Friday, September 20, 2024, 16:54 (GMT+7)

Tuesday, July 18, 2023, 08:24 (GMT+7)
101st Regiment promotes the work of legal education and morale management for soldiers

101st Regiment, also known as Cao Van Unit – (325th Division, 2nd Army Corps) is a full-strength unit, tasked with training, combat-readiness and ad hoc missions. Clearly recognising the significance of the mission requirements, over the years, the Party Committee, the leadership, and all personnel of the 101st Regiment have consistently maintained solidarity and upheld the heroic tradition of the unit. They emphasise responsibility, cultivate a strong determination, proactively overcome difficulties, and are ready to accept and successfully complete all assigned tasks.

During the process of task implementation, besides basically enjoying multiple advantages, the 101st Regiment encountered numerous difficulties, particularly the varying political awareness among its enlisted troops. Also, the security situation and social issues within the stationed areas, as well as the negative aspects of market mechanisms and malicious information on social media, have had multidimensional impacts on the morale of the officers and soldiers. Therefore, in conjunction with implementing consistent strategies and solutions regarding political education and building a comprehensively strong unit that “serves as a role model”, the Regiment determined that it should strengthen the work of legal education and legal information dissemination, and enhance morale management among its personnel. This breakthrough measure is both an urgent and fundamental long-term task, aimed at fostering a high level of political awareness and voluntary adherence to the State’s laws, Military discipline, and unit regulations, thereby establishing the foundation for the successful completion of assigned missions by the Unit.

We all know that discipline is the reflection of the competence of the Military, so the limitations and shortcomings in disciplinary management at each agency and unit directly affect the quality and effectiveness of the overall task implementation of the Military, and the 101st Regiment in particular. One of the main reasons for this is the negligence and lack of responsibility in the leadership, guidance, and management of the Party Committee and commanding officers at all levels regarding the dissemination, education in law, and ideological management of the troops. Therefore, enhancing the leadership and guidance, and upholding the effective role of the Party Committee and commanding officers at all levels in this work is a matter of great importance.

To achieve effectiveness, the Party Committee, the leadership, as well as agencies and subordinate units of the 101st Regiment, have always thoroughly implemented resolutions, directives, and instructions regarding the work of legal education, and morale management within the military. Based on that basis, the Party Committee and the Party organisations at all levels of the Regiment issued specialised resolutions to lead the work of morale management and educating compliance with the State’s laws and military discipline, with specific contents and practical solutions tailored to the reality of their own agencies and units. They identify this as a breakthrough step and a central leadership task that needs to be carried out regularly.

The Regiment requires that in the regular leadership resolutions and conclusions of the Party Committee and Party organisations at all levels, there must be an assessment and review of the results of leadership and guidance in implementing this work. In addition, they must have comprehensive solutions to rectify weaknesses and deficiencies, and timely supplement leadership strategies and measures according to the situation and tasks at hand. Throughout the task implementation process, the Regiment places emphasis on harnessing the role of the commanding officers at all levels in translating leadership resolutions into plans, regulations, internal rules, and provisions, ensuring unified implementation within the unit. At the same time, it demands that agencies and units fully utilise the role and responsibility, as well as the creativity of their officer corps, especially those directly involved in leading and managing the troops in legal education and morale management. It highlights the importance of setting an example in both words and actions in adhering to the State’s laws and military discipline, for the troops to learn and follow.

A seminar on legal issues held by the Regiment

Clearly recognising the role of the core forces in enhancing the quality and effectiveness of this important work, the 101st Regiment consistently strengthens and maximizes the role of the Coordinating Council for Legal Dissemination and Education. In addition, it builds a team of political instructors, reporters, propagandists at all levels, and a “Psychological and Legal Counseling Team” to meet task requirements. In line with the task requirements and the development and changes in the officer corps, the Regiment promptly completes the Coordinating Council for Legal Dissemination and Education in terms of quantity, structure, and composition, ensuring consistent quality of its work. Also, it regularly reviews and supplements the Operating Regulations of the Council to align with their functions and tasks. Every year, the Council develops and issues plans for legal dissemination and education, clearly defining the purpose, requirements, achieved outcomes, and responsibilities of each member in its operations. It also takes charge and coordinates with functional agencies, particularly the political and advisory bodies, to timely provide advice and propose the effective implementation of legal dissemination and education activities within the unit.

In addition, the 101st Regiment places emphasis on improving the quality of the activities carried out by reporters, propagandists, and the “Psychological and Legal Counseling Team”. It effectively implements selection, training, and development to enhance their professional competence, ensuring that this team is exemplary in all aspects, possessing strong political integrity and a high level of discipline and ethics. They must also consistently serve as role models, dedicated and responsible in carrying out their duties. Their training is comprehensive but also focuses on pedagogical skills and knowledge of law and discipline, especially those directly related to the rights and obligations of military personnel. This ensures that the team provides effective and credible advice in addressing ideological and psychological obstacles, timely encouraging and motivating officers and soldiers to overcome difficulties, actively and voluntarily fulfil their tasks, and have confidence and determination in building the unit.

