Friday, September 20, 2024, 18:29 (GMT+7)

Coast Guard Region 2 steps up the fight against crimes and violations of law at sea

Coast Guard Region 2 steps up the fight against crimes and violations of law at sea

Monday, July 15, 2024, 19:07 (GMT+7)
As the core force in charge of security, order, and safety management and law enforcement in the sea of its responsibility, Coast Guard Region 2’s Command has always enhanced the work of preventing and combating crimes and violations via many synchronous, drastic, effective measures

Ly Son island in a nutshell

Ly Son island in a nutshell

Tuesday, February 28, 2023, 11:36 (GMT+7)
Occupying the North-South sea route - the gateway of Dung Quat Economic Zone, Ly Son becomes the front-line administrative unit, playing an important role in the defence of the sea and islands of Quang Ngai province and the Central region. At the same time, it has many advantages for socio-economic development.

Armed forces of Ly Son District bring into play core role in performing military-defence tasks

Armed forces of Ly Son District bring into play core role in performing military-defence tasks

Tuesday, November 22, 2022, 08:14 (GMT+7)
After thirty years of constructing, developing, inheriting, and promoting the patriotic traditions and the iron will of the mighty Paracel Squadron, the armed forces of Ly Son District have brought into play the core role in performing military-defence tasks to realise the aspiration of building Ly Son District into a green, clean, and beautiful tourist island with a strong economy, solid national defence and security to safeguard the sacred sovereignty over the seas and islands of the Fatherland.

Development potential of Vietnam’s coastal islands

Development potential of Vietnam’s coastal islands

Friday, April 22, 2022, 08:45 (GMT+7)
Our country has more than 2,770 big and small coastal islands, with a total area of about 1,720 square kilometres. Those islands are scattered across our country’s seas, but most of them are located in the Gulf of Tonkin. There are some big coastal islands, such as Cai Bau, Phu Quoc, Con Dao, Phu Quy, Cat Ba, and Ly Son. The system of coastal islands holds a position of paramount importance to creating our nation’s living space and providing a legal basis for asserting our national territorial sovereignty

Coast Guard Zone 2 accompanies fishermen

Coast Guard Zone 2 accompanies fishermen

Friday, June 18, 2021, 08:22 (GMT+7)
To successfully fulfil the task of law enforcement in a large sea of the Central Coast Region’s provinces and municipalities, the Coast Guard Zone 2’s Party Committee and Command have always placed emphasis on performing the Zone’s function as “an army ready for work” and particularly effectively implementing the Programme entitled “the Coast Guard accompanies fishermen” as a role model

The Military Region 5’s armed forces in the vanguard of natural disaster prevention and control

The Military Region 5’s armed forces in the vanguard of natural disaster prevention and control

Monday, January 11, 2021, 15:35 (GMT+7)
With their dedication to serving the people, cadres and soldiers of the Military Region 5’s armed forces have always surmounted all difficulties and played a vanguard role in natural disaster prevention and control and search and rescue to help stabilise the people’s life and bolster the image of “Uncle Ho’s soldiers - the Military Region 5’s soldiers” in the new period

Quang Ngai Provincial Border Guards with the task of managing and protecting sovereignty over sea and islands

Quang Ngai Provincial Border Guards with the task of managing and protecting sovereignty over sea and islands

Wednesday, November 04, 2020, 10:36 (GMT+7)
Over the past years, Quang Ngai Provincial Border Guard Party Committee and Command have always focused on leading, directing, and comprehensively implementing all aspects of the Border Guard work, among which importance has been attached to measures for firmly protecting the sovereignty of the assigned waters and islands

Ly Son combines economic development with the defence of sea and island sovereignty

Ly Son combines economic development with the defence of sea and island sovereignty

Tuesday, August 25, 2020, 09:32 (GMT+7)
As one of the outpost islands of our country, the district of Ly Son holds a position of central importance to national defence and security. Over the years, in addition to maximising its potential and advantages for the rapid, sustainable economic development, the district has always placed great emphasis on building and consolidating the all-people national defence associated with the posture of people’s security in order that it could firmly protect the country’s sacred sovereignty over seas and islands

The Coast Guard Zone 2 provides legal propagation and education for fishers

The Coast Guard Zone 2 provides legal propagation and education for fishers

Friday, April 10, 2020, 07:22 (GMT+7)
Standing shoulder to shoulder with fishers in the performance of its task, the Coast Guard Zone 2 have been fully aware that well conducting the work of legal propagation and education for fishers would play a role of paramount importance and act as a bridge linking the Party’s guidelines and the State’s law and policy with fishers, thereby making contributions to raising fishers’ law-abiding self-awareness and maintaining political security, order, and safety at sea

The Military Region 5 and the movement of all people’s involvement in border, sea, island sovereignty protection

The Military Region 5 and the movement of all people’s involvement in border, sea, island sovereignty protection

Friday, April 12, 2019, 09:37 (GMT+7)
The Military Region 5 is a strategic area, sharing a 715.7-km-long border with Laos and Cambodia, having an 894-km-long coastline, nearly 100 inshore islands, and the Spratlys and the Paracels. This is the great potential for localities to boost socio-economic development and international integration while posing challenges to the protection of border, sea, island sovereignty and security

Great Value and Vision Beyond Time in President Ho Chi Minh’s Testament
The sacred testament left behind by President Ho Chi Minh for the entire Party, the people, and the army before his passing is considered a “National Treasure”, which reflects his sincere emotions, profound wisdom, noble ethics, open-heartedness, kindness, and tolerance, along with his visionary outlook beyond the times.