Friday, September 20, 2024, 10:46 (GMT+7)

Dien Bien Provincial Border Guard promotes its core role in building robust all-people border defence

Dien Bien Provincial Border Guard promotes its core role in building robust all-people border defence

Thursday, August 15, 2024, 09:13 (GMT+7)
Building strong all-people border defence represents a consistent line of our Party and State and plays a decisive role in the cause of building, managing, and firmly protecting national border sovereignty. As the core force in this regard, the Provincial Border Guard (PBG) of Dien Bien has always attached importance to building robust all-people border defence as the basis for firmly protecting the Fatherland’s North West frontier area

Son La Provincial Border Guard promotes its core role in building robust all-people border defence

Son La Provincial Border Guard promotes its core role in building robust all-people border defence

Monday, July 08, 2024, 15:12 (GMT+7)
Grasping and implementing the 12th Politburo’s Resolution 33-NQ/TW dated 28 September 2018 on the Strategy for National Border Protection, the Provincial Border Guard (PBG) of Son La has attached importance to promoting its core role and synchronously taking measures to build strong all-people border defence as the basis for firmly protecting the Fatherland’s frontier

Binh Dinh Border Guard enhances building of strong all-people border defence

Binh Dinh Border Guard enhances building of strong all-people border defence

Monday, May 13, 2024, 19:04 (GMT+7)
On grasping and implementing Conclusion No. 01-KL/TW of the Politburo (13th tenure), the Border Guards of Binh Dinh Province always step up studying and following Ho Chi Minh’s thought, morality, and style by means of practical, concrete deeds, most notably the building of robust all-people border defence, there by bringing into play overall power and people’s participation in firm control and protection of sovereignty and border security.

Tay Ninh provincial border guard better manages and protects national sovereignty and border security

Tay Ninh provincial border guard better manages and protects national sovereignty and border security

Sunday, May 12, 2024, 20:35 (GMT+7)
The Provincial Border Guard (PBG) of Tay Ninh is assigned to manage and protect a 240-km-long border section of Viet Nam with the Kingdom of Cambodia’s Svay Rieng, Prey Veng, and Tbong Khmum provinces. In Tay Ninh province’s border area, there are 20 communes under 5 districts, 3 international border gates (Moc Bai, Tan Nam, Xa Mat), 3 main border gates (Phuoc Tan, Chang Riec, Ka Tum), 10 secondary border gates, and many trails across the border

Lang Son Border Guard steps up mass mobilisation work

Lang Son Border Guard steps up mass mobilisation work

Saturday, March 09, 2024, 20:14 (GMT+7)
With a high sense of responsibility, joint efforts and consensus and specific, practical, and effective actions in mass mobilisation work of the cadres, soldiers and agencies, and units of the Lang Son Provincial Border Guard in recent times have made an important contribution to maintaining political stability, building a solid “people’s heart-and-mind posture” to manage and protect sovereignty and national borders and build the border areas of peace, friendship, cooperation, and mutual development with neighbouring country.

Thai Binh Provincial Border Guard stably manages and protects the sovereignty and security over sea border

Thai Binh Provincial Border Guard stably manages and protects the sovereignty and security over sea border

Thursday, February 29, 2024, 07:13 (GMT+7)
Being well aware of its honour and responsibility, Thai Binh Provincial Border Guard has continuously brought into play its key roles, closely coordinated with the local party committees and governments, and mobilised the whole people’s power to stably manage and protect the sovereignty over sea border in the new situation.

Enhancing coordination between the Border Guard and Customs in control at border gates and seaports

Enhancing coordination between the Border Guard and Customs in control at border gates and seaports

Friday, December 29, 2023, 07:48 (GMT+7)
Strengthening coordination, promoting administrative reform and enhancing the quality of mission implementation by the Border Guard and Customs forces at border gates and seaports have crucial and practical importance in contributing to the overall socio-economic development, ensuring solid sovereignty, and national security, and promoting comprehensive, extensive, flexible, and effective international integration, aligning with the aspiration for the flourishing and happiness of the country.

Border Guard Force’s commitment to safeguard territorial sovereignty and national border security

Border Guard Force’s commitment to safeguard territorial sovereignty and national border security

Sunday, December 24, 2023, 21:37 (GMT+7)
In the coming period, the situation along land and maritime borders, as well as in some strategically important areas, harbours complex factors, hostile forces persist in intensifying subversion efforts and sowing discord in the good traditional neighbourly relations between bordering regions. The security situation in rural areas with issues related to ethnic groups, religion, non-traditional security, criminal activities, legal violations, especially drug trafficking, smuggling, illegal immigration, is becoming increasingly complex, posing numerous difficulties and challenges for the management and protection of territorial sovereignty and national border security. This demands that the Border Guard officers and soldiers continue to foster unity, innovation, and determination in effectively implementing key measures and solutions.

Binh Phuoc Provincial Border Guard participates in building strong political system in the border area

Binh Phuoc Provincial Border Guard participates in building strong political system in the border area

Wednesday, November 29, 2023, 16:18 (GMT+7)
Implementing its assigned functions and tasks amid these difficulties, the Party Committee and Command of the Provincial Border Guard have advised the Provincial Party Committee and People's Committee to conduct a comprehensive survey to firmly grasp the current situation and make suitable plan, together with other forces, build a border area of peace, friendship, cooperation and development. In which, attention is paid to building, consolidating and improving the operational efficiency of the political system in the border areas.

Great Value and Vision Beyond Time in President Ho Chi Minh’s Testament
The sacred testament left behind by President Ho Chi Minh for the entire Party, the people, and the army before his passing is considered a “National Treasure”, which reflects his sincere emotions, profound wisdom, noble ethics, open-heartedness, kindness, and tolerance, along with his visionary outlook beyond the times.