHAM NGOC QUY, Political Commissar of the Brigade 


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