Friday, September 20, 2024, 18:57 (GMT+7)

Tuesday, July 18, 2023, 19:44 (GMT+7)
Brigade 167 focuses on building all strong "exemplary and typical"

As the core force in protecting the homeland's sovereignty over sacred sea and islands, over the years, the 167th Naval Brigade has constantly improved its overall quality and combat strength. In particular, building an all strong "exemplary and typical" unit is led and directed by the Party Committee and commandants of the Brigade with many synchronous and effective solutions.

As required by the task of Fatherland protection in the new situation, on 12/7/2013, the 167th Brigade under the 2nd Region of the Navy, was founded and tasked with training, maintaining combat readiness, patrolling and firmly protecting the sovereignty of the seas, islands and continental shelf under its responsibility. Inheriting the glorious history and tradition of the surface ships of the Vietnam People's Navy in the previous national liberation war, as well as in today cause of national construction and defence, during 10 years of development and growth, officers and soldiers of the Brigade have always shown their unity, unanimity and brought into full play their self-sufficiency, self-reliance, overcome difficulties and hardships, and strived to successfully complete all assigned tasks. For many years in a row, the Brigade’s Party Committee has been rated clean, strong and typical, and the Brigade has been  rated as an all strong, "exemplary and typical" unit. It has been awarded the Emulation Flag by the Ministry of National Defence by the Navy and other noble awards.

Commander of the Brigade briefs the training order for 2023

Currently, the requirements and tasks of the Brigade have become increasingly demanding, urgent, and more difficult. Changes have been made in its structure and the Brigade is managing and training several modern weapons and equipment. Meanwhile, the level of awareness and experience in combat training and operations at sea of its officers and soldiers is unequal. Hostile forces continue to foster their sabotage against our Party, State and Army. The seas under its responsibility continue to see complications with potentially unpredictable risks and unusual weather conditions, etc. This has a significant impact on the morale, and living conditions of its officers and soldiers. To overcome those challenges, the Party Committee and commanders of the Brigade continue to implement synchronously and drastically solutions to lead and direct comprehensively in all aspects of work, focusing on building an all strong, "exemplary and typical" unit, successfully accomplishing all tasks.

First, building the Brigade politically strong. The Party Committee and commanders of the Brigade actively research and thoroughly grasp the resolutions and directives of the Party, the Central Military Commission, the Ministry of National Defence, and the directives and orders of their superiors in order to tailor them into resolutions and implementation plans suitable with each agency and unit; enhance education for cadres and soldiers to raise awareness, political steadfastness and ideology, making them steadfast in fighting ideals; firmly grasp the objects of combat, plots and tricks of hostile forces; uphold their vigilance, determination and willingness to accept and fulfill the task of protecting the sovereignty of the sea and islands. In order to make it effective, the Brigade sticks to its key tasks and makes party and political activities a routine; builds its political agency and cadres with comprehensive capacity, enthusiasm and high responsibility. Continue to promote the learning and following of Ho Chi Minh's thought, morality and style, the Determined to win Emulation movement associated with the implementation of the Resolution of the 4th Plenum of the Party Central Committee (13th tenure) on building and rectifying the Party and the political system. At the same time, it coordinates well in the work of mass mobilisation, propaganda on the sea and islands, and effectively implements the drives of the Navy, policy work, "Gratitude return" activities, and strictly adheres to the Regulations on Grassroots Democracy.

Second, improving the level and ability of combat readiness in all situations. The brigade focuses on grasping the situation, tasks, directions, goals, viewpoints, mottos and guiding principles in performing the task of protecting the sovereignty of sea and islands and settling disputes at sea; develops effective countermeasures to handle situations within their authority; maintains order and strengthens the practice of scenarios to improve the level of combat readiness; regularly reviews and supplements the operational plan in accordance with the task situation and structural organisation. At the same time, it closely coordinates and cooperates with the local Party committees, authorities and forces stationed in the area to monitor and grasp the all-round situation, and promptly reports and proposes solutions to solve arising problems at sea, thereby contributing to firmly safeguarding the sovereignty, maintaining security, order and a peaceful and stable environment at sea; ready to perform the tasks of disaster prevention and relief, search and rescue when deployed, and promptly support fishermen at sea.

Weaponry training at the Brigade

Third, improving the quality of training associated with regularity building to meet the requirements and tasks. Deeply grasping the resolutions of the Party Committees at all levels on "Improving the quality of training in the 2023 – 2030 period and beyond", the Brigade determines to focus on innovating the method and improving the quality of training in the direction of "Basic, practical, solid"; closely combine military training with political education, combat training with safety work; link combat training with physical training and troop’s resistance to harsh weather conditions at sea; attach importance to synchronous, intensive and regular training in training courses. The brigade continues to direct agencies and units to develop the implementation plan for the breakthrough of "Improving the quality of weaponry training" with specific, relevant and highly feasible criteria; actively inspect and evaluate the actual training of the branches and ships according to their operations at sea.

Along with that, the Brigade actively enhances the work of regularity building and discipline training; innovates working methods and styles towards regular, scientific, effective manner. It focuses on enhancing the coordination between agencies and improve the administrative work; builds a regular, safe and effective unit. At the same time, it actively implements the above guiding documents on structural adjustments in a serious manner; ready to receive and transfer weapons, equipment and vehicles to newly established units; deploys balance, appropriate and capable forces for its fleet, especially the warships, to make them capable of completing all assigned tasks.

Fourth, ensuring good logistics and technical supplies for task. As required by its specific tasks, the Brigade continues to thoroughly grasp and effectively implement the resolutions, directives and instructions of higher echelons on logistics and financial work. In particular, it focuses on improving the ability to supply logistics for regular and unscheduled tasks, with priority given to ships operating at sea. Its agencies and units focus on raising the awareness and responsibility of soldiers in the use and management of provided facilities together with imposing appropriate sanctions on irresponsible bahaviours. Thoroughly grasp and strictly adhere to the financial regulations according to the Budget Law; strictly manage revenue and expenditures to prevent embezzlement, loss and waste. Continue to promote the implementation of the emulation movement of "Army Logistics Branch follows Uncle Ho's teachings" extensively throughout the Unit.

Along with logistics supply, the Brigade continues to strictly implement the above resolutions and orders on technical work in the new situation, focusing on technical assurance in the direction of "substantive, solid, safe", especially the adequate, timely and synchronous supply of ships, vehicles, weapons, and technical equipment for the units. Continue to implement effectively 02 breakthrough stages, namely: accelerating the implementation of the goals of the 50th Campaign in the 2020 – 2025 period; and building technical regularity and mastering weapons, and making the Technical Branch formal and modern. Continue to improve the technical working institutions of the units. Improve the quality of weekly, monthly, and quarterly technical days at all levels. At the same time, it widely applies information technology to the management, administration and assurance of technical work, contributing to improving the overall quality and combat strength of the Brigade, meeting the requirements and tasks in the new situation.

Colonel PHAM TIEN DUNG, Brigade Commander

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