Friday, September 20, 2024, 06:29 (GMT+7)

Baseless assumptions commonly held by anti-socialists

Baseless assumptions commonly held by anti-socialists

Sunday, July 21, 2024, 07:38 (GMT+7)
In 2023, the US House of Representatives passed a so-called resolution “Denouncing the Horrors of Socialism” (H.Con.Res 9), which expresses a hostile, vehement opposition, and “denounces socialism in all its forms”. It must be affirmed that this is a prejudiced, unscientific perspective, reflecting baseless assumptions commonly held by anti-socialists

General Secretary Tran Phu - an outstanding leader of the Vietnamese Communist Party and revolution

General Secretary Tran Phu - an outstanding leader of the Vietnamese Communist Party and revolution

Thursday, May 02, 2024, 14:30 (GMT+7)
Comrade Tran Phu was an outstanding disciple of President Ho Chi Minh, a shining example of loyalty to the nation, filial piety to the people, dedicating his entire life to the revolutionary cause of the Party and the nation. His entire life and revolutionary career constitute a luminous page. Though not long, it shines brightly, brimming with intellectual capacity, courage, steadfastness, loyalty, optimism, indomitability and dignity.

Beware of the tactics "transforming" the young generation

Beware of the tactics “transforming” the young generation

Thursday, March 28, 2024, 16:14 (GMT+7)
In their attempts to sabotage our revolution, hostile and reactionary forces have spared no stratagem, focusing particularly on the younger generation as a primary target. This insidious tactic aims to promote “evolution” in order to “transform” one of the core generations of our country. Thus, it is essential to heighten vigilance, steadfastly combat, and protect the future generation of our nation.

No one can undervalue and refute the leadership of the Communist Party of Vietnam

No one can undervalue and refute the leadership of the Communist Party of Vietnam

Thursday, February 08, 2024, 19:20 (GMT+7)
Over the past years, taking advantage of the complex and unpredictable context as well as the difficulties of the country, the hostile forces have accelerated their subversive activities in numerous directions, especially the social networking environment to refute the leadership of the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV). This constitutes a breakthrough and the most rapid tactic to eradicate the outcomes that our Party and People have produced throughout the Vietnamese Revolution. However, it has been affirmed that no forces can undervalue and refute the leadership of the Party.

General Nguyen Chi Thanh - an outstanding leader of Vietnam revolutionary

General Nguyen Chi Thanh - an outstanding leader of Vietnam revolutionary

Thursday, January 11, 2024, 06:49 (GMT+7)
With over 30 years of revolutionary activities and holding various positions, Comrade Nguyen Chi Thanh made significant contributions to the national liberation struggle, the development of the Party, the building of the Armed Forces, and the construction of the country. He was an outstanding leader of the Vietnamese revolution, both in theoretical thinking and practical guidance; a shining example for present and future generations to learn from and follow.

Bringing into play the spirit of August Revolution and Ho Chi Minh’s thought, realising aspiration for developing a prosperous, happy country

Bringing into play the spirit of August Revolution and Ho Chi Minh’s thought, realising aspiration for developing a prosperous, happy country

Monday, August 21, 2023, 06:44 (GMT+7)
The August Revolution is an exemplary national liberation revolution; it demonstrated the ideological and organisational genius of President Ho Chi Minh and the CPV, cleverly employed advantageous elements, well manage the relationship between “Opportunity, Advantage, and Strength” within a revolution itself in order to abolish the yoke of colonialism, imperialism, and feudalism and liberate our people from slavery for nearly a century to mastery. The victory of the August Revolution is the great evidence of the truth “taking our strength to liberate ourselves”, for independence and freedom, while providing a precondition for national development under the principle of national independence and socialism towards the goal of “Independence, Freedom, Happiness”.

Exposing the fallacy of the claim that "Marxism has come to an end"

Exposing the fallacy of the claim that “Marxism has come to an end”

Saturday, May 20, 2023, 08:59 (GMT+7)
The achievements in the cause of national construction and defence in socialist countries in general and Vietnam in particular as well as the endeavour to struggle for protecting and developing Marxism-Leninism of the current communist parties and global working class are vivid evidence to refute the fallacy of the claim that “Marxism has come to an end” as well as affirm the eternal vitality of Marxism in the present era.

Great significance and sustainable value of April 30 Victory

Great significance and sustainable value of April 30 Victory

Friday, April 28, 2023, 13:18 (GMT+7)
Time passes but our victory in the resistance war against the American imperialists will be remembered as one of the most brilliant pages and shining symbols of the victory of revolutionary heroism and human intellect, which was recorded as a great feat of the 20th century and an event of great international importance and profound epochal significance.

"Outline on Vietnamese Culture" and its role in guiding, forming and developing the military culture in the Ho Chi Minh era

“Outline on Vietnamese Culture” and its role in guiding, forming and developing the military culture in the Ho Chi Minh era

Thursday, April 27, 2023, 08:34 (GMT+7)
Having been illuminated by the Outline on Culture, since its early days, our Army has paid much attention to the building of a force to fight for national independence and liberation as well as the building of a force with cultural identity. The past 80 years have witnessed that under the guidance of the Outline on Culture, the establishment and development of the culture of “Uncle Ho’s soldiers” have become a distinctive feature in building a revolutionary force that originates from the people, fights for the people, results in the resounding victory of our Army.

1st Naval Region focuses on building the "people’s hearts and minds posture" in association with the all-people national defence posture at sea

1st Naval Region focuses on building the “people’s hearts and minds posture” in association with the all-people national defence posture at sea

Tuesday, February 21, 2023, 07:43 (GMT+7)
Being aware of its assigned responsibilities, over the years, along with building a “revolutionary, regular, elite, and modern” unit, the 1st NR’s Party Committee and High Command have attached importance to leading and directing agencies and units in coordinating closely with local party committees and authorities as well as relevant forces to effectively implement measures to build a solid “people’s hearts and minds” posture in association with building the all-people national defence posture at sea.

Great Value and Vision Beyond Time in President Ho Chi Minh’s Testament
The sacred testament left behind by President Ho Chi Minh for the entire Party, the people, and the army before his passing is considered a “National Treasure”, which reflects his sincere emotions, profound wisdom, noble ethics, open-heartedness, kindness, and tolerance, along with his visionary outlook beyond the times.