Friday, September 20, 2024, 12:33 (GMT+7)

Saturday, July 09, 2016, 09:59 (GMT+7)
Border Guard of An Giang province stepping up mass mobilization

Fully aware of political responsibility, functions and assigned tasks, the Party Committee and the Command of An Giang Border Guard have proactively carried out all aspects of border guard work, particularly mass mobilization, to bring into play combined strength in managing and firmly protecting national sovereignty, maintaining political security, social order and safety in border areas, creating peaceful and friendship environment, accelerating social and economic development and integration into the world.

First and foremost, the Party Committee and the Command of the Provincial Border Guard have focused on leading and managing organs and units to educate, thoroughly grasp, and seriously effectively implement the Party’s guideline and policy, the State’s law and resolutions, directives, and plans of the higher level on mass mobilization. Focuses are the Resolution 25-NQ/TW of the Party Central Committee (11th tenure), the Resolution 49-NQ/QUTW of the Central Military Commission on “Strengthening and innovating the Army’s mass mobilization in the new situation”, the Directive 01/CT-TTg of the Prime Minister on organizing the movement “All people join in protection of territorial sovereignty and national border security in the new situation”, Guidance 690/HD-DV of the Department of Mass Mobilization on “Mass mobilization and special propaganda in warfare to protect Vietnam’s Homeland”. That could make cadres, soldiers, particularly key cadres and teams in charge of mass mobilization grasp guidelines and core contents of the above mentioned documents. By clarifying the role, position and responsibility of Border Guard forces, the special features of their in charged areas as well as difficulties of mass mobilization, cadres and soldiers would heighten a sense of determination and self-reliance to overcome hardships and difficulties in task performance.

During the implementation, the Party Committee and the Command of the Provincial Border Guard have frequently attached great importance to building, educating and cultivating mass mobilization cadres and soldiers in terms of political quality, morality, capabilities and style of mass mobilization. Annually, in charged cadres and soldiers are trained with their specialized and necessary knowledge, such as foreign languages, border guard external affairs, and new points in treaties, agreements, and regulations on border. To create favourable conditions for cadres and soldiers to successfully fulfil all assigned tasks, Provincial Border Guard have effectively carried out projects, such as “Comradeship houses”, “Home for soldiers in border area”, “Infertility fund”, fund for soldiers having fatal diseases, and attached great importance to policy on cadres and Army rear, particularly those who work in remote and isolated areas.

To satisfy the high requirements set by tasks and reality, the Party Committee and the Command of the Provincial Border Guard continue to innovate and diversify contents and forms of mass mobilization. While conducting the task, cadres and soldiers have always upheld the studying and following of Uncle Ho’s moral example, particularly his thought, morality and manner in mass mobilization. Mass mobilization cadres and soldiers all acknowledge that they should really respect, understand, follow and be responsible to the people, unceasingly improve their practical skills and apply them into appropriate circumstances. Besides, it is important to flexibly use and promote forms of communication through the media and cultural, artistic, and sport activities. To respond to natural disasters’ consequences, the Provincial Border Guard have worked with the Vietnam Fatherland Front Committees at levels to build 265 “Great Solidarity Houses”, 385 “Homes for the poor in border area” and 4 civilian – military clinics, and to provide dozens of thousands of people in the area with free medicine. Those activities have created faith among the people in the Party, the State and the Army, made contributions to strengthening the national great solidarity,  the people – military solidarity, and building strong “people’s heart and mind” posture in border areas.

Also, the Party Committee and the Command of the Provincial Border Guard have help localities build, consolidate strong local political system and facilitate social, economic development in line with the campaign “All people involve in protecting national sovereignty and border security. In conformity with the Regulation 814 of the Provincial Executive Party Committee, from 2010 to 2015, the Party Committee of the Provincial Border Guard has sent 73 party members at border posts to party cells at hamlets of border communes. There have been 185 new party members, many of whom are ethnic people. Up to now, system of party organizations and authorities in border communes has increased in both number and quality. The efficiency of leadership and management of local party committees and authorities has been changed positively.

Bringing into play achievements, in the time to come, the Party Committee and the Command of the Provincial Border Guard will continue to thoroughly grasp and realize the Resolution of the 12th National Party Congress, resolutions of party congresses at levels, disseminate results of the election of deputies to the 14th National Assembly and the People’s Councils at levels for 2016-2021, enhance the efficiency of mass mobilization, and build strong “people’s heart and mind” posture in the area to make contributions to the cause of protecting national sovereignty and border security in any situations.

Sr. Colonel Pham Van Phong

Commissar of the Provincial Border Guard


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