Friday, September 20, 2024, 14:28 (GMT+7)

Thursday, April 13, 2023, 19:44 (GMT+7)
Renovating the leadership style of political cadres according to Ho Chi Minh's thought

Applying the "sound leadership style" according to Ho Chi Minh’s thought is a very important content, which directly improves the quality, capacity, working style, position and prestige of the political cadres, contributing to improving the quality and efficiency of party work and political work,  and building strong units in politics, successfully completing all assigned tasks.

Over the years, the promotion of studying and following Ho Chi Minh's thought, morality and style has been thoroughly grasped and implemented by Party Committees and commanders of agencies and units throughout the Army, including the application of "sound leadership" to renewing the leadership style of Party committees, cadres and party members in general, and political cadres in particular, contributing to improving the task performance, effectiveness and efficiency of party work and political work at grassroots units. However, some party committees, commanders, political commissars, and junior commissars have yet to pay due attention to and fully implement this issue. This results in the “limited leadership capacity and combat strength of some party committees and organisations”, the inappropriate leadership style of political cadres at grassroots units, especially the inadequate capacity in research, mastery and implementation of resolutions of the Party committees at all levels.

To overcome the above limitations, meeting the requirements of building a politically strong army, it is necessary to constantly research, flexibly and creatively apply the thought of "sound leadership" of the President Ho Chi Minh in renewing the leadership style of the current contingent of political cadres with the following solutions:

First of all, strengthening education to raise the awareness and responsibility of Party committees and leading cadres at all levels of the "sound leadership" in accordance with Ho Chi Minh's thought. Basing on the three focuses of "sound leadership" according to Ho Chi Minh's thought, each level should concretise the leadership resolutions of the Party committees, the work plans of the commanders; thoroughly conduct propaganda and education for cadres and party members about the “sound leadership” of President Ho Chi Minh and the principles, rules and regulations in the Party's leadership associated with their tasks and responsibilities. The content focuses on thoroughly grasping and effectively implementing resolutions, directives and regulations of the Party and the Central Military Commission on Party building, particularly the 4th Resolution of the Party Central Committee (13th tenure) on building and rectifying the Party and political system, the 6th Resolution of the Party Central Committee (13th tenure) on continuing to renew the Party's leadership and ruling methods in the new period, Conclusion No. 01-KL /TW, dated May 18, 2021 of the Politburo (13th tenure) on continuing to implement Directive No. 05-CT/TW of the Politburo (12th tenure) on "Promoting the learning and following of Ho Chi Minh's thought, morality and style", Resolution No. 847-NQ/QUTW, dated December 28, 2021 of the Central Military Commission on promoting the qualities of "Uncle Ho's Soldiers", resolutely fighting individualism in new situation, etc.

Second, determining the right content, form, and measures to apply "the sound leadership style" to renewing the leadership style of political cadres. Party committees and functional agencies at all levels should strengthen education and training to improve the capability for political cadres in terms of leadership processes, principles and methods; improve the capacity to grasp, master the resolutions, directives, regulations and instructions of higher echelons; grasp the all-round situation of the unit, the thoughts and aspirations of officers and soldiers, and propose to the Party committees at all levels the right leadership guidelines and measures. Attach importance to promoting democracy, collective intelligence and strength; closely coordinate with the commander in leading, implementing resolutions of the Party Committees and the tasks of the unit. Step up the inspection, supervision, criticism and correction of the manifestations of misperception and misconduct.

Thirdly, strengthening the exemplary role, inspection and supervision of the party committees and leading cadres over the application of Ho Chi Minh's thought on "the sound leadership style". Implementing the teachings of President Ho Chi Minh: “Being good people and doing good deeds to educate each other every day is one of the best ways to build the Party, build revolutionary organisations, and build new people, new life", Party committees and commanders at all levels need to actively and drastically implement the motto "the higher position the cadres hold, the more exemplary they should be" in studying and following Uncle Ho, especially in applying Ho Chi Minh's thought on "the sound leadership style" to renovate their leadership styles for political cadres to learn and follow. Party committees and leading cadres, especially at grassroots level, need to thoroughly grasp and well implement the regulations and instructions of the Party, the Central Military Commission, and General Department of Politics on promoting the exemplary role of cadres and party members; master and strictly maintain the leadership process, principles and methods in performing the tasks of the units. Regularly build a democratic working environment to encourage political cadres’ entrepreneurship and initiatives. Strengthen the inspection of the implementation of processes, principles and the renewal of leadership styles of political cadres, especially in the implementation of party work and political work in the execution of task of units.

Finally, promoting the active and proactive role of political cadres in studying and following Ho Chi Minh's thought on "the sound leadership style". For each political cadre, actively studying and following Ho Chi Minh's thought on "sound leadership style" plays a very important role, directly deciding the development and perfection of their leadership style, ensuring that they meet the development of practice and tasks; determine the right motivation for learning and training; actively build their plan for studying, practising and following his "sound leadership style". Each political cadre must show high determination, overcome all difficulties and challenges, be resolute, persistent, positive and proactive in implementing the set plan; really exemplary in studying, training and following Uncle Ho at all times, everywhere, in every work, especially in innovating leadership style.

Party committees, commanders, functional agencies, especially political agencies at all levels should regularly pay attention, create favourable conditions, motivate and encourage the political cadres to make them proactive in studying, training, renovating their leadership style according to Ho Chi Minh’s thought of "sound leadership style"; strengthen inspection, supervision and have the accurate assessment of the results of studying and following Uncle Ho of political cadres for any correction necessary and for annual evaluation and classification of cadres and party members.

Implementing Uncle Ho's teaching that "Politicical cadres must be role models in every work" requires that Party committees at all levels, first of all, the political cadres actively research, study, and flexibly apply his thought about "sound leadership style" in order to constantly improve themselves to enhance the effectiveness of Party work and political work, contributing to maintaining the Party's ideological ground, and building the Army strong in politics, meeting the requirements of Homeland protection in the new situation.

Senior Colonel, Dr. NGUYEN HUY HOANG, Vice Rector of the Political Officer School

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