Friday, September 20, 2024, 19:26 (GMT+7)

Applying the principle of "Firm in objectives, flexible in tactics" in national defence, security, and the protection of the Fatherland

Applying the principle of “Firm in objectives, flexible in tactics” in national defence, security, and the protection of the Fatherland

Friday, August 23, 2024, 09:44 (GMT+7)
“Firm in objectives, flexible in tactics” is a core philosophy of President Ho Chi Minh, which has become a guiding principle for the Party in its struggle for national liberation and unification. Today, in the context of a rapidly evolving and unpredictable global and regional landscape, this principle holds even greater significance and must be thoroughly understood and effectively applied in the realms of national defence, security, and the safeguarding of the Fatherland.

The military promotes good order and discipline

The military promotes good order and discipline

Monday, January 15, 2024, 21:33 (GMT+7)
In the coming time, together with multidimensional, complex influence of international, regional, domestic situation, hostile forces will exploit difficulties in social life, shortcomings of the market mechanism, and cadres’ and soldiers’ limitations in abiding by discipline and law to incite sabotage with the aim of undermining prestige and position of the military. Meanwhile, the building of the People’s Army, strengthening of national defence, and protection of the Fatherland place increasingly high requirements. The situation requires the entire military, together with stepping up work aspects, to make further breakthroughs in promoting good order, compliance with discipline and law, and combat power in order to complete all assigned missions successfully

Theoretical development on organising the Military Technique in the new situation

Theoretical development on organising the Military Technique in the new situation

Sunday, December 24, 2023, 21:43 (GMT+7)
Researching to develop theories on organising the Military Technique in the new situation is an important issue containing many difficulties and challenges, which needs to be joined by many functional offices and scientists to contribute to the improvement of quality and effectiveness of the technical work, meeting the requirements and task of safeguarding the Fatherland.

The art of fighting the first battle in an offensive operation in the war to safeguard the Fatherland

The art of fighting the first battle in an offensive operation in the war to safeguard the Fatherland

Monday, July 31, 2023, 13:04 (GMT+7)
As a result of employing modern, lethal, highly accurate weapon systems, mobility, and widespread electronic warfare on all terrain, the enemy can alter the balance of power in a short period of time. Events evolve rapidly and fiercely and are difficult to predict. If we do not have suitable measures, we will not be able to win the first battle. Thus, the campaign commander and operations directorate need to apply operational methods creatively and effectively at the operational level of war, including preparing for and fighting the first battle of an operation.

Enhancing VPA’s participation in the UN peacekeeping operations

Enhancing VPA’s participation in the UN peacekeeping operations

Friday, September 16, 2022, 22:00 (GMT+7)
Vietnam’s UN peacekeeping operations have left international friends with a strong impression of the images of the country and Vietnamese people as well as the noble quality of “Uncle Ho’s Soldiers”. These vital and significant operations have represented a peace-loving and humane country that willingly participates in tackling issues encountered by the international community to safeguard the Fatherland “early and from afar” through peaceful solutions.

Enhancing VPA’s participation in the UN peacekeeping operations

Enhancing VPA’s participation in the UN peacekeeping operations

Thursday, September 15, 2022, 19:37 (GMT+7)
Vietnam’s UN peacekeeping operations have left international friends with a strong impression of the images of the country and Vietnamese people as well as the noble quality of “Uncle Ho’s Soldiers”. These vital and significant operations have represented a peace-loving and humane country that willingly participates in tackling issues encountered by the international community to safeguard the Fatherland “early and from afar” through peaceful solutions.

Several issues on reform and improvement in Political Academy’s education and training

Several issues on reform and improvement in Political Academy’s education and training

Thursday, April 14, 2022, 09:09 (GMT+7)
Fundamentally, comprehensively renewing education and training represents a strategic policy of our Party and State. This is a matter of importance and urgency to all schools in general, the Political Academy in particular, which should continue to be researched and applied to reality via synchronous, effective measures

Reform orientations in "Some Theoretical and Practical Issues on Socialism and Path towards Socialism in Viet Nam"

Reform orientations in “Some Theoretical and Practical Issues on Socialism and Path towards Socialism in Viet Nam”

Thursday, April 07, 2022, 09:04 (GMT+7)
Advancing towards socialism is Vietnamese people’s aspiration and our Party’s and President Ho Chi Minh’s correct choice, which is in accordance with reality of Viet Nam and development trend of history. This is a universal truth, which has been tested in Vietnamese people’s revolutionary struggle over the past 90 years, especially in 35 years’ reform of the country

Promoting its heroic tradition, the Capital City of Hanoi focuses on building strong defensive zones

Promoting its heroic tradition, the Capital City of Hanoi focuses on building strong defensive zones

Friday, October 08, 2021, 10:19 (GMT+7)
Bringing into play the tradition of “sacrificing for the Homeland” in the past 75 years of construction, combat, and development, the military and people of Hanoi have been focusing on building the municipality into a solid defensive zone as a favourable condition for making the Capital City increasingly wealthy, civilised, and modern

Propaganda and Education Branch promotes its core role in defending the Party’s ideological foundation

Propaganda and Education Branch promotes its core role in defending the Party’s ideological foundation

Sunday, August 01, 2021, 16:21 (GMT+7)
Over the past 90 years, since its inception, the Party’s Propaganda and Education Branch (PEB) as the vanguard has made significant contributions to the work of propagation and education aimed at defending the Party’s ideological foundation and protecting the Party, the State, the people, and the socialist regime. It has focused on studying, disseminating, supplementing, developing, and flexibly applying Marxism-Leninism as the proletariat’s ideology to the Vietnamese revolution

Great Value and Vision Beyond Time in President Ho Chi Minh’s Testament
The sacred testament left behind by President Ho Chi Minh for the entire Party, the people, and the army before his passing is considered a “National Treasure”, which reflects his sincere emotions, profound wisdom, noble ethics, open-heartedness, kindness, and tolerance, along with his visionary outlook beyond the times.