Thursday, September 19, 2024, 19:42 (GMT+7)

Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong - a steadfast leader and outstanding theorist of the Vietnamese revolution

Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong - a steadfast leader and outstanding theorist of the Vietnamese revolution

Friday, August 09, 2024, 07:22 (GMT+7)
His life could be described by his absolute loyalty to the country and Party as well as his unswerving piety to the people. As an outstanding theorist, he dedicated his whole effort and knowledge to our revolutionary cause. Together with the entire Party, he led our country to seize opportunities, overcome challenges, and move forward to significant victories in the cause of Doi Moi

General Secretary, Secretary of the Central Military Commission Nguyen Phu Trong - The architect of our country’s fortune

General Secretary, Secretary of the Central Military Commission Nguyen Phu Trong - The architect of our country's fortune

Wednesday, August 07, 2024, 11:56 (GMT+7)
General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong, a great intellectual, a great talent of the Vietnamese revolution, an ideologist, a culturist, a theoretical flag bearer of the Party, an excellent student who constantly studied and followed the ideology, morality and style of the great President Ho Chi Minh, devoted his whole life to the revolutionary cause of the Party and our nation, to the country and the people.

The 1954 Geneva Accords – classic diplomatic lessons

The 1954 Geneva Accords – classic diplomatic lessons

Friday, July 19, 2024, 08:59 (GMT+7)
70 years ago, on 21 July 1954, the Geneva Accords on the cessation of hostilities in Vietnam were signed, becoming a historic milestone in the country’s revolutionary diplomacy. The signing of the Geneva Accords, which mainly resulted from the Dien Bien Phu victory that “resounded across the five continents and shook the globe”, victoriously ended our country’s prolonged resistance war and completely smashed the nearly-100-year yoke of French colonialism in Vietnam

Party’s new thinking in the Resolution of the 8th Plenum of the Party Central Committee (13th Tenure) on the Strategy for Fatherland Protection in the New Situation

Party’s new thinking in the Resolution of the 8th Plenum of the Party Central Committee (13th Tenure) on the Strategy for Fatherland Protection in the New Situation

Tuesday, May 28, 2024, 00:06 (GMT+7)
The principal idea of the Strategy’s perspectives is the affirmation of the Party’s leadership role and the State’s management with an emphasis on the principle of relying on the people, and “taking the people as the root”, the core and the subject. In particular, the Strategy highlights the spirit of patriotism and promotes the strength of the bloc of great national unity, the self-reliance, and resilience of the Vietnamese people, especially the young generation and the building of a firm “people’s hearts and minds posture”

The Party’s Perspective on implementing the Strategy for Homeland protection in the new situation

The Party’s Perspective on implementing the Strategy for Homeland protection in the new situation

Saturday, February 17, 2024, 07:26 (GMT+7)
The issuance of the new Strategy for Homeland protection by our Party is highly necessary, meeting the requirements of practical development, and addressing the timely leadership, guidance, and a significant transformation in the awareness, responsibility, and actions of the entire Party, people, and armed forces. This aims to harness the collective strength towards the cause of protecting the Motherland—one of the two strategic tasks of the Vietnamese revolution.

Vietnamese, Chinese Party leaders hold talks

Vietnamese, Chinese Party leaders hold talks

Thursday, December 14, 2023, 08:00 (GMT+7)
Party General Secretary Trong emphasised that the third visit to Vietnam by General Secretary and President Xi Jinping coincides with the 15th anniversary of the Vietnam-China comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership, demonstrating the Chinese leader’s special sentiment toward the long-standing friendship, and the current stature as well as the bright prospects of the bilateral relations.

Promoting the power of the great national unity bloc in the cause of national defence and safeguarding the Fatherland

Promoting the power of the great national unity bloc in the cause of national defence and safeguarding the Fatherland

Wednesday, December 13, 2023, 17:46 (GMT+7)
Proud of its traditions and achievements, the Vietnam Fatherland Front will continue to play its role and historical mission of rallying, encouraging, and motivating the people to uphold the patriotic tradition, national pride, national self-esteem and self-reliance spirit; fostering unity among the Vietnamese people at home and abroad, maintaining national independence, sovereignty, and territorial integrity; achieving victories in the industrialisation and modernisation of the country.

Refuting the distorted arguments against the Party’s policy on "people’s enjoyment"

Refuting the distorted arguments against the Party’s policy on “people’s enjoyment”

Wednesday, November 29, 2023, 08:42 (GMT+7)
The practical achievements are undeniable figures recognised by reputable countries and international organisations, including the United States, attesting to the clearest and most convincing evidence of the realisation of the Party and the State of Vietnam’s perspective and policy of “people’s enjoyment”. This serves as a testament that the “people’s enjoyment” policy is not only confined to theory, resolutions, or slogans for mere rhetoric. Instead, it vividly and persuasively manifests in the real life of every Vietnamese. No deceptive tactics can distort or deny these tangible results.

General Doan Khue - an outstanding political and military figure of the Vietnamese revolution

General Doan Khue - an outstanding political and military figure of the Vietnamese revolution

Friday, October 27, 2023, 09:49 (GMT+7)
Comrade Doan Khue was a shining example of a rational, meticulous, democratic, and pragmatic working style, with a leadership and command approach that was both resolute and flexible and encompassed the spirit of daring to think, daring to act, and daring to take responsibility. These qualities define the character and credibility of Comrade Doan Khue, making leadership and command work inspiring and effective in practice. Therefore, throughout the years of his revolutionary career, Comrade Doan Khue received the respect, trust, and affection of comrades, colleagues, and the people.

Achievements and directions for the development of the socialist-oriented market economy

Achievements and directions for the development of the socialist-oriented market economy

Thursday, October 12, 2023, 15:12 (GMT+7)
Economic and social development has been closely intertwined with national defence and security, with a focus on building a comprehensive national defence system in terms of capability, forces, and posture, closely integrated with people’s security. Central and local agencies and departments have shown focus on mobilising, managing and utilising resources effectively for national defence and security to maintain political security, social order, and safety, ensuring the security of significant events for the Party and the State.

Great Value and Vision Beyond Time in President Ho Chi Minh’s Testament
The sacred testament left behind by President Ho Chi Minh for the entire Party, the people, and the army before his passing is considered a “National Treasure”, which reflects his sincere emotions, profound wisdom, noble ethics, open-heartedness, kindness, and tolerance, along with his visionary outlook beyond the times.