Friday, September 20, 2024, 08:29 (GMT+7)

Thursday, December 14, 2023, 21:34 (GMT+7)
Air Defence - Air Force Technical Institute enhances the quality of scientific research

The Air Defence - Air Force Technical Institute serves as the leading research and technology centre for the Air Defence and Air Force, specialising in the fields of aviation and air defence equipment and weaponry. The Institute is tasked with researching and addressing technical and technological issues to support training, combat readiness, and force development within the Air Defence – Air Force and related technical and technological areas. This is a specialised, challenging mission that demands a high-quality, dedicated workforce, along with modern, uniformed equipment, catering to scientific research across various fields while the Institute currently can only enjoy somewhat modest human and material resources. In recent years, with the strong development of science and technology, various types of advanced aerial weapons and new aerial combat tactics have emerged, causing significant impacts on the mission of defending our national airspace. To achieve the goal of modernising the Air Defence - Air Force, the Institute has been assigned numerous important tasks, participating in major projects and programmes of the Service and the Ministry of National Defence. These tasks include the development, maintenance, and technical assurance of new weapons and equipment, as well as the enhancement, upgrade, design, and manufacture of new weapons and equipment for training, combat readiness, etc. This reflects the confidence of higher authorities, the pride of the institute, and, at the same time, the significant responsibility as a leading research and technology centre for the Air Defence - Air Force.

To successfully fulfill the assigned missions, the Institute primarily focuses on leadership and direction in developing scientific and technological research orientation. This is seen as a crucial top priority and the foundation for the task of research and development to be implemented in the right direction, with high efficiency. Furthermore, the Institute deeply adheres to the resolutions and directives from higher authorities regarding scientific research, with a central focus on Resolution No. 1652-NQ/QUTW, dated 20th December 2022, of the Central Military Commission on leading military scientific work until 2030 and the subsequent years and closely follow the direction of building a modern Air Defence - Air Force. In addition, the Institute proactively collaborates with various agencies and units within the Military to conduct surveys on the current state of air defence and air force technical equipment and weapons, especially the need to ensure technical support for training, combat readiness, and airspace management. Based on this, the Institute establishes appropriate and feasible mid-term, long-term, and yearly research directions. By adopting this approach, the Institute has, to date, developed and refined the Science and Technology Orientation Plan No. 162/ĐH-VKT on the “Scientific and Technological Development of the Air Defence - Air Force Technical Institute until 2030 and the subsequent years”. The main focus includes researching the technical features, tactics, and offensive capabilities of aerial unmanned vehicles (UAV) to design and manufacture equivalent dummy targets for training and exercises. It also involves researches to master the manufacturing of various types of critical modules, single blocks, and systems to be proactive in sourcing materials, moving towards self-sufficiency in technical assurance, and reducing dependence on foreign manufacturers. The plan also covers ensuring equipment in the direction of “self-sufficiency, modernisation”, for the improvement of manufacturing technology and adding UAV detection features for radar systems such as RV-02, RV3D, etc. These are the basis for the Institute’s Party Committee and the leadership to develop resolutions and leadership plans, ensuring coordinated and unified implementation throughout the unit. They also serves as a foundation for inspecting and evaluating the quality and progress of departments and workshops, promptly addressing existing issues and assisting units in overcoming difficulties to successfully complete the assigned tasks.

Sr. Lt. Gen Le Huy Vinh, Deputy Minister of National Defence checks the Programme of ensuring technical equipment of the Institute in 2023

Based on the research direction, the Institute focuses on building scientific and technological capabilities to meet both immediate and long-term requirements, with the development of human resources at its core. Aligned with its functions and mission characteristics, the Institute advocates for building a high-quality human resource pool with a “refined, compact, and robust” approach, ensuring balance in terms of qualifications, age, and experience. This involves prioritising the development of a young and specialised workforce, with leading experts in emerging research areas.

To implement this strategy, alongside reviewing and supplementing planning and training programmes, the Institute actively advises higher authorities on expanding the recruitment of personnel. This includes candidates from military and civilian institutions and experienced technical staff from various units of the Air Defence – Air Force. Simultaneously, the Institute constructs and refines standards for professional qualifications for each position and title, forming the basis for personnel recruitment and utilisation.

Notably, to achieve the goal of building and developing a leading scientific workforce, the Institute emphasises the selection of personnel with expertise, research experience, and competence from various departments, units, and workshops to establish a Management Board for key tasks, aiding the Institute’s Party committee and the leadership in implementing challenging and interdisciplinary missions. This approach leverages the strengths of such workforce while helping individuals enhance their professional experience and maturity through practical work. Furthermore, the Institute is committed to offer opportunity for young technical personnel to participate in research projects, with experienced staff assigned as mentors to facilitate the development of their working skills, scientific knowledge and professionalism, meeting both short and long-term requirements. Additionally, the Institute actively applies mechanisms and policies to attract high-quality human resources, appointing capable young officers to key positions and creating a friendly working environment with ample career opportunities to retain high-quality personnel. Currently, 95% of the Institute’s research staff hold a master’s degree or higher qualification, with 18% having earned a doctorate. This highly qualified core workforce drives the continuous development of the Institute’s scientific research activities, ensuring increasingly high-quality outcomes.

