Friday, September 20, 2024, 17:25 (GMT+7)

Monday, December 19, 2022, 09:42 (GMT+7)
Artillery Brigade 675 improves the quality of regularity building and discipline management

Artillery Brigade 765 (directly under the Artillery Corp), which is the strategic field-artillery unit of the Ministry of National Defence, is assigned the central political missions of training, being ready to combat and doing other irregular tasks. Due to the requirements and missions of building the Army and safeguarding the Homeland, the Brigade has recently changed its organisation and staff; located dispersedly, lacked experience of managing, commanding and training soldiers, held several positions… while the requirements of missions have been set highly. Accordingly, the Brigade’s Party Committee and Command have focused their leadership and direction on comprehensively adopting synchronous and drastic measures to well accomplish all assigned tasks; in which regularity building and discipline management are considered the core, the foundation for the improvement of the unit’s general combat strength.

First of all, strengthening the leadership and direction of all-level party committees and commands on the regularity building, discipline observance and management has been attentively noticed and strictly implemented by the Brigade in each agency and unit. Grasping and implementing the Direction No. 103/CT-BQP, signed on 28/11/2019 by the Ministry of National Defence on continuing to improve the management and education in discipline and law observance and safety insurance in the Vietnam People's Army together with other resolutions and directions by the Party Committee and High Command of the Corps on leading this key task, the Brigade’s Party Committee built and issued Plan No. 324-KH/ĐU on 28/4/2020 on the completion of “regularity building, discipline and law observance”. At the same time, the Brigade has directed agencies, units to concretise the contents and targets into the regularly leading resolutions and build plans to carry out; paid attention to the close management of the soldiers’ political thought and social relationships. In order to improve the quality and effectiveness, the Brigade Party Committee and Command have wisely taken as examples agencies and units which tend to be in danger of violating the disciplines, laws or losing the safety; and appointed experienced party members to directly monitor, inspect and help. They have also directed agencies and units to ask 100% cadres and soldiers to register their schedules with practical contents, periodically made inspection and experience to correct the mistakes if available, etc. By doing so, they have proven the roles of committee members, party organisations, all-level commanders, creating the firm changes in regularity building and discipline management assuring the improvement in units’ organisation and combat capability.

Practically, there were once changes in organisation, personnel or tasks, especially the units’ locations, etc. This has left great impacts on the thought and emotions of cadres and soldiers, especially the ones with difficult living conditions, affecting the quality of regularity building, discipline observance and management, and also the unit’s task completion. Bearing that in mind, since 2020, on implementing the decision by the Ministry of National Defence on strengthening the Brigade’s organisation providing enough equipment for a full unit (in peace time) and maneuvering into new location, the Brigade has organised many political sessions; also enhanced the thought management together with raised the education and propaganda of improving cadres’ and soldiers’ awareness and responsibility for this important mission. Closely following the guidelines from the Party Committee and High Command of the Corps, together with grasping and disseminating soldiers on the Party’s viewpoints, national defence and military guidelines; the Army’s regulations, and the rules on combat readiness for the Artillery soldiers, the Brigade has focused on improving the education quality of politics, thought, information, the propaganda of the seniors’ and unit’s directions and guidelines on regularity building and discipline management. The Brigade has also improved the education of laws, the organisation of the “Law Study Day”; effectively kept and multiplied the models such as “one law-related question on a daily basis”,  “one rule, one safety regulation and one article of law on a weekly basis”, “the law education club”, etc. in order to create the agreement on understanding, build the self-awareness and law observance for cadres and soldiers. In order to achieve high effectiveness, on the way of carrying out, the Brigade has actively arranged into specific groups; and directed agencies and units to diversify the measures such as doing the surveys, mailboxes, democracy dialogues, or the political and cultural day; encouraged the roles of “teams of 3 people”, “team of psychological, health and legal consultants”, “soldiers of protection and public relations” together with the Union of Youth, Union of Women and the Military Council to grasp and manage soldiers’ thought.

