Friday, September 20, 2024, 15:37 (GMT+7)

Vietnam’s undeniable achievements in ensuring civil and political rights

Vietnam's undeniable achievements in ensuring civil and political rights

Friday, January 12, 2024, 08:34 (GMT+7)
Practice has proven that, since joining the ICCPR Convention in 1982, Vietnam has always strived to synchronously implement policies and solutions to ensure civil and political rights for citizens and has obtained many important and comprehensive achievements on all fronts. This is not only the obligation and responsibility of membership in the Convention, but also the consistent goal of the Party and State of Vietnam to bring a good life to the people.

Protecting the juveniles’ rights in cyberspace in Vietnam – An undeniable achievement

Protecting the juveniles’ rights in cyberspace in Vietnam – An undeniable achievement

Wednesday, October 18, 2023, 16:10 (GMT+7)
The Communist Party and the State of Vietnam have paid special attention to the youth, especially educating and training them comprehensively to become good citizens for the society, including the firm struggle against the negative effects and the assurance of the juveniles’ rights in cyberspace.

Combating distortions of democracy in Vietnam

Combating distortions of democracy in Vietnam

Friday, July 14, 2023, 10:13 (GMT+7)
Instead of removing the CPV’s leadership, it is necessary to affirm and strengthen that leadership in practice as the key to democracy in our country. An abandonment of the CPV’s leadership and ruling role or the exercise of political pluralism will not make Vietnam more democratic, but instead put it at risk of chaos and instability like some other countries have experienced.

Legal dissemination and education at Tank and Armoured Brigade 574

Legal dissemination and education at Tank and Armoured Brigade 574

Monday, November 28, 2022, 21:31 (GMT+7)
During the performance of its tasks, Tank and Armoured Brigade 574, Military Region 5, has focused on leading, directing, and flexibly renewing this work both in form and content, thereby directly contributing to improving the awareness of law and discipline observance of its officers and soldiers and building an all-strong, "exemplary and typical" unit.

Press freedom must be within the legal framework

Press freedom must be within the legal framework

Monday, October 24, 2022, 08:03 (GMT+7)
Over the years, the press in Vietnam has always played the role as the voice of the Party and the State and the forum of the people and proactively, promptly, and effectively informed major issues of the country to clearly demonstrate the role to lead and guide public opinion and create social consensus. Vietnam's press agencies are really a bridge between the Party and the State and the People to quickly, fully, and accurately propagate the news of events, undertakings, and guidelines of the Party and policies of the State and the Government in performing two strategic tasks of building and protecting the Fatherland.

In the border province of Gia Lai, shine the qualities of "Uncle Ho’s Soldiers"

In the border province of Gia Lai, shine the qualities of “Uncle Ho’s Soldiers”

Thursday, September 22, 2022, 07:56 (GMT+7)
Being imbued with President Ho Chi Minh’s teachings to the Border Guard, Gia Lai PBG’s officers and soldiers try to strengthen and maintain solidarity with the local people, rely on them to perform tasks, be ready to overcome difficulties and hardships to “unite and help the local people”, thus building a firm “people’s hearts and minds posture”, which serves as a basis for protecting national territorial sovereignty and border security in the area.

Never to disregard hostile forces’ trick of "turning revolutionary vigilance into obscurity"

Never to disregard hostile forces’ trick of “turning revolutionary vigilance into obscurity”

Thursday, July 28, 2022, 15:01 (GMT+7)
“Self-evolution” and “self-transformation” prevention and combat amongst cadres, party members, and citizens must be a routine task. Each person needs to equip themself with basic knowledge and improve their “immunity” against distortions. Each cadre and party member must heighten self-criticism and criticism, regularly exercise “self-review” and “self-correction”, set good examples in the observance of the Party’s Charter and workplace regulations.

Ridiculous distortions about democracy, human rights, and social networks in Vietnam

Ridiculous distortions about democracy, human rights, and social networks in Vietnam

Friday, July 01, 2022, 13:46 (GMT+7)
Freedom of speech, freedom of the press, and freedom of information are considered basic principles for a democracy, even as "oxygen" in a democratic and developed society, but not recognised as an absolute right by the international community. The exercise of the right to freedom of expression comes with special obligations and responsibilities, may be subject to certain limitations set forth in law, and is necessary to respect the rights or reputations of others; protect national security or public order, the health or morals of society.

Upholding the tradition of “Uncle Ho’s soldiers”, military women promote their compassion, intelligence, courage, and aspiration for dedication to meet the requirements of Fatherland protection

Upholding the tradition of “Uncle Ho's soldiers”, military women promote their compassion, intelligence, courage, and aspiration for dedication to meet the requirements of Fatherland protection

Monday, December 13, 2021, 09:11 (GMT+7)
The 7th Military Women's Congress (2021-2026) takes place in the context that the entire Party, people, and army are actively grasping and implementing the Resolution of the 13th National Party Congress and the Resolution of the 11th Congress of the Military Party Organisation. This is an extensive political activity for military women to set and implement the goals, targets, action plans to build the Union strong, actively contributing to the cause of Military construction, defence strengthening, and Fatherland protection in the new period

Ideological work enhanced in the Tank and Armor Corps

Ideological work enhanced in the Tank and Armor Corps

Thursday, August 22, 2019, 15:55 (GMT+7)
Deeply aware of this situation, over the past years, thoroughly grasping the viewpoints of the Party and the Central Military Commission on strengthening ideology work in the Military, the Party Committee and Commandants of the Corps have focused their leadership and direction on implementing a number of breakthrough measures aimed at enhancing the ideological work and troop management, contributing to making the Corps comprehensively strong with high overall quality and combat capability, meeting the mission requirements in the new situation.

Great Value and Vision Beyond Time in President Ho Chi Minh’s Testament
The sacred testament left behind by President Ho Chi Minh for the entire Party, the people, and the army before his passing is considered a “National Treasure”, which reflects his sincere emotions, profound wisdom, noble ethics, open-heartedness, kindness, and tolerance, along with his visionary outlook beyond the times.