Thursday, September 19, 2024, 19:27 (GMT+7)

Quang Ngai armed forces build "4-goods party cells" according to Ho Chi Minh’s thought

Quang Ngai armed forces build “4-goods party cells” according to Ho Chi Minh’s thought

Monday, September 16, 2024, 16:11 (GMT+7)
Engraving President Ho Chi Minh’s sayings and seriously grasping the superiors’ regulations and instructions on building the Party, Quang Ngai Provincial Military Party Committee has directed the party committees and party cells to synchronously implement the building of the “4-goods party cells”.

Coast Guard Region 1 improves the effectiveness of studying and following Uncle Ho’s example

Coast Guard Region 1 improves the effectiveness of studying and following Uncle Ho's example

Friday, August 16, 2024, 07:56 (GMT+7)
To effectively carry out the task of enforcing the law, maintaining security, order and safety in the strategic sea area, along with the synchronous implementation of all aspects of work, the Command of Coast Guard Region 1 constantly promotes studying and following Uncle Ho's example, contributing to building a clean and strong Party commitee, a comprehensively strong unit that is "exemplary and typical", to successfully complete all assigned tasks.

General Secretary, Secretary of the Central Military Commission Nguyen Phu Trong - The architect of our country’s fortune

General Secretary, Secretary of the Central Military Commission Nguyen Phu Trong - The architect of our country's fortune

Wednesday, August 07, 2024, 11:56 (GMT+7)
General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong, a great intellectual, a great talent of the Vietnamese revolution, an ideologist, a culturist, a theoretical flag bearer of the Party, an excellent student who constantly studied and followed the ideology, morality and style of the great President Ho Chi Minh, devoted his whole life to the revolutionary cause of the Party and our nation, to the country and the people.

Air Defence - Air Force Academy innovates education and training according to Resolution No. 1657-NQ/QUTW

Air Defence - Air Force Academy innovates education and training according to Resolution No. 1657-NQ/QUTW

Monday, July 15, 2024, 19:04 (GMT+7)
Thoroughly grasping and strictly implementing Resolution No. 1657-NQ/QUTW of the Central Military Commission, the Party Committee and the Board of Directors of the Academy have focused on leading and carrying out the synchronous and comprehensive innovation of education and training work towards standardisation and modernisation, with a long-term vision, scientific, systematic and appropriate roadmap, along with practical contents and measures.

The 2nd Naval Region promotes emulation, commendation and the Determined-to-win Emulation Movement

The 2nd Naval Region promotes emulation, commendation and the Determined-to-win Emulation Movement

Tuesday, June 18, 2024, 10:01 (GMT+7)
The results of the Determined-to-win Emulation Movement in recent years have contributed to building the pure and strong party cells, the all-strong “exemplary, typical” Region. The Region ranks top in the whole Navy in training, combat readiness, discipline training and regularity building for many consecutive years.

Experience in establishing a model for command training, regularised construction, and discipline management of Division 5

Experience in establishing a model for command training, regularised construction, and discipline management of Division 5

Wednesday, June 12, 2024, 09:28 (GMT+7)
Aware of these circumstances and the requirements of building a model unit, the Division focuses on leading and directing the development of an all-strong, “exemplary and typical” unit; in there, create breakthroughs in the quality of command training, regularised construction, and discipline management, contribute to enhancing the overall quality and combat strength, meeting the requirement and tasks in the new situations.

Following Uncle Ho’s teachings – the motivation for Technical Department of Artillery Corps to successfully accomplish all tasks

Following Uncle Ho’s teachings – the motivation for Technical Department of Artillery Corps to successfully accomplish all tasks

Wednesday, June 12, 2024, 09:26 (GMT+7)
Being respectful and bringing into play the gained achievements, the Technical Department of Artillery Corps has continuously promoted the following of Uncle Ho’s teachings, creating motivation to make power and bring into play the traditions of “Being united and creative, overcoming all difficulties to accomplish all tasks”, making sure the Corps could successfully accomplish the tasks in all situations.

361st Air Defence Division makes breakthroughs in legal dissemination and education

361st Air Defence Division makes breakthroughs in legal dissemination and education

Wednesday, May 22, 2024, 07:08 (GMT+7)
In recent years, to fulfil the tasks of training, combat readiness, and protection of the airspace of Ha Noi – “the heart” of the country, the Party Committee and Commanders of the 361st Air Defence Division have focused on leading and directing the comprehensive implementation of all aspects of work. Among these, the work of legal dissemination and education, management, and strict adherence to state laws and military discipline is a pivotal breakthrough.

Binh Dinh Border Guard enhances building of strong all-people border defence

Binh Dinh Border Guard enhances building of strong all-people border defence

Monday, May 13, 2024, 19:04 (GMT+7)
On grasping and implementing Conclusion No. 01-KL/TW of the Politburo (13th tenure), the Border Guards of Binh Dinh Province always step up studying and following Ho Chi Minh’s thought, morality, and style by means of practical, concrete deeds, most notably the building of robust all-people border defence, there by bringing into play overall power and people’s participation in firm control and protection of sovereignty and border security.

Dien Bien Phu Victory and the lessons for the cause of building a strong national defence

Dien Bien Phu Victory and the lessons for the cause of building a strong national defence

Friday, May 10, 2024, 09:30 (GMT+7)
Nowadays, to enhance the robust development of national defence capabilities and establish a solid foundation for the comprehensive, whole people, independent, self-reliant, and modern national defence, we must build and leverage the comprehensive strength of the country across all military, political, ideological, economic, cultural, social, security, diplomatic, science and technology domains, combining the national strength with power of the era.

Great Value and Vision Beyond Time in President Ho Chi Minh’s Testament
The sacred testament left behind by President Ho Chi Minh for the entire Party, the people, and the army before his passing is considered a “National Treasure”, which reflects his sincere emotions, profound wisdom, noble ethics, open-heartedness, kindness, and tolerance, along with his visionary outlook beyond the times.