Friday, September 20, 2024, 08:44 (GMT+7)

Wednesday, June 28, 2023, 20:22 (GMT+7)
4th Military Corps’ Party Committee improves the leadership capability and combat strength of grassroots-level party organisations

The Resolution of the 10th Congress of the Party of the 4th Military Corps (4th MC) for the 2020-2025 term attaches importance to improving the leadership capability and combat strength of grassroots-level party organisations and the quality of party members, building strong party committees at all levels in terms of politics, ideology, organisation, and morality, and making a comprehensive change in political awareness and responsibility, leadership style, and working style of officers and party members, thus ensuring that the party organisations under the Party Committee are capable of leading their units to successful task performances.

In light of that spirit, party committees and party organisations under the 4th MC’s Party Committee have issued thematic resolutions on “Improving the leadership capability and combat strength of grassroots-level party organisations as well as the quality of officers and party members in the new period” with various synchronous and appropriate contents, tasks, and measures. Based on the thematic resolutions, party committees and party organisations have formulated comprehensive programmes and action plans to focus on the weaknesses along with implementing Conclusion No. 01-KL/TW issued on May 18, 2021, by the Politburo (13th tenure) on “Continuing to study and follow Ho Chi Minh’s thought, morality, and style”, the Campaign entitled “Promoting traditions, devoting talents, deserving to be “Uncle Ho’s Soldiers” in the new period”, and the Resolution of the 4th Central Committee (13th tenure) on building and rectifying the Party and the political system. The Standing Party Committee of the 4th MC has directed grassroots-level party organisations to stick to their political tasks and the practical situations of their units to set out proper and feasible guidelines and measures for leadership and to strictly maintain the regimes, regularity as well as the principles of party meetings and leadership. Particularly, the focus is put on education, training, and building a strong contingent of officers and party members in terms of ideological awareness, morality, lifestyle, political bravery, and motivation; promoting exemplary individuals, especially the heads of agencies and units; combining building the model of “4-good grassroots-level party organisations”, “4-good party cells”, and “5-good officers and party members” with building a qualified contingent of presiding officers to consolidate the party committees. Additionally, strengthening inspection and supervision of party organisations and party members, especially the ones that show signs of discipline violations or have shortcomings pointed out after self-criticism and criticism. The planning, fostering, arrangement, use, rotation, mobilisation, appointment, promotion, salary increment, and adjustment of officer organisation, etc. are carried out in accordance with the process and principles of democracy and objectivity in order to ensure solidarity and unity. Besides, the quality analysis of party members, party organisations, and the development of party members has always been strictly and seriously directed by the 4th MC’s Party Committee in accordance with the process. From the beginning of the Party Committee’s term, the percentage of grassroots-level party organisations and party cells with good annual task performance has increased by 2.07 while that of excellent annual task performance has risen by 1.5% (compared to the end of the 2015-2020 term).

However, in some party organisations, there are limitations in the capability to thoroughly grasp and concretise higher echelons’ directives and resolutions in their leadership and implementation and in the implementation of breakthrough solutions that help overcome weaknesses. Moreover, the management and education of officers and party members and the inspection and supervision are not efficient enough. Indeed, several officers and party members have not fully promoted a sense of responsibility in performing their duties and in self-criticism and criticism. At times, the management and resolution of party members’ thoughts are untimely.

From the practice, the 4th MC’s Party Committee has drawn experiences that consequently turn into policies and measures to effectively improve the leadership capability and combat strength of grassroots-level party organisations as follows:

Firstly, strengthening the management, education, training, and improvement of political bravery, morality, lifestyle, and leadership style for officers and party members, especially officers in charge. Based on the limitations pointed out in self-criticism and criticism, the Standing Party Committee of 4th MC requests all party committees and party organisations to attach importance to educating and improving political bravery, morality, lifestyle, and initiative as well as fostering professional qualifications, skills, methods, and working styles of officers and party members. Every party committee formulates, supplements, perfects, and implements the working and leadership regulations, in which, the tasks and responsibilities of individuals are clearly defined with specific assignments and decentralisation, avoiding overlap between the leadership of the party committees and administration of the commanders. Additionally, the relationships in the leadership mechanism should be well resolved, especially between the collective party committees and the standing party committees and between the commanders and the political commissars and the junior political commissars. Besides, focusing on solving the manifestations of regulation violation, autocracy, and internal disunity. Before the mobilisation and rotation of officers, party committees at all levels should review and supplement the planning of officers in charge of agencies and units in association with consolidating party committees. Focusing on opening courses to train and foster professional skills for party secretaries and party committees. Party members should strictly abide by the Party’s Platform, Charter, and resolutions; build a sense of practicing thrift and combating embezzlement and waste; implement the motto of “talk the talk, walk the walk”; the superiors set examples for their subordinates, officers set examples for their soldiers; take initiatives, be dynamic and creative in all aspects, and comply with the law, discipline, and regulations; make efforts to master professional knowledge, stay close to comrades and teammates, and have a sense of building increasingly strong agencies and units. Commanding officers should be “overarching, specific, decisive, and rigorous”, political officers should remain “steadfast, sharp-witted, mature, and sociable”, while professional staff, officers, employees, non-commissioned officers, and soldiers should be “good at theory and practice, passionate, and creative”. Party committees at all levels should fully grasp the quantity and quality of party members through file management, annual quality assessment of party members, task performance, daily activities, and their study results. Each officer and party member should know how to regulate their behaviour and fit themselves into the framework, especially in the face of difficulties, complications, and temptations in the market mechanism. Indeed, they should be willing to accept all the challenges to complete their tasks, without thinking of personal interests. Striving that 100% of party cells and party committees complete their assigned tasks on an annual basis, in which at least 85% have good and excellent task performance; 100% of grassroots-level party committees and party cells meet the standards of “4-good grassroots-level party committees” and “4-good party cells”.

