Friday, September 20, 2024, 11:08 (GMT+7)

Upholding the tradition of winning the first battles to build an "elite, compact, strong" Naval Service

Upholding the tradition of winning the first battles to build an “elite, compact, strong” Naval Service

Thursday, August 08, 2024, 07:49 (GMT+7)
On 2 and 5 August 1964, the Vietnam People’s Navy (VPN) cooperated with other forces in courageously fighting to win victory in the first battles. It is forever a source of pride and encouragement for generations of Naval cadres and soldiers to overcome all hardships, successfully fulfil all assigned tasks, and build an “elite, compact, strong”, modern Service worthy of its core role in firmly protecting national sovereignty over seas and islands

The armed forces of Thanh Hoa province enhance "gratitude" work and policies regarding military families

The armed forces of Thanh Hoa province enhance “gratitude” work and policies regarding military families

Thursday, July 25, 2024, 18:11 (GMT+7)
Over the years, the Provincial Military Party Committee and Provincial Military Command (PMC) have grasped the Party’s lines, the State’s laws and policies as well as directives and resolutions by the Central Military Commission and the Ministry of National Defence on policy work and the “gratitude” movement. They have proactively given advice on designing and promulgating many documents on leadership and direction over this important work and mobilising the participation of the entire political system and people

Thoroughly grasping Resolution 230 of the Central Military Party Committee, Thanh Hoa Province concentrates on developing armed forces in the direction of "elite, compact, and strong"

Thoroughly grasping Resolution 230 of the Central Military Party Committee, Thanh Hoa Province concentrates on developing armed forces in the direction of “elite, compact, and strong”

Wednesday, April 24, 2024, 10:53 (GMT+7)
Thoroughly grasping and strictly implementing Resolution No. 230-NQ/QUTW of the Central Military Commission is the responsibility and political task of the party committees, commanding officers and units at all levels throughout the military. The armed forces of Thanh Hoa Province are deeply grasping and effectively implementing this directive, which serves as a crucial foundation for building an "elite, compact and strong" force, successfully completing all assigned tasks.

Division 341 concentrates on building an all-powerful, "exemplary and typical" unit

Division 341 concentrates on building an all-powerful, “exemplary and typical” unit

Thursday, November 24, 2022, 09:16 (GMT+7)
Bringing into play the 50-year tradition of constructing, fighting, and maturing, cadres and soldiers of Division 341 will continue to make every endeavour to build an all-powerful, “exemplary and typical” unit to accomplish all assigned tasks and beautify the tradition of “Boundless loyalty, strict discipline, determination to win” to firmly safeguard the Fatherland in all situations.

Improving the level of party work and political work of junior political commissars’ at commune-level military commands in Thanh Hoa province

Improving the level of party work and political work of junior political commissars’ at commune-level military commands in Thanh Hoa province

Tuesday, October 25, 2022, 08:29 (GMT+7)
Improving commune-level military command commissars’ capacity to carry out party and political work is a matter of importance and urgency that should be elaborately researched to work out synchronous, effective measures.

Quan Hoa District attaches importance to leading the defence and military work

Quan Hoa District attaches importance to leading the defence and military work

Sunday, June 12, 2022, 10:56 (GMT+7)
The District Party Committee, authorities, and people have been upholding the spirit of solidarity, dynamism, and creativity and maximising all resources, potentials, strengths, and efforts to comprehensively and effectively implement all aspects of work, including defence and military task.

Border Guard of Thanh Hoa Province plays the core role in building a strong all-people border defence

Border Guard of Thanh Hoa Province plays the core role in building a strong all-people border defence

Sunday, May 22, 2022, 14:56 (GMT+7)
On grasping and realising the Resolution No. 33-NQ/TW, dated 28 September 2018, of the Politburo (12th tenure) on the National Border Protection Strategy, the Border Guard of Thanh Hoa Province has been bringing into play its core role and adopting measures to build a robust all-people border defence, creating overall strength for firmly safeguarding territorial sovereignty and national border security.

5th Defence-Eonomic Corps builds

5th Defence-Eonomic Corps builds "people's heart and mind posture" at border areas

Saturday, May 21, 2022, 22:20 (GMT+7)
The activities of the Corps have effectively promoted the potential and strengths of the locality, and greatly impacted its socio-economic development. They are done for the peaceful and prosperous life of the people - an important factor to socio-political security and stability, strengthening and consolidating the firm "people’s heart and mind posture" in the border areas, contributing to the successful implementation of the strategic task of firmly building and defending the Fatherland.

Linking political education with legal dissemination for militia and self-defence forces in Thanh Hoa province

Linking political education with legal dissemination for militia and self-defence forces in Thanh Hoa province

Saturday, August 07, 2021, 08:50 (GMT+7)
Thanks to the synchronous implementation of the contents, the work of political education and legal dissemination for the militia and self-defence forces of Thanh Hoa Provincial Military Command in recent years has achieved good results, making them ready to receive and well complete all assigned tasks.

The district of Ba Thuoc combines socio-economic development with defence-security consolidation

The district of Ba Thuoc combines socio-economic development with defence-security consolidation

Tuesday, June 22, 2021, 09:17 (GMT+7)
Being fully aware of the district’s position and grasping the Party’s viewpoints and guidelines on the Homeland construction and protection, the district’s Party Organisation, authorities and people have heightened a sense of unity, dynamism, and creativity, while maximising all possible resources to boost economic development in line with defence-security consolidation, particularly in the plans to develop key regions

Great Value and Vision Beyond Time in President Ho Chi Minh’s Testament
The sacred testament left behind by President Ho Chi Minh for the entire Party, the people, and the army before his passing is considered a “National Treasure”, which reflects his sincere emotions, profound wisdom, noble ethics, open-heartedness, kindness, and tolerance, along with his visionary outlook beyond the times.