Army Corps 3 implements Directive No. 05 by the Politburo (12th tenure)
In order to uphold Central Highlands Corps soldiers - Uncle Ho’s soldiers’ dignity and traditions, and build a pure and strong Party Committee and a “revolutionary, regular, elite, and gradually modernized” Corps, the Army Corps 3 Party Committee (ACPC) and Command consider the acceleration of studying and following Uncle Ho’s thought, morality, and lifestyle to be a fundamental solution to and a prerequisite for enhanced leadership capability of party committees and organizations as well as the increased quality of a contingent of cadres and party members.
For the sake of uniformity, the ACPC formulated and issued Plan No. 304-KH/ĐU, dated 04-6-2016 on accelerating the study and following of Uncle Ho’s thought, morality, and lifestyle in association with action programmes and plans for executing resolutions of all-level party congresses (for the 2015 - 2020 tenure). Grounded in those documents, party committees at diverse levels have worked out their own plans and solutions in line with their units’ particularities with an emphasis on properly implementing political tasks and making a crucial breakthrough in remedying shortcomings. The ACPC demands that Directive No. 05 be implemented in a strict and uniform manner; urges cadres and party members, especially key ones to uphold their pioneering and exemplary responsibility to fight manifestations of ideological, political, moral and lifestyle degeneracy and “self-evolution” and “self-transformation” from within, thereby giving added widespread impetus to emulation movements in offices and units within the Army Corps.
Maj. Gen. Bui Huy Biet inspecting the preparation work for the 2018
Logistics Exercise |
The ACPC has directed its affiliates to roll out a session of political meetings pertaining to the execution of Directive No. 05, rendering every cadre and party member and the masses aware that the effective implementation of Directive No. 05 would facilitate the Army Corps’s synergy in fostering combat strength and training quality. Party committees and commandants at all levels adhere to their units’ specific function, missions, and peculiarities to draw up corresponding education and propagation forms, contents, and methods, thereby internalizing the “study” and “following” of Uncle Ho’s thought, morality and lifestyle amongst every organization and individual. In addition, synergies amongst organizations and forces have been strengthened whilst forms of disseminating Uncle Ho’s thought, morality, and lifestyle and the content of deserving “Uncle Ho’s soldiers” as well as the Party, the Military, the Army Corps, and units’ traditions have been diversified by means of a system of cultural institutions, thereby making cadres, party members, and the masses fully aware of the Directive and thus “following” Uncle Ho’s working style and developing a sense of “self-improvement” and cultivating revolutionary soldiers’ political willpower and moral dignity and lifestyle.
For the sake of high effectiveness, the ACPC has laid out criteria for common moral dignities in line with every organization and individual’s function and missions while instructing party committees and organizations at various levels to stick to the motto “higher echelons set an example to lower ones”; putting store by the “following” via daily and routine good acts; and combining “building” with “fighting”. Grounded in the set criteria, offices and units single out practical issues for the content of “studying” and “following” through succinct and easy-to-remember criteria. Simultaneously, a contingent of key cadres at various levels need to uphold their example-setting responsibility towards the “study” and “following” and set a veritable example to cadres, party members, and the masses. Great emphasis should be placed on stringently observing discipline and properly carrying out “one focus and three breakthroughs”(1) and “three substantives”(2) and “three exemplary”(3) whilst upholding exemplary conduct in political and moral dignities and lifestyle; matching words with deeds; and tightly grasping soldiers’ sentiment and aspirations.
Young officers and typical examples exchange program by the Division 320 |
Annually, every cadre and party member draw up their emulation plans with constructive comments given by their party cells (key cadres alone formulate their own action programmes). Party committees and cells conduct the work of inspection and supervision over party members’ record on registered contents; take mission performance as a yardstick for the work of emulation and commendation and personnel appraisal and appointment, thereby creating a complete transformation in developing a sense of self-improvement, upholding moral and lifestyle standards and fulfilling duties and missions in conformity with Uncle Ho’s thought, morality and lifestyle amongst a contingent of cadres and party members, especially a pool of key ones.
