Friday, September 20, 2024, 06:29 (GMT+7)

Upholding the tradition of winning the first battles to build an "elite, compact, strong" Naval Service

Upholding the tradition of winning the first battles to build an “elite, compact, strong” Naval Service

Thursday, August 08, 2024, 07:49 (GMT+7)
On 2 and 5 August 1964, the Vietnam People’s Navy (VPN) cooperated with other forces in courageously fighting to win victory in the first battles. It is forever a source of pride and encouragement for generations of Naval cadres and soldiers to overcome all hardships, successfully fulfil all assigned tasks, and build an “elite, compact, strong”, modern Service worthy of its core role in firmly protecting national sovereignty over seas and islands

Naval Region 1 harnesses political and spiritual elements in "winning the first battle" to secure maritime sovereignty

Naval Region 1 harnesses political and spiritual elements in “winning the first battle” to secure maritime sovereignty

Wednesday, August 07, 2024, 11:54 (GMT+7)
Following the tradition of its predecessors who won the first battle, Naval Region 1 intensifies traditional education, fostering belief and the determination to fight and win among its troops. It vigorously trains them to master new, modern technical weaponry, refine their tactics, and enhance overall quality and combat strength to firmly safeguard the northeastern maritime regions of the Fatherland.

Brigade 170 enhances the effectiveness of legal dissemination and education

Brigade 170 enhances the effectiveness of legal dissemination and education

Wednesday, July 10, 2024, 13:32 (GMT+7)
In recent years, the Brigade’s Party Committee and Command have synchronously implemented comprehensive leadership and directive measures. Among these, improving the effectiveness of legal dissemination and education is critical. This aims to cultivate legal awareness and behaviour in compliance with state laws and military discipline among officers and soldiers, serving as a foundation for effectively fulfilling military duties and the rights and obligations of citizens.

The 2nd Naval Region promotes emulation, commendation and the Determined-to-win Emulation Movement

The 2nd Naval Region promotes emulation, commendation and the Determined-to-win Emulation Movement

Tuesday, June 18, 2024, 10:01 (GMT+7)
The results of the Determined-to-win Emulation Movement in recent years have contributed to building the pure and strong party cells, the all-strong “exemplary, typical” Region. The Region ranks top in the whole Navy in training, combat readiness, discipline training and regularity building for many consecutive years.

Military Hospital 7B improves its capability comprehensively to meet the requirements of medical examination and treatment

Military Hospital 7B improves its capability comprehensively to meet the requirements of medical examination and treatment

Friday, May 24, 2024, 08:21 (GMT+7)
Military Hospital 7B under the Logistics Department of Military Region 7 is tasked with receiving and treating patients as cadres and soldiers of the armed forces, persons under preferential treatment and health insurance policies, and citizens of Dong Nai province and adjacent localities, taking part in military medical support for Truong Sa Dong Island, Naval Region 2, and other units in its area; it is also the practical training centre for medical cadets from Logistics College No.2 and several medical – pharmaceutical schools

Saigon Newport Corporation well performs its economic and defence tasks

Saigon Newport Corporation well performs its economic and defence tasks

Wednesday, April 24, 2024, 15:46 (GMT+7)
In the past 35 years of construction, operation, and maturity (since 15th March 1989), the Corporation has always successfully fulfilled all assigned tasks and achieved robust development to become a typical business of our country and Army and greatly contribute to marine economic development and the protection of seas and islands

Naval Region 3 serves as a stronghold for fishermen’s operations at sea

Naval Region 3 serves as a stronghold for fishermen’s operations at sea

Thursday, April 11, 2024, 15:44 (GMT+7)
The efforts and perseverance of the cadres and soldiers of the Naval Region 3, in accompanying fishermen across every inch of the sea, have not only provided a pillar of strength for fishermen to confidently and securely set sail and adhere to the sea but have also been filled with humanistic values, significantly strengthening the solidarity between the military and the fishermen at sea. This has effectively enhanced the role of fishermen in participating in the protection of the sacred maritime and island sovereignty of the nation.

Naval Region 2 builds all strong, "exemplary and typical" units

Naval Region 2 builds all strong, "exemplary and typical" units

Monday, March 25, 2024, 14:29 (GMT+7)
To cope with situations, the Region will continue to deploy all aspects of work thoroughly, focusing on building all strong, "exemplary and typical" units, creating a foundation to improve its overall quality, combat power, and meeting the requirements and tasks of protecting the sovereignty of sea and island in all situations.

950th Brigade enhances the quality of training and combat readiness

950th Brigade enhances the quality of training and combat readiness

Wednesday, March 20, 2024, 07:56 (GMT+7)
To successfully fulfill its assigned missions, in recent years, the Brigade has consistently implemented resolutions, directives, orders, plans, and guidance on training and combat readiness. It has established comprehensive leadership principles and measures with focuses and direction established on the specific situation, mission, and objectives, achieving high results.

Good legal propaganda and enforcement at sea of the 2nd Coast Guard Region

Good legal propaganda and enforcement at sea of the 2nd Coast Guard Region

Saturday, March 09, 2024, 20:18 (GMT+7)
It is the patience and effort of cadres and soldiers of the Region and other forces that raise the awareness and responsibility of the local party committees, governments and the people for protecting the sovereignty, security and safety of seas and islands, actively cooperating and providing for the Region’s Party Committee with hundreds of valuable reports on criminals and violations at sea.

Great Value and Vision Beyond Time in President Ho Chi Minh’s Testament
The sacred testament left behind by President Ho Chi Minh for the entire Party, the people, and the army before his passing is considered a “National Treasure”, which reflects his sincere emotions, profound wisdom, noble ethics, open-heartedness, kindness, and tolerance, along with his visionary outlook beyond the times.