Friday, September 20, 2024, 08:43 (GMT+7)

Sunday, April 30, 2023, 10:14 (GMT+7)
Brigade 132 ensures the stable, thorough, solid and safe communication

70 years of bravery to achieve feats and well accomplish the missions

On May 1st, 1953, Signal Company 105 – the predecessor of Signal Brigade 132 was established, making the new development in building and exploiting the military long-distance dialing system by the Signal Soldiers, who directly assured the communication for the resistance war against French invaders entering the decisive period. Since its establishment, despite the rudimentary equipment and insufficient staff, with high morale, the Company has become one of the main forces to build the wire communication network and assure the wire communication from the Northernmost Vietnam base to the Northwest, from Thai Nguyen to other battlefields, etc., supporting the Central Party Committee, Uncle Ho, Central Military Commission and the General Command in their leadership and direction to gain victory in all battlefields and campaigns, gloriously ending the protracted resistance war against French colonialism carried out by our people.

In the resistance war against America saving our country, to meet the mission requirements, the Company was upgraded to Regiment and assigned the missions of consolidating the whole wire route in the North, ensuring the thorough communication for the Central Military Commission, Defence Ministry to lead and direct the whole army to defeat the war against America in the North, and deploying forces for deep and long stay in the battlefields to build the “Unity” wire route across Truong Son connecting Hanoi and the Southern field. With the spirit of “considering wires as intestines, and poles as bones”, “not resting until the communication lines are thorough”, “all for the route against America”, all of its cadres and soldiers have overcome difficulties, built the communication facilities for the war; directly participated in assuring the communication for large campaigns and contributed greatly to the historical victory of the resistance war against America for national salvation.

Entering the period of building and safeguarding the Homeland, the Brigade has focused on improving the quality of training and combat readiness, building overall strength, well accomplishing all assigned tasks especially the tasks of managing, exploiting and managing the strategic-level military communication system in the areas of the Southern Central part and the Central Highlands (except for Lam Dong) and the Spratly Islands.

Over 70 years of construction, combat and growth, generations of cadres and soldiers of the Brigade have frequently proved their good characteristics and the Army’s glorious traditions; been unified, brave and resilient in combats; been active, creative, self-reliant to overcome difficulties and well accomplish all assigned missions; contributed an important part to the cause of the national liberation, building and safeguarding our Homeland. With such achievements, the Brigade and 2 of its collectives have been awarded with the Title of Hero of the People’s Armed Forces and other noble awards.

Making the “Highland wave” stable, thorough, solid and safe

In order to meet the high demands with many challenges for the missions of training, combat readiness and management of the stable, thorough, solid and safe strategic-level military communication system in the area, the Brigade’s Party Committee and Command have focused on leading and directing the all-round and synchronous implementation of many policies and solutions in all working fields. Among them, focus is placed on building the Brigade strong in politics, making the basis for the improvement of the Brigade’s overall quality with many practical and effective contents and solutions. The Brigade has attentively directed the renovation of contents, forms and methods for educating the politics and thought, building the political spirit, reinforcing the belief, improving the awareness and responsibility for cadres and soldiers in their mission accomplishment. The educational contents have focused on making cadres and soldiers fully understand the Marxism-Leninism, Ho Chi Minh’s thought, the Party’s policies and viewpoints, the State’s laws, the Army’s disciplines and the Brigade’s traditions and political missions; and concretised the directions, resolutions and regulations from the seniors to be practical to each participants. The educational forms and methods, thought orientation need to be flexibly applied into the tasks, cadres and soldiers in terms of their needs, psychology and ages. With its features of operating in separate places with many units doing their tasks outside, the Brigade has focused on promoting the democracy at grass-root level connected with strengthening the discipline and regulations, well solving soldiers’ thought problems; effectively promoting the television meetings, the Arm’s web portal, the Brigade’s website, and other cultural institutions in the education and thought orientation in order to timely encourage cadres and soldiers to overcome difficulties to successfully accomplish all assigned missions.

Leader of the General Staff checks the mobile signal team

On grasping and implementing the “Campaign on developing the military communication system in the period of 2021 – 2030, with a vision to 2045”, the Regulation on “managing, operating and exploiting the military communication system”, etc. the Brigade has focused on improving the quality of the management, operation and exploitation of the communication system, assuring the thorough and solid communication on all situations. Basing on the close grasp of each directly-belonging office and unit, the Brigade has actively advised the Signal Corps on its planning and building the communication system in the area; closely coordinated with units within and outside the Army to widen the connections, enhance the exchanges and use the infrastructure to make the diversion posture or as the backup to strengthen the military communication system. Simultaneously, the Brigade has actively given further training and support for the units in their capability of communication assurance; enhanced the checking, supervision and safety protection over the cable systems, actively detected, prevented and timely solved all problems, assured the security and safety of the military communication system and avoided all the information leaks.

In order to meet the mission requirements, the Brigade has frequently made renovations and breakthroughs in improving the training quality. On seriously grasping and implementing the resolutions by the seniors on training, the Brigade’ Party Committee and Command have paid much attention to leading, directing and organising closely the training due to the “basic – practical - solid” motto; renovated the training management and operation towards the “intense, unified, synchronous, effective and non-overlapping” way, closely combined the basic and professional training, theories and practices considering practices as the core, training and exercise to improve soldiers’ physical health. With the requirements of “Being excellent in traditional communication – Being highly skilled in mobile communication – Mastering the hi-tech communication”, the Brigade has focused on drastic and all-round renovation of the training contents, organisation and methods, making them suitable with the features, mission requirements and equipment and practical to the combat reality. Also, the Brigade has given focuses on mastering the new and smart facilities, ways of assuring communication in all terrains; training the mobile signal forces to do independent tasks and the ones far from their units. The training and corporate training of the mobile communication in the area, the participation in military exercises, contests and competitions at all levels have received much concern, leadership and directions from the Brigade. In all stages and steps of the training and evaluation process, the Brigade has promoted the reality, practicing the motto of “real training, real studying and real evaluation”. Accordingly, the Brigade has frequently finished 100% training time and contents with the results of all training sections of at least passing grades, 80% of which being rated as good and excellent; the cadres and soldiers’ professional skills have been dramatically improved and the Brigade has gained the title of “Excellent training unit” for many years.

Together, the Brigade has frequently maintained the orders and disciplines to build the regularity, making the stable changes on complying with the State’s law, the Army’s discipline and assuring the safety. Accordingly, all-level party committee and commands have enhanced the education to build the motivation, morale and self-consciousness for cadres and soldiers in their grasping and implementing the orders, regulations and rules. They have also brought into play the roles of organisations, the modelling role of party members, youth union members in building the regularity and observing the discipline. Beside the strict maintenance of orders, discipline and working rules, the Brigade has directed other units to apply many effective solutions to manage the soldiers, asked the commanders to manage the discipline completely, at any time and in anywhere; set good examples by the seniors to the juniors, offices to units, cadres and party members to the people, old soldiers to new ones both in their words and actions; the detachment-level cadres to well carry out the “4-togethers” with soldiers so that they can well manage the discipline and timely solve the soldiers’ thinking problems.

Bringing into play the 70-year traditions of construction, combat and growth, cadres and soldiers of the Signal Brigade 132 continue to learn, practice, manage to gain many new achievements and be determined to steadily hold the “blood vessel” of the strategic-level military communication in the Southern Central part and the Central Highlands, so that the “Highland wave” can fly high and far, contributing to the firm construction and protection of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam in the new situation.

Senior Colonel NGUYEN DAT PHIEN, Commissar of the Brigade

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