Friday, September 20, 2024, 10:54 (GMT+7)

Some issues regarding chemical defence against strategic airborne assaults in the Fatherland protection war

Some issues regarding chemical defence against strategic airborne assaults in the Fatherland protection war

Tuesday, July 09, 2024, 18:36 (GMT+7)
Ensuring chemical defence against strategic airborne assaults in the war of Fatherland protection is a formidable task, fraught with complexities and challenges. Therefore, it requires ongoing thorough research, aligned with modern combat requirements and the development of the people’s war for Homeland defence in the new context.

Measures to improve the effectiveness of military intelligence and reconnaissance activities in military regions defence operations

Measures to improve the effectiveness of military intelligence and reconnaissance activities in military regions defence operations

Saturday, May 20, 2023, 08:57 (GMT+7)
In the initial phase of a Fatherland protection war when the enemy’s plots and artifices are still held in secret, the military intelligence and recce force must be quickly deployed to grasp the situation as the basis for making combat resolutions; for that reason, this work should be thoroughly researched both theoretically and practically. The article recommends some measures to improve the effectiveness of military intelligence and  recce during military regions’ defence operations of a Fatherland protection war.

On military intelligence and reconnaissance in border provinces and municipalities’ defensive operations in the war to safeguard the Fatherland

On military intelligence and reconnaissance in border provinces and municipalities’ defensive operations in the war to safeguard the Fatherland

Wednesday, July 27, 2022, 05:38 (GMT+7)
During a Fatherland protection war (if war is to occur), especially in its initial phase, when enemies’ intent, plots, and artifices are in secret, operations of the military intelligence – recce force becomes more important. Thus, researching into the raised quality and effectiveness of the military intelligence – recce force in combat in general, defensive combat of border provinces and municipalities in particular in a Fatherland protection war represents a matter of utmost importance at all strategic, operational, and tactical levels.

On defensive operations in the war to safeguard the Fatherland

On defensive operations in the war to safeguard the Fatherland

Tuesday, June 21, 2022, 09:30 (GMT+7)
In the war for Fatherland protection, to effectively carry out a defensive campaign, commander and offices of the campaign must have a firm grasp of the enemy’s situation as the basis for correctly setting out the campaign’s determination. Moreover, it is vital to neutralise the enemy’s hi-tech weapons in order to reduce losses and maintain forces for durable combat.

Artillery Corps focuses on improving combat strength, meeting requirements and tasks

Artillery Corps focuses on improving combat strength, meeting requirements and tasks

Saturday, May 28, 2022, 21:24 (GMT+7)
Over the past 75 years, under the leadership and direction of the Party, the Central Military Commission and the Ministry of National Defence, the Artillery Corps has made great strides to overcome difficulties, develop, and achieve glorious victories, significantly contributing to the great victories of the nation, firmly defending the Fatherland.

Solutions to improve combat manoeuvre quality by Division 325

Solutions to improve combat manoeuvre quality by Division 325

Monday, September 24, 2018, 08:20 (GMT+7)
Manoeuvre is the highest training form with significant meaning in training and enhancing commanding capability of commanders at all levels, technical and tactical level and combat ordination of forces, directly contributing to improving combat strength of the entire unit

Great Value and Vision Beyond Time in President Ho Chi Minh’s Testament
The sacred testament left behind by President Ho Chi Minh for the entire Party, the people, and the army before his passing is considered a “National Treasure”, which reflects his sincere emotions, profound wisdom, noble ethics, open-heartedness, kindness, and tolerance, along with his visionary outlook beyond the times.