Wetlands which are usually seen in the forms of marsh, swamp, bog or fen are water-flooded regions, either permanently or seasonally, with a depth of not more than 6 metres compared to low tide. Wetlands are very important to socio-economic development and environmental conservation due to their multiple functions, including: water purification and storage, processing of carbon and other nutrients, stabilization of shorelines, flood prevention, bio-diversity preservation, wind and tide proofing, and erosion prevention, etc. According to statistics, there are as much as 12 million hectares of wetlands all across our country. Some wetlands in our country are of great value and listed as international natural reserves.
Xuan Thuy National Park (Photo: VNA) |
Fully aware of the significance and meaning of the wetlands to the economic growth and environmental conservation, for the past years, our Party and State have issued a number of directives and legal documents on improving the effectiveness of conservation and exploitation of the wetlands, including the Resolution No. 109/2003/NĐ-CP dated 23rd September 2003 of the Government on the sustainable preservation and development of the wetlands. During the implementation of the resolution, we have gained important and realistic results, making contributions to the economic development and environmental protection. However, the preservation of bio-diversity and ecosystem of the wetlands are being threatened, badly affecting the country’s food and environment security. During our exploitation, we have neither paid due attention to preserving and upholding the core and enduring values of the wetlands nor had a harmonious combination between exploitation and preservation of the wetland resources. Moreover, our system of mechanism, policies, laws, especially regulations for exploiting and using the wetlands have yet to be made comprehensive, synchronous and unified; the coordination between ministries, sectors and localities in the preservation and exploitation of the wetlands has yet to be smooth and effective, etc.
To overcome the above shortcomings and enhance the effectiveness of preservation and exploitation of the wetlands, firstly, we should strengthen propagation and education for people of all strata, especially the related ones, to make them aware of the importance and role of the wetlands, hence raising their responsibility for the conservation and exploitation of these valuable lands. At the same time, it is necessary to grasp and effectively implement and issue legal documents, instructions to concretise the Decree No. 66/2019/NĐ-CP dated 29th July 2019 in replacement for the Decree No. 109/2003/NĐ-CP of the Government on “Preserving and sustainably exploiting the wetlands”, attaching importance to the principles and regulations in the decree. Enhance the efficacy and effectiveness of the state management over the exploitation and using of the wetlands; combine closely the exploitation with preservation of the wetlands, with priorities given to the conservation of the enduring and valuable ones. In addition, it is necessary to strengthen statistics, survey, evaluation and observation of the wetlands, especially the ones of national and international importance; attach importance to building and ensuring human and financial resources; have mechanism and policies encouraging investment in the conservation and sustainable exploitation of the wetlands; have close coordination among sectors, ministries, branches, localities and international organizations in the conservation and sustainable exploitation of the wetlands, making contribution to economic development and environmental protection.
Nguyen Duc Phu