Friday, September 20, 2024, 13:42 (GMT+7)

Wednesday, July 19, 2023, 17:58 (GMT+7)
429th Commando Brigade enhances the quality of combat training

The 429th Brigade (hereinafter referred to as Brigade) (under the Commando Corps) is the very first regular mobile commando unit on the Southeastern battlefield of our Military. The foundation of the Brigade marks a development milestone in the building of forces and the tactics of commando troops. Throughout the process of construction, combat, and development, employing the tactics of "Secrecy, surprise, deep penetration, and assault", generations of cadres and soldiers of the Brigade have always brought into full play the revolutionary spirit of offensive, solidarity, unity of will and action, perseverance, proactivity, ingenuity, creativity, relentless efforts to overcome countless hardships and sacrifices to accomplish every assigned task. This significantly contributed to the victory of the struggle for national liberation and defence and the accomplishment of international missions, which have been trusted by the Party and the State, beloved by the people, respected by friends, and feared by enemies. With exceptional achievements, the Brigade, together with its 3 collectives and 8 individuals, was honoured as Heroes of the People's Armed Forces and received numerous prestigious awards.

Currently, implementing the guidelines of higher echelons on building an “agile, lean, and strong” Brigade and improving the overall quality and combat power to defence the crucial targets of the Fatherland and readily accept all unscheduled tasks, the Brigade has always adhered to the situation, tasks, and development of the commando tactics, especially the building of an all-strong, “exemplary and typical” unit. The focus has been placed on enhancing the quality of combat training, which is seen as the central political task as well as a breakthrough for the Brigade to accomplish all assigned tasks and handle all situations. From practice, the Brigade’s Party Committee and Command have drawn valuable experience, which is concurrently seen as the measures for enhancing the quality of combat training in the forthcoming time.

The Brigade has determined that intensifying education to heighten the awareness and responsibility of cadres and soldiers toward the task of combat training is the pivotal content. Accordingly, annually, before training, the Brigade’s Party Committee and Command popularise the resolutions, directives, and orders of higher echelons on combat training, specifically Resolution No. 1659-NQ/QUTW issued on December 20th, 2022 by the Central Military Commission on enhancing the quality of combat training in the 2023-2030 period and beyond as well as the Order for combat training of the Corps’ High Commanders and the instructions of functional agencies. As a result, party committees and organisations at all levels have issued specialised resolutions; in which, the aims and requirements for renewing the contents and methods have been identified in order to accord with tasks and the situations of the unit.

The training characteristics of Commando troops involve high risks, intensity, and harsh environments, which significantly impact the physical and mental well-being of soldiers. Therefore, the Brigade’s Party Committee and Command have directed their agencies and units to enhance political education and ideological management and promptly resolve difficulties to foster unity, solidarity, and the spirit of overcoming difficulties and hardships so that cadres and soldiers can fulfil their tasks. Simultaneously, they have effectively carried out the Party and political work in training and combat readiness; associated studying and following Ho Chi Minh’s ideology, ethics, and manners with the Campaign to Promote tradition and dedicate talents to deserve "Uncle Ho’s Soldiers" title in the new period; implemented Determined-to-Win Emulation Movement. As a result, in recent years, all of the cadres and soldiers within the Brigade have demonstrated firm political zeal, proactively overcome challenges, and excelled in fulfilling the tasks of training and combat readiness to create a seismic breakthrough in accomplishing all assigned tasks.