Closely integrate political education, ideological leadership, and legal dissemination and education. The 101st Regiment aims to bring about substantial changes in the political consciousness and the sense of responsibility of officers and soldiers regarding discipline and law compliance. Alongside the effective implementation of the content and programs of political education, and legal dissemination and education in accordance with existing documents, the Regiment provides guidance for agencies and units to focus on disseminating and educating new laws and legal regulations, as well as directives, instructions, and regulations from higher authorities regarding morale management education in law and discipline compliance, and standardisation building. Building upon the document “100 Situations of Morale Concern that May Arise in the Unit and Suggested Handling Measures for Unit Officers” and the provided guidance, the Regiment organises the compilation of 200 frequently asked questions, 16 categories of behaviour, and 19 potential situations that may occur at grassroots units. It further translates 10 exemplary models and addresses 10 signs of individualism into documents, leaflets, and specific models, placing them in the briefing rooms of companies and battalions to assist officers at all levels in learning and applying these contents in accordance with the real-life situations of their unit. Additionally, the Regiment attaches importance to training, development, and the enhancement of knowledge, skills, and experience in handling emerging issues in military management and command for the officer corps, particularly those directly responsible for troop management.

Through these efforts, the Regiment aims to bring about strong transformations in the political awareness, capabilities, and sense of responsibility of officers at all levels in grasping, managing, and resolving emerging issues within their unit.

To ensure that the work of legal dissemination and education, and morale management achieve substantial results and create positive effects and sustainable stability in law and discipline compliance, the 101st Regiment consistently implements a coordinated approach in the management and direction of troop morale in combination with maintaining strict adherence to the State’s laws and military discipline. In carrying out these tasks, agencies and units regularly adhere to and strictly implement the Regulations on the Management of Morale for Military Members, and the Monitor and Direction of public opinion within the Vietnam People’s Army; in which the main focus is placed on the processes of monitoring and managing, evaluating, classifying, directing and improving troop morale. The process of monitoring and managing troop morale takes into account the political backgrounds, family circumstances, ethical qualities, lifestyles, work capabilities, task performance, thoughts, aspirations, and social relationships of the military personnel. There is also a focus on reviewing and thoroughly understanding troubled soldiers, identifying any unusual signs in their behaviour, and assigning officers to monitor, motivate and improve their morale. In addition, in implementing this task, officers must also prevent malicious information and opinion on the Internet and social networks from negatively affecting their troops’ morale. Besides, the Regiment effectively implements the Regulations on Grassroots Democracy, enhancing the effectiveness of cultural institutions and recreational activities, cultural, artistic, physical education, and sports activities during breaks and days off. Additionally, subordinate units of the Regiment consistently prioritise improving the quality of their own mass organisations, Councils of Military Members, “Triad Groups”, “Mass Mobilisation Groups”, and “Psychological and Legal Counseling Teams”. Also, they closely coordinate with the local Party committees, authorities, organisations, and families to educate and closely manage the morale status and social relationships of military personnel. To achieve these goals, the Regiment has established and maintained the operation of 27 Zalo groups for families of its military personnel, and has effectively utilised the Homephone system to exchange information and foster cohesion between the unit and the soldiers’ families. Additionally, they continuously pay attention to and ensure the well-being of military personnel both materially and spiritually, and promptly resolve any difficulties or legitimate requests from the troops, to prevent any incidents caused by low morale among the troops. Furthermore, the Regiment strictly maintains daily and weekly routines, military etiquette and conducts, works according to responsibilities, and acts in accordance with military regulations. Also, the Unit enhances strict management measures for the troops’ activities both during and outside of office hours, maintains rigorous military patrol and military control routines, and tight management of physical facilities and technical hardware, especially those involved in traffic. In addition, the Regiment resolutely and properly handles violations according to procedures and regulations, promptly learns from experiences, and effectively carries out ideological work to stabilise the unit’s situation, providing opportunities for military personnel to rectify their mistakes, address shortcomings, and strive for improvement.

Thanks to uniformed and effective solutions over the years, among the 101st Regiment’s military personnel there have not been any serious disciplinary violations, and the number of regular violations has decreased both in terms of incidents and the number of individuals involved. The Unit has always maintained strong internal unity, a high level of consensus and absolute safety in all aspects. In 2022, the Regiment was awarded the Flag of Emulation by the Ministry of National Defence. This is an important foundation and premise for the Regiment to continue strengthening the work of legal dissemination and education, enhancing the management of troop morale, and contributing to the building of a comprehensively strong and exemplary unit, improving the overall quality and combat strength of the Unit, and ensuring the readiness to successfully accomplish all assigned tasks.

Lieutenant Colonel PHAM TRUNG QUAN, Political Commissar of the 101st Regiment

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