Alongside building human resources, the Institute proactively proposes increased investment in upgrading measuring and testing equipment and infrastructure in a modern and uniformed direction. This aims to create a technical foundation to enhance the quality of research, improvement, design and testing of weapons and technical equipment. Based on the research direction, the Institute directs functional agencies and specialised research departments to thoroughly review and evaluate the state of material infrastructure and equipment for research and testing. This aims to identify appropriate upgrades and material supplementations in line with the unit’s mission requirements. On this basis, the Institute develops and proposes projects for the development of research and testing infrastructure to higher authorities with an appropriate roadmap. In recent times, the Institute has also effectively implemented phase I and II of the project “Investment in the Scientific and Technological Capability of the Air Defence - Air Force Technical Institute” which focused on the construction of basic facilities and technological equipment. Simultaneously, it leverages the strengths of its personnel in research and innovative improvements to manufacture research equipment. As of now, its system of specialised laboratories and testing rooms for specialised weapon, equipment and measurement equipment has been rennovated, upgraded, modernised and efficiently managed and utilised, directly enhancing the research, design and prototyping capabilities of the Institute. Additionally, the Unit allocates funds to invest in constructing and improving command rooms, specialised research facilities, and workshops to support research and testing activities. This initiative leads to breakthroughs in the quality of research and testing, contributing to the timely resolution of critical issues in the technical assurance and equipment maintenance of the Armed Forces.

To keep pace with the rapid development of military science and technology and implement the “self-sufficiency, modernisation” direction in scientific research, the Institute strengthens external collaboration in scientific research and technology transfer. It leverages the strengths of its partners in terms of infrastructure, scientific and technological expertise, creating a combined strength to successfully accomplish assigned tasks. Accordingly, the Institute actively selects personnel to participate in technology surveys and negotiations on technology transfer with foreign partners, promotes cooperation and exchange of experiences in improvement, upgrading, and the design and manufacture of new technical equipment. In addition, the Unit actively collaborates with reputable domestic research centres and factories to implement projects and programmes. Notably, the Institute has partnered with experts from Belarus, the Institute of Military Science and Technology (General Staff), Military Technical Academy, Factory A41, etc. to successfully implement numerous projects and programmes. Through collaborative scientific research, the Institute has seized and mastered various new technologies, including information technology, simulation technology, new materials technology, ASIC, FPGA, PSOC, micro-processing technology, digital technology, high-frequency and digital signal processing technology, and digital measurement and control techniques, etc. These advancements form a crucial foundation for the Institute to enhance the quality of scientific research and apply it to the design and manufacturing of new technical equipment.

With the correct direction and practical, effective solutions, the Institute has seen significant development in its scientific research capabilities and quality. Since 2011 date, the Institute has implemented hundreds of projects, programmes, and research tasks at various levels, focusing on improvement, restoration, synchronisation, and production of materials, equipment, and spare parts. This has contributed to enhancing reliability, equipment assurance coefficients, technical coefficients, and maximising the technical and tactical capabilities of weapons and technical equipment for the Air Defence – Air Force. The Institute has played a key role in mastering the technology of new and modern equipment, such as aircraft like SU-30MK2, C-295, C-212, YAK-130, and air defence missile systems like S-300PMU1, S125-2TM, Spyder. In particular, the Unit has researched and produced several types of weapons and technical equipment with modern technology, including radars such as RV-02 and RV3D, IFF-VN systems, pilot training simulation systems, dummy UAVs for fighter and air defence training, and satellite navigation devices VT-05, VT-05-22 for various types of aircraft, etc. contributing to enhancing technical assurance capabilities and fulfilling equipment needs for units within the Air Defence – Air Force as well as the entire Military in training and combat readiness missions.

Upholding its legacy, steadfastness and scientific intelligence, in the coming years, the Air Defence - Air Force Technical Institute will continue to review and supplement its research and technology direction for the 2025-2030 period and beyond. It will proactively propose research topics aligned with the direction of technical and equipment assurance for the modernisation of the Air Defence – Air Force. The focus will include the research, design and manufacture of close-range and low-altitude air defence systems for coastal and island defence and air defence units, upgrading and enhancing the capabilities of phased-array radars, target designation radars, next-generation aircraft cockpits, and multi-purpose UAVs. These efforts aim to meet the requirements of modernising the Air Defence – Air Force, ensuring the firm defence of the sky of the Fatherland.

Senior Colonel, Dr. PHAM THANH GIANG, Director of Air Defence – Air Force  Technical Institute 

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