In the process, the ACPC has paid special attention to closely combining the implementation of Directive No. 05 with that of Resolution of the 4th Plenum of the Party Central Committee (12th tenure) on Party building and rectification; concentrated on building pure and strong party organizations and ceaselessly enhanced the Party’s leadership capability and combativeness; actively reformed the procedures for drafting and executing resolutions in line with Uncle Ho’s style. Units’ programmes and plans for carrying out Directive No. 05 and Resolution of the 4th Plenum of the Party Central Committee (12th tenure) are included in party committees and organizations’ leadership resolutions of which breakthrough solutions to the quality of aspects of political and party work are highlighted. The ACPC demands that party organizations at all levels strictly implement the principle of democratic centralism and collective leadership and individual accountability, and uphold self-criticism and criticism in leading and executing resolutions whilst well carrying out the work of managing party members in political, ideological, social, moral, and lifestyle terms; combining party committees and cells’ management work with every party member’s self-cultivation; resolutely combatting manifestations of ideological, political, moral and lifestyle degradation and “self-evolution” and “self-transformation” from within. On a monthly basis, party committees routinely and effectively evaluate the outcome of implementing Directive No. 05 by cadres and party members in association with their assigned duties and missions. The work of inspection will allow party committees to clearly point out outcomes, shortcomings, and attendant reasons and solutions, etc. The implementation of Directive No. 05 in party committees and organizations within the ACPC owes its increased effectiveness to strict and timely leadership and directions.
Helping the people with new rural development |
Simultaneously, the ACPC has directed its affiliates to combine the implementation of the Directive with that of the Campaign “Promoting traditions, devoting talents, and deserving to be Uncle Ho’s soldiers”, Determined to win emulation movement “Solidarity, discipline, creativity, safety, and determination to win” and so forth; to further the implementation of “five requirements”(4) and “three stops”(5) in political education into practice, contributing to enhancing the quality of the work of building politically, ideologically, organizationally, and morally strong offices and units. Accordingly, offices and units within the Army Corps have strengthened their emulation movements such as “good training, high combat readiness, strict discipline, and absolute safety”; “the Logistics branch follows Uncle Ho’s teachings”; “Managing and exploiting technical weapons and equipment properly, durably, safely, economically, and traffic safety”; “the Military make joint efforts to build new-type rural areas, etc.
To date, many outstanding and efficient models and practices have emerged in the Army Corps, namely “five proactiveness” from the work of ideological education; “three exemplary” from a contingent of cadres, especially key ones alongside the motto “the higher echelons tightly control the lower ones, offices tightly control units, and cadres tightly control soldiers”; “good training, stringent discipline, good lifestyle”; “the military youth plays a pioneering role in building comprehensively strong units”; “Promoting inventions and innovating technology” from the Technical branch; “Managing and using petroleum safely, efficiently, and economically”, etc. For the sake of widespread efficiency, the ACPC has directed party committees and commandants at all levels to opportunely commend “good people and good deeds” and spread the best practices, and combat formalities. Thanks to the proper implementation of Directive No. 05, the Army Corps has created favourable conditions for its cadres and soldiers to single-mindedly devote themselves to their duty and uphold a sense of self-reliance, and strive to meet the set criteria.
Organizations and individuals within the Army Corps have been increasingly conscious of internalizing Directive No. 05, creating a firm spiritual foundation for building the politically, ideologically, organizationally, and morally strong ACPC and the “revolutionary, regular, elite, and modernized” Army Corps, meeting the requirements of protecting the Homeland in every circumstance.
Maj. General Bui Huy Biet, Commissar of the Army Corps 3
(1) One focus and three breakthroughs refer to as focusing on building comprehensively strong offices and units; breakthrough in heightening the quality of a contingent of cadres; breakthrough in reforming and enhancing the quality of political and ideological training and education; breakthrough in transforming the quality of building regular units and awareness of observing the laws, discipline and ensuring safety.
(2) Three substantives refer to as substantive training; substantive learning; and substantive assessment.
(3) Three exemplary refer to as exemplary in political willpower; exemplary in moral and lifestyle dignity and words and actions; exemplary in living and working style.
(4) Five requirements refer to as proactiveness, comprehensiveness, regularity, perseverance, and practicality and efficiency
(5) Three stops refer to as stop anonymous complaints and denunciations; stop gambling, betting, and lottery; and stop debt default.