Friday, September 20, 2024, 10:55 (GMT+7)

Several issues regarding military region-level defensive campaigns

Several issues regarding military region-level defensive campaigns

Monday, September 16, 2024, 16:13 (GMT+7)
In a (potential) war to defend the Homeland, defensive campaigns will play a crucial role in military region-level defensive operations and may be organised right from the start or during the course of defensive operations, enhancing the protection of key areas in a strategic axis. Therefore, even in peacetime, it is urgent that the conditions, locations, and scale of such a campaign be thoroughly studied

Lý Dynasty combined military actions with diplomatic measures to end wars and establish peace

Lý Dynasty combined military actions with diplomatic measures to end wars and establish peace

Wednesday, June 26, 2024, 08:52 (GMT+7)
Clearly grasping the enemy’s schemes, the Lý Dynasty proactively and shrewdly developed strategies to defend the nation, leveraged the strength of the entire populace, and implemented multiple measures simultaneously to swiftly end the war and establish peace, with the combination of military offensives and diplomatic measures being kept at the forefront

Is it true that "Protecting the Fatherland from early and afar is nothing short of groundless"?

Is it true that "Protecting the Fatherland from early and afar is nothing short of groundless"?

Friday, May 17, 2024, 09:08 (GMT+7)
Protecting the Fatherland from early and afar and safeguarding the country before it is under existential threat has been Vietnam’s consistent policy throughout historical periods. As opposed to being dismissed by hostile forces as groundless, this policy continues to be developed by our Party due to its immediate relevance to our present-day cause of Fatherland construction and protection

Distinction aspects of military art in Operation Tay Ninh - Binh Long 1968

Distinction aspects of military art in Operation Tay Ninh - Binh Long 1968

Thursday, September 28, 2023, 17:16 (GMT+7)
Operation Tay Ninh - Binh Long marked the maturity of our Theatre main force, opening up the possibility to organise and conduct operations on a larger scale with larger forces to defeat the U.S. “Local War” strategy. The lessons and experiences drawn from the Operation remain valuable and should be further studied and creatively applied in the cause of defending the Motherland today.

Some issues on unconventional warfare nowadays

Some issues on unconventional warfare nowadays

Wednesday, July 19, 2023, 17:59 (GMT+7)
Unconventional warfare is a form  of warfare that has been conducted by the US and Western countries against certain nations that oppose or are hostile to them, especially the socialist ones. Therefore, understanding its nature and ways of conducting operation to develop effective preventive and countermeasures is an important issue.

On the fighting method of the armed forces of military regions in combined offensive operations

On the fighting method of the armed forces of military regions in combined offensive operations

Saturday, April 29, 2023, 08:58 (GMT+7)
In a defensive war to protect the Motherland, with a highly developed people’s warfare posture, a combined offensive operation at the military-region level will be implemented right from the beginning and throughout the conflict. To successfully conduct this type of operation, it is necessary to study and address many issues of military art; in which the combat method is the key issue that needs to be thoroughly studied in both practice and theory.

The art of force utilisation during Binh Gia Offensive, Winter – Spring 1964 – 1965

The art of force utilisation during Binh Gia Offensive, Winter – Spring 1964 – 1965

Wednesday, February 08, 2023, 15:25 (GMT+7)
The Victory of Binh Gia was brilliant milestone in our resistance war against the U.S. for national salvation, marking an oustanding maturity of regular units of the Liberation Army of South Vietnam and an important development of our operational art. This victory left many valuable lessons about the art of force organisation and utilisation, which need to be studied and applied futher in the cause of national defence today.

A wise strategy for border protection

A wise strategy for border protection

Saturday, March 09, 2019, 20:02 (GMT+7)
Preparing for national defense before any crisis occurs has always been a core principle throughout our history of building and protecting the country. That said, “Border protection relies on pre-made plans” is a unique and wise calculation and an invaluable lesson on safeguarding our sovereignty and territorial integrity

The art of forming battle array in the Southwest Border Defense War

The art of forming battle array in the Southwest Border Defense War

Monday, January 07, 2019, 18:31 (GMT+7)
40 years ago, under the leadership of our Party, our military and people decisively defeated Khmer Rouge invasion into our Southwest border provinces and fulfilled our honorable international duty. This victory left us many unique military art lessons, especially in the art of forming battle array

The Vietnamese soldiers and people and the revival of Cambodia

The Vietnamese soldiers and people and the revival of Cambodia

Sunday, January 06, 2019, 16:12 (GMT+7)
40 years ago, the Vietnamese-Cambodian relations recorded a watershed event, which was possibly one of a kind in human history. In the face of difficulties and sacrifices, Vietnamese people, directly voluntary soldiers, altruistically helped Cambodians to escape the Khmer Rouge genocidal regime, revive social life and rebuild their once-beautiful country

Great Value and Vision Beyond Time in President Ho Chi Minh’s Testament
The sacred testament left behind by President Ho Chi Minh for the entire Party, the people, and the army before his passing is considered a “National Treasure”, which reflects his sincere emotions, profound wisdom, noble ethics, open-heartedness, kindness, and tolerance, along with his visionary outlook beyond the times.