Saturday, September 21, 2024, 09:59 (GMT+7)

Friday, August 15, 2014, 21:17 (GMT+7)
Defence cooperation deepens Vietnam-US relations
Vietnamese Minister of National Defence General Phung Quang Thanh, on August 14th, received the visiting US high-ranking military delegation, led by General Martin Dempsey, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
  General Phung Quang Thanh receives General Martin Dempsey

General Phung Quang Thanh stressed that the US guests’ visit to Vietnam would contribute to promoting the friendship and mutual understanding between the two armies and peoples, in accordance with the framework of their comprehensive partnership and the Memorandum of Understanding on bilateral defence cooperation, signed in July 2013 and September 2011, respectively.

He added that Vietnam hoped to get further support from the US Department of Defence in mine action, search and rescue, and experience in the UN peacekeeping activities.
For his part, General Martin Dempsey thanked General Thanh for his warm reception and hoped that the two sides would foster their defence cooperation in the coming time.
 Senior Lieutenant General Do Ba Ty holds talks with General Martin Dempsey

Previously the same day, Senior Lieutenant General Do Ba Ty, Chief of the General Staff of the Vietnam People’s Army cum Deputy Minister of National Defence held talks with General Martin Dempsey.

The two sides exchanged views on international and regional issues, reviewed their defence cooperation relations over the past time, and worked out measures to beef up their defence cooperation in the time to come.
The generals also expressed their pleasure at achievements on the two countries’ defence cooperation, based on their Memorandum of Understanding on bilateral defence cooperation, and agreed to further promote their cooperation, especially in delegation exchanges, search and rescue, sharing experience in carrying out the UN peacekeeping operations, mine action, maritime security, and education and training.
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Vietnam, China issue joint statement
Vietnam and China have issued a joint statement on continuing to promote and deepen the Vietnam-China comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership on the occasion of Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong’s official visit to China from October 31 - November 1.