Secondly, strictly implementing the order, principles, the regimes of party study and party meetings; innovating the process and improving the quality of formulating and implementing resolutions. In light of Instruction No. 1677/HD-CT issued on September 28, 2018, by the General Department of Politics on “Some issues to improve the quality of party meetings in the Military Party Committee”, the 4th MC’s Party Committee has directed party committees, party organisations, and party secretaries at all levels to attach great importance to thoroughly grasping and concretising higher echelons’ resolutions and directives, political tasks of their units and carefully formulating draft resolutions that ensure comprehensive leadership and focus on solving the weaknesses or newly arising problems; promptly proposing breakthrough policies and measures that are suitable to the requirements of each specific period and task. These resolutions should be brief, specific, and memorable but can ensure feasibility and effective leadership. Party committees at all levels attach importance to improving the quality of party meetings in the direction of promoting democracy, collective intelligence in discussing and deciding on leadership policies and measures; upholding Party principles and the spirit of self-criticism and criticism while promoting democracy. Additionally, strictly following the regimes of regular party meetings and thematic party meetings and focusing on discussing specific and practical issues for implementation in the task direction for the upcoming time; attaching importance to deeply discussing the central tasks, thus ensuring the leadership of the Party in the fields within the leadership scope of the party cells.

To make the study and following of Ho Chi Minh’s thought, morality, and style, as well as the regulations on the don’ts of party members effective, each officer and party member should write a registration form in which they strive and train in terms of morality and lifestyles according to specific criteria. Besides, officers and party members review their changes, progress, and limitations in the party meetings every month. Organising preliminaries, summaries, and lesson drawing meetings on a quarterly and yearly basis; combining the quality assessment of officers and party members and the results of the implementation of the 4th Central Committee’s Resolution (13th tenure) with the criteria for building a clean and strong party organisation. Furthermore, carefully developing future party members, regularly screening, and resolutely removing unqualified party members who violate the Party’s discipline and the State’s laws. Focus is put on the renewal of the assessment and classification of officers and party members, in association with Party commendation and commendation in the annual Determination-to-win Emulation movement.

Thirdly, strictly implementing the inspection, supervision, and Party discipline; closely associating the building of clean and strong party organisations with the building of comprehensively strong “exemplary and typical” units. The Standing Party Committee of the 4th MC regularly leads and directs subordinate party committees and party organisations to synchronously implement inspection and supervision, including the superiors supervising their subordinates and party organisations supervising their officers and party members. Besides, promoting the role of the masses in the supervision of the party building. The focus of inspection and supervision is on the results of the performance of the central political tasks, observance of the principles of party organisation, management, education, training, and the exemplary roles of officers and party members. The objects under inspection and supervision are party organisations with low task performance or officers and party members showing signs of violating moral qualities, lifestyle, discipline, internal unity, etc. Meanwhile, the superior inspection committees focus on guiding and directing subordinate party committees and party organisations in inspection, supervision, and party discipline. Proactively detecting, preventing, and strictly handling party organisations and party members violating party discipline. Promoting the supervisory and critical role of mass organisations in inspection and supervision. In addition, the Standing Party Committee of the 4th MC has directed party committees at all levels to take appropriate leadership and direction measures based on the standards of building comprehensively strong “exemplary and typical” agencies and units, notably the strict implementation of the State’s laws, the Military discipline, and the regulations of the units. Party committees should also regularly maintain all aspects of work, including regularity building, training, combat readiness, and logistics and technical assurance; build strong mass organisations; ensure material and spiritual life for officers and party members; timely praise exemplary models and methods in party building, thus creating a foundation to motivate officers, party members, and the masses to strive to successfully complete all assigned tasks.

Senior Colonel NGUYEN VAN LOC, Head of Political Department of the 4th Military Corps 

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