Friday, September 20, 2024, 10:54 (GMT+7)

Participation in UN Peacekeeping Forces - the noble responsibility of the VPA

Participation in UN Peacekeeping Forces - the noble responsibility of the VPA

Wednesday, September 18, 2024, 15:57 (GMT+7)
Through this important and meaningful activity, we convey a message of Vietnam as a nation that cherishes peace, humanity, compassion, and loyalty. We are a friend, a reliable partner, and an active, responsible member of the international community, always ready to cooperate in addressing global challenges.

Applying the principle of "Firm in objectives, flexible in tactics" in national defence, security, and the protection of the Fatherland

Applying the principle of “Firm in objectives, flexible in tactics” in national defence, security, and the protection of the Fatherland

Friday, August 23, 2024, 09:44 (GMT+7)
“Firm in objectives, flexible in tactics” is a core philosophy of President Ho Chi Minh, which has become a guiding principle for the Party in its struggle for national liberation and unification. Today, in the context of a rapidly evolving and unpredictable global and regional landscape, this principle holds even greater significance and must be thoroughly understood and effectively applied in the realms of national defence, security, and the safeguarding of the Fatherland.

Finland’s accession to NATO and its implications on the region and the world

Finland’s accession to NATO and its implications on the region and the world

Tuesday, May 14, 2024, 02:46 (GMT+7)
After Russia launched the “special military operation” in Ukraine, the Finnish Ministry for Foreign Affairs issued a report on the international security environment on 13 April 2022, stating that Russia’s action had completely altered the security environment in Europe and that Russia posed a significant security threat to Finland. This is the clearest indication that Finland abandoned its policy of neutrality, and it also served as a sign that the country would draw closer to NATO.

Key tasks of international integration and defence diplomacy in 2024

Key tasks of international integration and defence diplomacy in 2024

Friday, March 08, 2024, 19:54 (GMT+7)
On grasping diplomatic guidelines and policies of the Party and State, international integration and defence diplomacy were carried out synchronously, actively, and proactively; recorded comprehensive achievements both bilaterally and multilaterally; continued to be one of the vital pillars of Party, State, and people-to-people diplomacy; and contributed to defence of the Fatherland from afar.

Building a specialised, versatile, and modern Military Hospital 175

Building a specialised, versatile, and modern Military Hospital 175

Tuesday, February 27, 2024, 20:34 (GMT+7)
Building a specialised, versatile, and modern Medical Hospital 175 to meet regional standards is a correct guideline and a major goal. The implementation process has faced countless difficulties and challenges, but with strong determination, high resolve, and the achieved results, the Hospital is certain to successfully achieve the set goals to meet the healthcare requirements for cadres, soldiers, and the people in the new circumstances.

Building Military Hospital 103 on a par with task requirements

Building Military Hospital 103 on a par with task requirements

Tuesday, February 27, 2024, 20:10 (GMT+7)
Bringing into play the traditions of the Unit awarded 3 times with the “Hero of the People’s Armed Forces” title, Military Hospital 103 has endeavoured to improve the quality of education, treatment, scientific research and serving manners, striving to become a top modernised hospital of the Military and the country.

Building an "elite, compact, and strong" Engineering Corps

Building an “elite, compact, and strong” Engineering Corps

Tuesday, February 27, 2024, 07:19 (GMT+7)
As a combat support corps indispensable in combat, to meet the requirements of being “elite, compact, and strong”, alongside organisational development and human resource cultivation, the Engineering Corps emphasises advising and proposing the development of engineering technical equipment towards synchronisation and modernisation.

Thorough grasping the Resolution of the Central Military Commission, the entire military seeks to complete military and defence tasks in 2024 successfully

Thorough grasping the Resolution of the Central Military Commission, the entire military seeks to complete military and defence tasks in 2024 successfully

Monday, February 05, 2024, 15:00 (GMT+7)
The year 2024 is key to accomplishment of the goals and missions set forth in the Resolution of the 13th Party Congress and the Resolution of the 11th Military Party Congress. The entire military manages to basically complete adjustment of force organisation in an adept, compact, strong direction, which helps to generate new strength and successfully implement all assigned tasks with higher outcomes as compared to the year 2023.

Refuting the distorted argument: "The Army’s participation in UN peacekeeping operations is inappropriate"

Refuting the distorted argument: “The Army’s participation in UN peacekeeping operations is inappropriate”

Thursday, December 28, 2023, 14:37 (GMT+7)
Practice has shown that since its official participation in UN peacekeeping operations, the VPA has made significant and effective contributions in various fields. One of the most important contributions of the VPA is the active participation in reconstruction, peace maintenance, and humanitarian support missions. The contributions of Vietnam’s “blue beret” soldiers have been recognised and highly appreciated by the UN, serving as an “exemplary model” for other countries. This fact refutes all baseless and unscientific arguments made by hostile forces aimed at undermining the credibility of the VPA and distorting the foreign defence policy of our Party and State.

Ensuring and promoting human rights are Vietnam’s consistent policy

Ensuring and promoting human rights are Vietnam's consistent policy

Thursday, December 14, 2023, 21:38 (GMT+7)
Respecting and ensuring human rights are the consistent viewpoint and policy of our Party and State; which have been prescribed in the Constitution and laws of Vietnam over times; concretised in socio-economic development strategies and plans appropriate to each stage of the country's development; implemented actively and responsibly in the implementation of international obligations and commitments on human rights.

Great Value and Vision Beyond Time in President Ho Chi Minh’s Testament
The sacred testament left behind by President Ho Chi Minh for the entire Party, the people, and the army before his passing is considered a “National Treasure”, which reflects his sincere emotions, profound wisdom, noble ethics, open-heartedness, kindness, and tolerance, along with his visionary outlook beyond the times.