To meet all of the training objectives, the Brigade’s Party Committee and Command have led and directed their units to intensively renovate the training. Prior to training, the agencies and units have restructured the contingent of cadres, especially training sessions regarding specialised techniques. Simultaneously, training programmes, plans, and schedules have been designed in accordance with the tasks and requirements of units as well as trainees' characteristics. Supervision and ratification of specialised lesson plans have been strictly implemented. During training exercises, the Brigade has intensified field training, night training, and training in complex terrain and weather conditions. Accordingly, the duration of field training was extended from two to three months per session, and the locations and terrains were regularly changed, which enables soldiers to enhance their endurance, mobility, survival skills, and adaptability to various combat conditions and circumstances. Training sessions such as combat martial arts, tactics, parachuting, driving, shooting, and the use of new weapons and foreign languages have been given increased time and tightly organised. Furthermore, the Brigade has also paid immense attention to improving the quality of soldiers' training including detachment training and specialised training in special forces, counter-terrorism, information, reconnaissance, firepower, political education, logistics training, physical training, etc. Training through exercises has been emphasised by the Brigade. Particularly in 2022, the Brigade conducted exercise of  15 tactical simulation scenarios with a focus on platoon and company-level scenarios. As a result, the cadres can master the sequence of the preparation work for combat; meanwhile, the soldiers can become proficient in combat actions and coordination and handling various situations during combat.

Cadres at all levels function as the determinant of the quality of combat training. Therefore, the Brigade has always paid great attention to training and cultivating cadres in terms of contents and methods for organising training. The focus has been placed on training new contents and development of tasks, weapons, equipment, and combat art; simultaneously, pointing out weaknesses in the previous year's training, thereby drawing experience and suggesting solutions. This hierarchical approach is implemented with the principle of senior cadres training junior officers, while closely coordinating with agencies and units. As for agencies and cadres from the company level, the Brigade has concentrated on enhancing military science and art, military science and technology (both traditional and modern), electronic warfare, high-tech weapons, command and staff; planning, scheduling, managing, and administering the training. For platoon-level cadres and newly-graduated cadres, the Brigade has concentrated on improving practical skills, role modelling competence, technical training methods, and specialised tactics such as counter-terrorism, martial arts, and live-fire exercises. For team and squad leaders, the units have placed emphasis on managing soldiers during the training, training administration, and training methodology for soldiers and combatants. In addition to the hierarchical training organisation, the Brigade has also trained cadres through competitions, monthly and quarterly evaluations of training results. Newly-graduated cadres have been trained by those with experience. Additionally, the Brigade has encouraged cadres to promote self-study and self-training. As a result, cadres at all levels possess the necessary qualifications for commanding and managing soldiers.

In parallel with improving the training quality, the Brigade’s Party Committee and Command have concentrated on leading and directing the improvement of qualifications and competence in combat readiness to meet all task requirements in all circumstances. The Brigade has proactively coordinated with units in the area in air defence operations to manage and safeguard the assigned areas; fulfilled tasks of preserving political security and social order and safety, and responding to emergencies. The Brigade has also regularly reviewed, designed, adjusted, and timely supplemented combat plans. The agencies and units have maintained strict discipline and regularly practise counter terrorism and fire prevention , to meet all task requirements in all situations.

To successfully achieve the breakthroughs, the Brigade has placed great emphasis on ensuring training conditions. Despite difficulties with training grounds and limited budgetary allocations, the Brigade has efficiently utilised available resources; actively mobilised internal resources and the efforts of cadres and soldiers to reinforce training grounds, valuable teaching models and tools to meet the training requirements. Currently, in addition to technical and tactical training grounds, the Brigade has perfected and put into use a system of specialised and modern training facilities such as special counter-terrorism shooting ranges, high-rise buildings, ports, swimming pools for physical training, etc. Moreover, the Brigade has effectively carried out logistic support to improve the living and health standard of all service members; and strictly adheres to technical work procedures in accordance with the Implementation of Movement 50 to ensure the technical coefficients of weapons, equipment, and vehicles to meet the training requirements and fulfil all assigned tasks.

Through the aforementioned measures, the quality of training and combat readiness of the  Brigade has witnessed a progressive shift. This is a pivotal foundation for the Brigade to accomplish all assigned tasks.

Colonel DAO XUAN DUNG, Commander of the 429th Commando Brigade

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