Besides, the Brigade has combined the contents on regularity building, discipline management and safety assurance with the promotion of carrying out the emulation movements, campaigns, especially the implementation of Conclusion No. 01-KL/TW, dated 18/5/2021 by the Politburo on continuing to implement Direction No. 05-CT/TW on “Promoting the study and follow of Ho Chi Minh’s thought, morality and style” connected to the Campaign of “Promoting tradition, devoting talent, deserving to be Uncle Ho’s Soldiers” in the new era, etc., which has spread widely and directed the actions by organisations and individuals to the implementation of regularity building, discipline practice. The Brigade has closely cooperated with the local party committee and governments in the area to inform the issues of political security, social safety and order, grasp the soldiers’ relationships, prevent the social evils intruding the unit. The Brigade has directed the Youth Union to contract with the local Youth Union to carry out the Plan 1371 on bringing into play the youth’s roles in the missions of legal education, mobilising people to comply with the laws in the period of 2021 – 2027. Up to now, 100% cadres and soldiers have raised their full awareness, actively self-improved and taken part in building the regularity, obeying the rules and laws and building an “exemplarily, typically” comprehensively strong unit. Especially, the forces which were newly located have always kept their mind on their work, readily overcome difficulties to successfully complete all assigned tasks.

Simultaneously, the Brigade has paid attention to bringing into play the agencies’ and all-level leaders’ roles and responsibility for counselling, directing, guiding and implementing. Closely following the Brigade’s directions, agencies have actively grasped the features of each unit; often updated the directions, resolutions, regulations, guidelines and new contents on regularity building, discipline and law observance from the seniors, considering them as the foundation to research and counsel the Brigade to build, modify and complement the regulations and guidelines, making sure they are comprehensive and close to the requirements of all tasks. At the same time, the brigade has guided other units to enhance the innovation in the military administration, construct the working rules, maintain and strictly implement the regular orders, discipline practice and management, making the unanimity and unity in the whole unit. Leaders at all levels have strictly followed the agencies, inspected the regulation observance of on-duty and watch missions, the daily and weekly regulations, especially the ones on weekends, national holidays and Tet. In order to achieve high effectiveness, the Brigade has required the all-level party committees and commands to well implement the assignments of committee’s members and officers in charge in each task and unit; enhanced the leading and exemplary roles by cadres, party members, especially the ones in leading positions; implemented the motto “offices being exemplary before units”, “seniors being exemplary before juniors”, “party members being exemplary before the masses”, “the whole Brigade follow the military regulations in speaking and doing”, etc. the Brigade has also improved the professional skills for cadres, especially the ones in companies, platoons, firmly prevented the militarism and administrative orders. In 2020, the Brigade opened 02 training courses for over 36 cadres on the procedures of the Regulations of managing soldiers’ thought; grasped and oriented the public opinion in Vietnam People’s Army according to Decision No. 775/QĐ-CT, dated on 12/5/2022 by the General Political Department, contributing to the improvement of skills and knowledge for all-level cadres to meet the demands for new missions.

In order to make suitable conditions for the regularity building and discipline management, the Brigade has enhanced the construction of the regular, green and beautiful barrack, improved its soldiers’ material and spiritual life. Being invested in building the barrack in a new location, and based on the specified project, the Brigade has founded the Steering Committee for construction, assigned tasks for each member to monitor and follow the models, assuring the “unity and synchronisation”; used the unit’s budget to make the system of signs, boards, shelves and wires. They have also cooperated with the local governments in planting landmarks and building the walls surrounding the unit to manage the land for national defence and security purposes, making conditions for the soldiers’ management. The Brigade has well carried out the environment protection; maintained the cleaning cycle on the daily and weekly basis. So far, the whole barrack has been erupted reasonably and regularly with clear classification of specific locations, together with the systems of training grounds, sports facilities, yards and gardens and tree parks, which are appropriate with the requirements, tasks and location, making the scenery regular, green, clean and beautiful. Accompanying with building the environment, the Brigade has directed agencies and units to organise activities of culture, singing, birthdays, sports, etc. on weekends, off days, holidays and Tet; combined many measures in order to improve cadres’ and soldiers’ material and spiritual life. Also, they have checked and classified soldiers, taken care of families in difficulty to timely encourage and support so that they feel secure and strongly attach to the unit.

With practical measures, since 2017, the Brigade have seen no cases of serious violation of rules, the common violations have been kept under 0.2%; the Brigade’s party committee has been pure and strong, and one of the leading units in the Determined-to-win Emulation Movement launched by the Corps. This is an important result for the Brigade to continue striving and enhancing the quality of regularity building, discipline management, creating the firmly fundamental foundation in order to improve the general quality, combat ability to meet the requirements of tasks in the new situation.

Senior Colonel QUACH NGOC VAN, Brigadier

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