Friday, September 20, 2024, 08:22 (GMT+7)

Wednesday, September 20, 2023, 07:06 (GMT+7)
3rd Military Region builds a corps of cadres with both talents and virtues

On grasping and implementing Resolution No. 05-NQ/TW of the Politburo (13th tenure) and Resolution No. 230-NQ/QUTW of the Central Military Commission on organising Vietnam People’s Army in the 2021 – 2030 period and beyond, the 3rd Military Region Party Committee and Command have put forward many leadership solutions, of which building a corps of cadres with both talents and virtues is a key content.

Right after the promulgation of Resolution No. 05-NQ/TW, dated January 17th, 2022 of the Politburo (13th tenure) and Resolution No. 230-NQ/TW, dated April 2nd, 2022 of the Central Military Commission (CMC) on organising Viet Nam People’s Army (VPA) in the 2021 – 2030 period and beyond, the Military Region issued Resolution No. 226-NQ/DU to lead and direct unified, close implementation of the two resolutions on May 12th, 2022. One of the contents the Military Region Party Committee attaches special importance to and concentrate their leadership on is the establishment of a corps of cadres with both talents and virtues. They regard this as the core enabler of the core mission. Additionally, the Military Region Party Committee directs their subordinate party committees and party organisations to well execute items of work and steps, ensuring compliance with processes and the principle, “the Party leads cadre work in a comprehensive and uniform manner”. During implementation, the Military Region has combined ideological work and organisational work with policy work closely; associated strengthening of party committees with strengthening of the leading cadres, especially in units which are merged and reorganised.

Given their resolution and appropriate, scientific solutions, on the basis of results of building the Military Region’s corps of cadres, after over one year of realising Resolution No. 05-NQ/TW and Resolution No. 230-NQ/QUTW, the Military Region has built a corps of cadres with sufficient quantity, good quality, proper structures and ages, and continuity, ensuring comparative balance and synchronicity among units. Many cadres are shining examples in terms of political ideology, moral quality, and lifestyle; have good abilities and close, concrete, scientific working style in line with nature and typical features of the Military Region. They, therefore, not only meet the requirement of adjusting organisations and forces on schedule as specified by the Ministry of National Defence (MND) but also contribute to enhanced comprehensive quality and combat power of the Military Region’s armed forces; timely and effectively deal with defence, security situations to firmly protect sovereignty and national boundary security in the Northeastern region of the Fatherland.

Commandant of the Military Region encourages troops participating in the Quang Ninh provincial defensive exercise in 2023

Currently, the building of a comprehensively potent, exemplary, representative armed forces of the Military Region is making increasingly high demands on the corps of cadres and cadre work, especially in departments and units undergoing reorganisation and stationing in remote areas, border areas, at sea, and on islands. To enhance quality and effectiveness of building a corps of cadres with both talents and virtues in the new situation, the Military Region Party Committee continues to lead implementation of solutions in a uniform, close, synchronous manner, most notably those in the two following key aspects.

In organisational terms, the Military Region directs its departments and units to further grasp and strictly carry out resolutions, directives, and instructions on cadre work and building the corps of cadres. Of note, attention must be paid to Resolution No. 109-NQ/QUTW, dated February 11th, 2019 of the CMC on building the VPA’s corps of cadres, especially those at the operational and strategic levels, on a par with mission requirements in the new situation. Then, each unit bases on realities, missions, and demands on the corps of cadres in the new situation to determine effective, proper implementation measures. They are also to proactively review and improve regulations on leading cadre work at all levels, which clearly delineates responsibilities and authorities over cadre work between party committees and unit commanders as well as between secretaries and commanders; seriously and strictly comply with processes, procedures, and authorities over cadre management within assigned areas. Moreover, departments and units pay attention to building and strengthening of personnel divisions and development of cadres in charge of cadre work, who are faithful, honest, exemplary, pure, and skillful; have political steadfastness, moral quality, good competence, scientific working style, high responsibility; are impartial and objective; well perform their duty as advisors on cadre work and building the corps of cadres. Party committees at all levels are to be equipped with specialist knowledge, which enables them to successfully do their cadre work and achieve a degree of unanimity in the entire Military Region.

