Friday, September 20, 2024, 15:58 (GMT+7)

Inter-zone 5 with Dien Bien Phu Campaign

Inter-zone 5 with Dien Bien Phu Campaign

Tuesday, May 07, 2024, 10:04 (GMT+7)
Inter-zone 5 coordinated closely with the main battlefield Dien Bien Phu and other strategic directions, dispersing the French troops, restraining them and making them unable to support each other. Each battlefield was reciprocal to the other by their “fire-sharing” roles. Together they contained the enemies, preventing them from supporting each other. People and troops of both battlefields emulated to destroy the enemies and gain victories. This was one of the main causes to the French defeat in Dien Bien Phu.

Comrade Vo Chi Cong – A talented leader of our Party and State

Comrade Vo Chi Cong – A talented leader of our Party and State

Wednesday, August 10, 2022, 14:47 (GMT+7)
Life and career of comrade Vo Chi Cong were closely connected with our Party and people’s glorious historical events in the 20th century. He was a role model as a communist. With his noble qualities, he was an excellent student of President Ho Chi Minh. He expressed his absolute loyalty to our revolution’s goal and ideal, while dedicating himself to our Party and people’s revolutionary cause.

Comrade Pham Hung – a faithful communist soldier and a talented leader

Comrade Pham Hung – a faithful communist soldier and a talented leader

Sunday, June 12, 2022, 10:59 (GMT+7)
Comrade Pham Hung’s life and career reflect the nobility of a true communist. Being an excellent student of President Ho Chi Minh, he dedicated his entire life to the country and the people. During his 60-year revolutionary career, he always manifested his steadfastness in revolutionary ideal, his determination to sacrifice for national independence, freedom, and unification, his fearlessness in the face of hardships and dangers, and his absolute loyalty to the Party’s revolutionary cause.

Regiment 48 boosts the quality of managing and training officer cadets

Regiment 48 boosts the quality of managing and training officer cadets

Friday, February 25, 2022, 07:24 (GMT+7)
Regiment 48, aka Thang Long – Thach Han Regiment (Division 390, Army Corps 1), was founded on February 27th, 1947 when its member units were fighting the enemy within the formation of Inter-Zone 3 of Huu Ngan Military Region. Over the past 75 years of construction, combat, and development, the Regiment’s generations of cadres and soldiers have always remained united and devoted effort to surmounting difficulties, successfully fulfilling their assigned tasks

Hanoi’s logistics support in early days of national resistance

Hanoi’s logistics support in early days of national resistance

Sunday, December 12, 2021, 08:11 (GMT+7)
Providing logistics support for forces to fight to pin the enemy down and annihilate enemy troops as the basis for offices and factories’ safe movement to revolutionary bases in the first 60 days and nights of national resistance represents a feature of the art of combat logistics support that should continue to be further researched and effectively applied

On military arts in the battle of Dak Po

On military arts in the battle of Dak Po

Thursday, November 25, 2021, 08:57 (GMT+7)
The battle of Dak Po (June 24, 1954) was a typical ambush of the armed forces of Inter-zone 5, destroying the entire the 100th Expeditionary Mobile Corps of France. The battle left us many valuable lessons about military arts that should be further studied and applied in the Fatherland protection cause

Division 320 improves its overall quality and combat strength

Division 320 improves its overall quality and combat strength

Thursday, January 14, 2021, 13:56 (GMT+7)
Promoting the patriotic tradition of our country and being sheltered by the Inter-Zone 3’s troops and people, the Division’s cadres and soldiers overcame an array of difficulties and challenges to continuously achieve resounding feats of arms on the battlefields from the Northern Delta to the Northwest mountainous region

To make the Military Region 3’s armed forces strong and capable of playing a core role in performing the military-defence task

To make the Military Region 3’s armed forces strong and capable of playing a core role in performing the military-defence task

Wednesday, October 28, 2020, 10:02 (GMT+7)
In the history of national construction and protection, the Military Region 3 always holds a position of critical importance to the country’s politics, economy, culture, defence and security. Under the leadership by the Party, particularly the Central Military Commission and the Ministry of National Defence, the Military Region 3’s troops and citizens have achieved brilliant feats of arms to contribute to liberating the country, constructing and defending the Homeland, and building up the tradition of “solidarity, proactiveness, creativity, sacrifice, and victory”

Great Value and Vision Beyond Time in President Ho Chi Minh’s Testament
The sacred testament left behind by President Ho Chi Minh for the entire Party, the people, and the army before his passing is considered a “National Treasure”, which reflects his sincere emotions, profound wisdom, noble ethics, open-heartedness, kindness, and tolerance, along with his visionary outlook beyond the times.