Friday, September 20, 2024, 17:42 (GMT+7)

Monday, April 11, 2016, 10:29 (GMT+7)
Tasks and measures to develop Vietnam’s marine economy

Basing on analysis and assessment of the situation in all aspects, particularly potential, advantages, lessons, and challenges in marine economy development, our Party and State have laid down key tasks and measures to turn Vietnam into a strong maritime nation.

The basic, long-term task of developing the marine economy is to form several strong economic sectors in line with building sea-oriented economic centers which would be the motivation for developing the country; successfully resolving social issues, gradually improving living conditions for the people who live in coastal areas, on islands, and who work on the sea; linking the development of the marine economic with seas, islands management and protection. In the time ahead, our Party determines that our country, until 2020, continues to successfully develop marine economic, sea-related sectors, such as oil exploitation and refinement, shipping, seafood exploitation and process, marine tourism; building industrial parks and developing coastal urban areas; ensuring security and safety for the people who frequently suffer from natural disasters; establishing organs to protect marine environment.

City of Cam Ranh (photo:

To complete the above-mentioned tasks, our Party and State have set out practical, synchronous measures, focusing on points as follows:

1. Widely, frequently, and systematically propagating and educating position and role of the marine economy in the cause of Homeland construction and protection.

2. Continuing to restructure marine economic sectors in accordance with the building of strong all-people defence posture and all-people security posture; focusing on building residential areas for the people who live and work for long time on islands and seas.

3. Stepping up basic examination work and modernity-oriented marine science and technology, building and well managing national database of sea for planning and exploiting work, as well as environmental monitoring work and natural disasters management.

4. Effectively implementing plans on exploiting seas and islands at various levels; taking this as basis for allocating sources, adjusting developmental planning for each sector and locality.

5. Enhancing efficiency of State management of seas and islands, particularly completing system of sea laws, policies and authorizations on sea to create legal foundation for managing and exploiting seas and islands.

6. Strengthening international integration to attract sources for developing the marine economy and take advantage of cooperation in preventing and mitigating the impacts of climate change on coastal areas and islands.

Those are important tasks and measures, which are pressing in short term and basic in long term. Thus, levels, sectors, forces and all people should continue to thoroughly grasp and seriously, effectively realize them to make the marine economy a really key economic sector of the national economy, making contributions to successfully fulfil the goal of “a wealthy people, a powerful nation, a democratic, equitable, civilized society”.

Van Doanh


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