Friday, September 20, 2024, 10:54 (GMT+7)

Great power competition in Indo-Pacific

Great power competition in Indo-Pacific

Friday, August 16, 2024, 07:58 (GMT+7)
Overall assessment of great powers’ Indo-Pacific strategies reveals that despite their different expression, all great powers put the Indo-Pacific at the heart of global security and interests of each country. Accordingly, strategic competition among great powers in Indo-Pacific is a unique issue characterised by cooperation, deterrence, and containment.

Theoretical and practical breakthroughs in the Fatherland protection under the Resolution of the 8th Plenum of the Party Central Committee (11th tenure)

Theoretical and practical breakthroughs in the Fatherland protection under the Resolution of the 8th Plenum of the Party Central Committee (11th tenure)

Sunday, September 18, 2022, 06:50 (GMT+7)
In the new condition, it is necessary to assert that people’s war for the Fatherland protection is still an effective method to deal with new-style and hi-tech wars; modern weapons and equipment are important, but human being  are the determinants. Hence, great weight should be added to making cadres and soldiers of the armed forces politically strong and capable of exploiting and mastering science, technology, and modern materiel.

Stepping up force adjustment to meet requirements of building an adept, compact, and strong VPA

Stepping up force adjustment to meet requirements of building an adept, compact, and strong VPA

Wednesday, June 08, 2022, 01:19 (GMT+7)
To meet its task requirements in accordance with modern, hi-tech war, the VPA must adjust its organisational structure in the adept, compact, strong, and modern direction to fulfil its missions in peacetime, remain ready for any war, and firmly defend the Fatherland in any situation.

The world’s major military and political shifts in 2021

The world's major military and political shifts in 2021

Monday, December 27, 2021, 10:08 (GMT+7)
U.S military policy under Biden’s administration is shaped and implemented basing on the “Interim National Security Strategic Guidance” released on 3 March, 2021 which predicted that US is confronting changes in world power balance with growing competition from China and Russia who are pursuing their influences on regional and international scales

The U.S. and the Philippines repair treaty alliance

The U.S. and the Philippines repair treaty alliance

Tuesday, October 12, 2021, 08:22 (GMT+7)
US-Philippines relations, which have come under strain over the past 5 years, have apparently warmed again as Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte has decided to fully restore the Visiting Forces Agreement (VFA) with the US of which he ordered revocation in February 2020. What caused their bilateral relations to turn sour and Manila to abruptly pivot back to Washington has drawn widespread attention

Trajectory of U.S.-Russian relations and implications for regional security

Trajectory of U.S.-Russian relations and implications for regional security

Friday, August 20, 2021, 14:51 (GMT+7)
A more stable relationship between U.S. and Russia will enable U.S. and its NATO allies to be partly in control of security challenges in Europe while helping U.S. to avoid confronting both China and Russia at the same time – an unexpected scenario in the Indo-Pacific region for U.S. when it is devoting every effort to cope with threats from China.

EU’s Indo-Pacific Strategy

EU’s Indo-Pacific Strategy

Saturday, July 24, 2021, 09:28 (GMT+7)
According to analysts, EU’s approval of the Indo-Pacific draft strategy will make it difficult for China to champion the position that maritime disputes in the region are only bilateral issues between China and other claimants; outsiders should not meddle in these issues. The strategy has direct influence on China’s goal to become a superpower because EU can involve itself in regional security and trade.

Developing the VPA into a revolutionary, regular, highly skilled, gradually modernised force, on a par with mission requirements

Developing the VPA into a revolutionary, regular, highly skilled, gradually modernised force, on a par with mission requirements

Monday, May 10, 2021, 13:30 (GMT+7)
The 13th Party National Congress continues to advocate building a revolutionary, regular, highly skilled, gradually modernised military and achieving an adept, compact, strong force by 2025 to create a firm premise for striving to build a modernised military from 2030 onwards. This is a consistent, sound guideline, which demonstrates the strategic vision of the Party and serves as a basis for the Military Central Commission (CMC) and Ministry of National Defence (MND) to lead the building of a comprehensively strong military, truly becoming a combat force absolutely faithful to the Party, State, and people.

Risk of widened Eurasian arc of instability

Risk of widened Eurasian arc of instability

Wednesday, April 28, 2021, 07:55 (GMT+7)
Over the past few years, major powers have escalated competition for expanding influence in part of the Eurasia. Nevertheless, due to the rise of globalisation, strategic competition within a broad space spreading from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean becomes increasingly fierce, which leads to the formation of an arc of instability. In fact, this arc covers a wide geographical area and is divided into subregions, including the Middle East, South Asia, East Asia, Central Asia, East Europe, West Europe, Caucasus, and Arctic.

Building pure, strong, exemplary, representative Military Party organisations, capable of leading the whole military to successfully fulfil the tasks of strengthening national defence and safeguarding the Homeland in the new situation

Building pure, strong, exemplary, representative Military Party organisations, capable of leading the whole military to successfully fulfil the tasks of strengthening national defence and safeguarding the Homeland in the new situation

Friday, October 09, 2020, 13:51 (GMT+7)
The Military Party Committee has led and instructed the whole military to bring into play the revolutionary, united, proactive, creative tradition and make every effort to overcome difficulties and challenges to complete all missions and objectives set out at the 10th Congress of the Military Party Committee.

Great Value and Vision Beyond Time in President Ho Chi Minh’s Testament
The sacred testament left behind by President Ho Chi Minh for the entire Party, the people, and the army before his passing is considered a “National Treasure”, which reflects his sincere emotions, profound wisdom, noble ethics, open-heartedness, kindness, and tolerance, along with his visionary outlook beyond the times.