Good execution of cadre planning and appointment to ensure logic and scientificness are key to efficiency and effectiveness of task performance in each department and unit. Party committees at all echelons, therefore, need to take initiative in make planning, adjustment, and supplementation under the “unfixed” and “open” motto, conducive to realities and quality of the corps of cadres. They must proactively discover sources of cadres for planning, which emphasises the coming generation and potential leaders in connection with preparing personnel for party committees at all levels. This helps to avoid a temporary shortage of cadres, especially the leading ones. Those who are included in the planning process must be true examples of political quality, morality, lifestyle, competence, working style, and leadership skills. Those who are no longer qualified must be excluded from the source of potential leaders. Cadre appointment and rotation always associate with increased quality and effectiveness of practical operations. Priorities are given to fully-staffed units and those deployed in difficult areas, on the borders, at sea, and on islands. Furthermore, it is necessary to work closely with local party committees to reach consensus before appointing cadres in preparation for members of party committees in the 2025 – 2030 term; resolutely oppose any signs of wrongdoings in cadre work.

Various forms of training must be applied in order to enhance comprehensive quality of cadres. On being deeply imbued with President Ho Chi Minh’s teaching, “cadre training is the most fundamental work of the Party”, the Military Region continues to select and send cadres to training courses at academies and colleges in and outside the VPA in line with assigned targets. With the “in-depth, goal-oriented training motto”, the Military Region requests its units to make effort to raise quality of cadre selection for training, which ensures both cadres’ knowledge enhancement and cadre training according to planning. On-site training must be combined with self-study, training of abilities to conduct practical operations, and working method and style according to assigned duties and missions.

Cadres must be evaluated in a substantive manner to provide a solid foundation for correct appointment. The Military Region requests its party committees at all echelons to have a strong sense of responsibility for reforming cadre evaluation on a periodic and case-by-case basis, ensuring objectiveness, democracy, publicity, and comprehensiveness. Cadre evaluation must be in both quality, competence, and prestige. Outcomes of task performance of units and individuals should be considered an important criterion for appraising cadres. Party committees directly responsible for cadre management must assess task performance of each cadre correctly in association with analysing quality of party members; strictly carry out the Regulation No. 1992-QD/QUTW, dated May 25th, 2023 of the CMC on taking votes of confidence for members of party committees and command, management cadres in the VPA. They also have to promote inspection and supervision and leverage responsibility of party committees, commanders, and functional bodies for assessing cadre quality in a substantive manner; take outcomes of realising Conclusion No. 21-KL/TW, dated October 25th, 2021 of the Party Central Committee (13th tenure) and the study and imitation of Ho Chi Minh’s ideology, morality, and style as bases for cadre evaluation and appointment every year.

Successful implementation of cadre policy and policy on military families. On the basis of the Party’s and State’s existing policies on the VPA, the Military Region continues to study and propose improvement to preferential policies toward cadres working in the remote areas, border areas, at sea, and on islands; takes initiative in cooperating with localities in implementing policies on social security, healthcare, care for cadres’ families, etc., creating favourable conditions for cadres to put their mind to work.

As for individual cadres and party members, the Military Region requests each cadre and party member to train themselves in terms of revolutionary steadfastness and morality regularly. A man with revolutionary morality will not be scared and timid and give way when he/she confronts difficulty, hardship, and failure. Consequently, each cadre and party member must always strengthen morality of revolutionary military personnel and dignity of Uncle Ho’s Soldiers, especially political steadfastness and willpower to overcome difficulty and hardship; constantly exercise self-criticism and self-rectification as compared to revolutionary moral standards in order to become true examples for soldiers.

Competence, ability, and experience are extremely vital factors that enable cadres to perform their duties and missions in an effective, sound, scientific fashion. The Military Region, therefore, requests each cadre and party member to study ceaselessly for promoting their competence and ability and broadening their experience to meet requirements and missions. To do so, each cadre must ceaselessly study for improving their knowledge comprehensively, first and foremost their level of political theory, professional skills, and capacity to coordinate and execute their missions; actively study and draw experience for themselves in order to apply the experience to their work flexibly and creatively. They must be also to bring into play the spirit of “daring to think, daring to say, daring to do, daring to take responsibility, daring to carry out reform and innovation, daring to confront challenges, and daring to act for common benefits”; must be ready to do difficult, new work and manage to accomplish assigned tasks. Additionally, each cadre and party member need to actively study and follow Ho Chi Minh’s ideology, morality, and style through practical activities and the spirit of serving the Fatherland and people.

Building a corps of cadres with both talents and virtues is both a short- and long-term pivotal political task, which requires party committees and leading cadres at all levels to seriously comply with viewpoints, guidelines, principles, and regulations on cadre work as well as practical situation of units. It is also necessary to tap into responsibility and role of party committees, secretaries, commanders, commissars, and political divisions with a view to building a comprehensively strong corps of cadres, providing a solid foundation for making the 3rd Military Region’s armed forces “elite, compact, potent”, and capable of meeting requirements and missions in the new situation.

Lieutenant General NGUYEN QUANG CUONG, Military Region Commissar

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