Friday, September 20, 2024, 14:41 (GMT+7)

Kien Giang provincial armed forces join hands to build new-style rural areas

Kien Giang provincial armed forces join hands to build new-style rural areas

Friday, September 20, 2024, 14:37 (GMT+7)
Over the years, the emulation Movement titled “Joining hands to build new-style rural areas” across the province has been implemented extensively. As a result, the countryside has experienced a lot of progressive changes; rural traffic and socio-economic infrastructures have been developed; importance has been attached to education, healthcare, and rural environment hygiene work; the people’s material and mental life has been bettered

Nam Tu Liem district enhances its military - defence work

Nam Tu Liem district enhances its military - defence work

Monday, July 22, 2024, 20:28 (GMT+7)
Grasping resolutions and directives by the Party, Central Military Commission, and Ministry of National Defence, particularly the Municipal Party Committee, Municipal People’s Council, Municipal People’s Committee and Hanoi Capital Military Command, the District Military Party Committee and District Military Command (DMC) have actively advised the District Party Committee, District People’s Council, and District People’s Committee to lead and direct the performance of military - defence work, thus obtaining significant results

Bac Giang province enhances defence and security education as the basis for its sustainable development

Bac Giang province enhances defence and security education as the basis for its sustainable development

Monday, July 15, 2024, 19:09 (GMT+7)
The Provincial Military Command (PMC) as the Standing Agency of the Provincial Defence and Security Education Council has coordinated with departments and sectors to assist the province in building and promulgating the system of documents for leading, directing, and guiding this important work in a close, synchronous, proper manner

Strengthening national defence work at Vietnam Railways

Strengthening national defence work at Vietnam Railways

Thursday, June 13, 2024, 15:44 (GMT+7)
Grasping the Party’s line and policies on national defence and Fatherland protection, Vietnam Railways (VNR) has been effectively implementing synchronised measures to enhance the quality of national defence work, contributing to our country’s industrialisation, modernisation, national construction and defence in the new situation

Hung Yen provincial armed forces promote local defence and military work

Hung Yen provincial armed forces promote local defence and military work

Sunday, May 26, 2024, 13:43 (GMT+7)
As a locality in the Northern key economic region, where many concentrated industrial parks are built with hundreds of foreign direct investment (FDI) enterprises, employing tens of thousands of workers in the area,... the province continues to attach importance to the combination between socio-economic development and national defence and security consolidation, building increasingly solid defence potentials.

Ho Chi Minh City’s district 3 raises the quality of selecting and conscripting citizens into the Army

Ho Chi Minh City’s district 3 raises the quality of selecting and conscripting citizens into the Army

Wednesday, April 17, 2024, 14:26 (GMT+7)
Located in the heart of Ho Chi Minh City, district 3 has a large population with a high intellectual standard and great potential for the development of business and services. The district has a lot of crucial transportation hubs, thereby holding a position of importance in various aspects. Over the years, in addition to socio-economic development, the district has always placed emphasis on well performing local military-defence work, with selection and conscription of citizens into the Army being seen as a central task

Law propagation and dissemination at Brigade 203

Law propagation and dissemination at Brigade 203

Monday, April 15, 2024, 15:03 (GMT+7)
The Brigade’s Party Committee and Command have concentrated on leading, directing, and well performing the work of law propagation, dissemination, and education as a central task aimed at achieving a positive change in each cadre and soldier’ observance of State law and military discipline, contributing to making the Brigade “exemplarily, typically” comprehensively strong and worthy of a role model in training and combat readiness in 2024, successfully fulfilling all assigned tasks

Experience in calling military service in Tu Son city

Experience in calling military service in Tu Son city

Sunday, February 25, 2024, 08:28 (GMT+7)
With the spirit of “being attentive, synchronous, drastic, and bringing into play the general power of the whole political system”, the military recruitment has regularly received much leadership and direction from the party committees, governments, agencies and unions with many practical and effective solutions. As a result, the City has frequently completed 100% of the targets of military recruitment with high quality, which has been highly appreciated by the receiving units and  Military Region 1.

Division 9 strengthens legal education and discipline management

Division 9 strengthens legal education and discipline management

Friday, January 26, 2024, 10:57 (GMT+7)
Thoroughly grasping the resolutions and directives of the Central Military Commission, the Ministry of National Defence, and directly of the Party Committee and Command of the 4th Army Corps on military and defence tasks, the Party Committee and Commandant of the Division have regularly grasped the all-round situation of the area, proactively deployed all aspects of work, aiming to build a clean and strong Party Committee and an all-strong, "exemplary and typical” unit. In particular, strengthening legal education and discipline management has been identified as an important solution to create a solid change in awareness and action in the observance of State law and Military discipline, helping its cadres and soldiers perform well their assigned tasks.

Intensifying national defence and security education for students in the current context

Intensifying national defence and security education for students in the current context

Saturday, December 16, 2023, 19:53 (GMT+7)
At present, the cause of national construction and defence of the Party and the people is witnessing both opportunities and challenges and demanding high requirements. Hostile and reactionary forces are intensifying their subversive activities through the “peaceful evolution” strategy, and promoting “self-evolution” and “self-transformation” with devious tactics. Among their prime targets are the younger generation and students. Simultaneously, the negative impacts of malicious information on social media impinging on the thoughts and emotions of students become difficult to control on a daily and hourly basis. It is required to strengthen national defence and security education for students to meet the revolutionary requirements and tasks in the new situation.

Great Value and Vision Beyond Time in President Ho Chi Minh’s Testament
The sacred testament left behind by President Ho Chi Minh for the entire Party, the people, and the army before his passing is considered a “National Treasure”, which reflects his sincere emotions, profound wisdom, noble ethics, open-heartedness, kindness, and tolerance, along with his visionary outlook beyond the times.