Friday, September 20, 2024, 06:36 (GMT+7)

Quang Ngai armed forces build "4-goods party cells" according to Ho Chi Minh’s thought

Quang Ngai armed forces build “4-goods party cells” according to Ho Chi Minh’s thought

Monday, September 16, 2024, 16:11 (GMT+7)
Engraving President Ho Chi Minh’s sayings and seriously grasping the superiors’ regulations and instructions on building the Party, Quang Ngai Provincial Military Party Committee has directed the party committees and party cells to synchronously implement the building of the “4-goods party cells”.

Fighting against individualism and maintaining the qualities of

Fighting against individualism and maintaining the qualities of "Uncle Ho's Soldiers" in the new situation

Monday, June 24, 2024, 11:25 (GMT+7)
The noble qualities of "Uncle Ho's Soldiers" are invaluable spiritual assets of our Military, which need to be preserved and promoted in the new era. To do that, it is required that party committees, party organisations, officers and soldiers implement a number of solutions synchronously, in which, promoting awareness and responsibility in resolutely fighting against individualism is an important one.

The 2nd Naval Region promotes emulation, commendation and the Determined-to-win Emulation Movement

The 2nd Naval Region promotes emulation, commendation and the Determined-to-win Emulation Movement

Tuesday, June 18, 2024, 10:01 (GMT+7)
The results of the Determined-to-win Emulation Movement in recent years have contributed to building the pure and strong party cells, the all-strong “exemplary, typical” Region. The Region ranks top in the whole Navy in training, combat readiness, discipline training and regularity building for many consecutive years.

Criticising the manifestation of hesitantly learning political theories among young military officers

Criticising the manifestation of hesitantly learning political theories among young military officers

Sunday, June 16, 2024, 21:00 (GMT+7)
Young military officers are the successive force; and the main force in educating and training soldiers and in building all-strong units. Therefore, the hesitant learning of political theories among this staff is harmful to their training and development. Therefore, criticising and repelling this phenomenon with many solutions is an urgent, regular and long-term task for building the contingent of military cadres on a par with tasks.

Following Uncle Ho’s teachings – the motivation for Technical Department of Artillery Corps to successfully accomplish all tasks

Following Uncle Ho’s teachings – the motivation for Technical Department of Artillery Corps to successfully accomplish all tasks

Wednesday, June 12, 2024, 09:26 (GMT+7)
Being respectful and bringing into play the gained achievements, the Technical Department of Artillery Corps has continuously promoted the following of Uncle Ho’s teachings, creating motivation to make power and bring into play the traditions of “Being united and creative, overcoming all difficulties to accomplish all tasks”, making sure the Corps could successfully accomplish the tasks in all situations.

Political Officer College thoroughly grasps and implements Directive No. 2423-CT/QUTW

Political Officer College thoroughly grasps and implements Directive No. 2423-CT/QUTW

Monday, April 15, 2024, 16:57 (GMT+7)
Immediately after the issuance of Directive No. 2423-CT/QUTW by the CMC Standing Board, the School’s Party Committee thoroughly grasped and profoundly disseminated the Directive’s goals, requirements, tasks, and solutions. Simultaneously, they identified the key contents and measures that need the focused leadership and direction during the implementation process

Lang Son Border Guard steps up mass mobilisation work

Lang Son Border Guard steps up mass mobilisation work

Saturday, March 09, 2024, 20:14 (GMT+7)
With a high sense of responsibility, joint efforts and consensus and specific, practical, and effective actions in mass mobilisation work of the cadres, soldiers and agencies, and units of the Lang Son Provincial Border Guard in recent times have made an important contribution to maintaining political stability, building a solid “people’s heart-and-mind posture” to manage and protect sovereignty and national borders and build the border areas of peace, friendship, cooperation, and mutual development with neighbouring country.

Border Guard focuses on building a contingent of "both red and expert" cadres

Border Guard focuses on building a contingent of “both red and expert” cadres

Thursday, February 29, 2024, 07:15 (GMT+7)
Building a contingent of “both red and expert” cadres is a political task that is both urgent and fundamental in the long term, requiring the Party Committee, High Command, Party Committees, and commanders at all levels to be persistent, cautious, and democratic and promote positivity, initiative, and creativity in implementation in order to build an “elite, compact, strong, effective, and efficient” contingent of Vietnamese Border Guard cadres to meet requirements and tasks in the new situation.

299th Engineer Brigade builds a pure, strong, representative party committee according to Conclusion No. 01 of the Politburo

299th Engineer Brigade builds a pure, strong, representative party committee according to Conclusion No. 01 of the Politburo

Wednesday, February 14, 2024, 20:30 (GMT+7)
Party building and rectification is a vital content as provided by the Conclusion No. 01-KL/TW, dated 18 May 2021, of the Politburo (13th tenure) on further stepping up studying and following Ho Chi Minh’s ideology, morality, and style. This is also a matter that has been led and directed effectively by the 299th Engineer Brigade Party Committee and Commanders, laying the basis for building a pure, strong, representative party committee and comprehensively strong, exemplary, representative unit while being ready to undertake and accomplish any missions successfully.

On building a politically elite Vietnam People’s Army

On building a politically elite Vietnam People’s Army

Wednesday, February 14, 2024, 20:25 (GMT+7)
Building the politically elite Vietnam People’s Army requires the efforts of the entire Party, the entire people, and the entire Army with military cadres and soldiers at the core. Therefore, it is required to enhance the political awareness, sense of political responsibility, confidence, and aspirations of all individuals in the cause of constructing a politically elite People's Army to lay a foundation for building a “revolutionary, regular, elite, and modernised” People's Army of Vietnam.

Great Value and Vision Beyond Time in President Ho Chi Minh’s Testament
The sacred testament left behind by President Ho Chi Minh for the entire Party, the people, and the army before his passing is considered a “National Treasure”, which reflects his sincere emotions, profound wisdom, noble ethics, open-heartedness, kindness, and tolerance, along with his visionary outlook beyond the times.