Friday, September 20, 2024, 11:06 (GMT+7)

Coast Guard Region 2 steps up the fight against crimes and violations of law at sea

Coast Guard Region 2 steps up the fight against crimes and violations of law at sea

Monday, July 15, 2024, 19:07 (GMT+7)
As the core force in charge of security, order, and safety management and law enforcement in the sea of its responsibility, Coast Guard Region 2’s Command has always enhanced the work of preventing and combating crimes and violations via many synchronous, drastic, effective measures

Vietnam Coast Guard improves the effectiveness of situational research and assessment to meet the requirements of law enforcement at sea

Vietnam Coast Guard improves the effectiveness of situational research and assessment to meet the requirements of law enforcement at sea

Friday, July 12, 2024, 11:01 (GMT+7)
Party Committee and Command of the Vietnam Coast Guard (VCG) have concentrated their leadership and direction on raising the effectiveness of situational research and assessment as the basis for proposing strategies to successfully handle defence and security situations, maintain security and safety at sea, and firmly protect national sovereignty over seas and islands

Tay Ninh provincial border guard better manages and protects national sovereignty and border security

Tay Ninh provincial border guard better manages and protects national sovereignty and border security

Sunday, May 12, 2024, 20:35 (GMT+7)
The Provincial Border Guard (PBG) of Tay Ninh is assigned to manage and protect a 240-km-long border section of Viet Nam with the Kingdom of Cambodia’s Svay Rieng, Prey Veng, and Tbong Khmum provinces. In Tay Ninh province’s border area, there are 20 communes under 5 districts, 3 international border gates (Moc Bai, Tan Nam, Xa Mat), 3 main border gates (Phuoc Tan, Chang Riec, Ka Tum), 10 secondary border gates, and many trails across the border

Border Guard Squadron 38 steps up management and protection of national sovereignty and border security at sea

Border Guard Squadron 38 steps up management and protection of national sovereignty and border security at sea

Saturday, April 27, 2024, 11:11 (GMT+7)
Managing and protecting national sovereignty and security in the border area in general, at sea in particular constitute a central political task of the Border Guard Force. Being fully aware of that task, Border Guard Squadron 38 has been synchronously implementing measures to manage and firmly protect national sovereignty as the basis for building a Gulf of Tonkin of peace, stability, security, safety, cooperation, and sustainable development

Ca Mau Provincial armed forces improve the quality of military and defence work

Ca Mau Provincial armed forces improve the quality of military and defence work

Monday, August 21, 2023, 15:33 (GMT+7)
Closely following the functions and tasks, in recent years, the Provincial Military Party Committee and Command have proactively advised the Provincial Party Committee, People’s Council and People’s Committee to grasp and seriously implement documents by the Party, State, Defence Ministry and Military Region on military and defence work, building and activities of the defence zones; led and directed the armed forces to well carry out the local military and defence work; built comprehensively strong “exemplary and typical” offices and units being ready to receive and successfully accomplish all assigned tasks.

Dong Nai speeds up economic development in combination with national defence and security strengthening

Dong Nai speeds up economic development in combination with national defence and security strengthening

Sunday, October 23, 2022, 21:52 (GMT+7)
Dong nai Provincial Committee, People’s Council, and People’s Committee have actively proposed measures for comprehensive leadership and direction; in particular, importance has been attached to accelerating socio-economic development tied to cementing national defence and security; building all-people national defence and all-people national defence posture tied to people’s security posture; building solid defensive zones.

Building the "posture of people’s hearts and minds" for the national border management and protection cause

Building the “posture of people’s hearts and minds” for the national border management and protection cause

Friday, April 08, 2022, 12:31 (GMT+7)
Managing and defending the national border serve as a task of paramount importance in the Fatherland construction and protection and a duty of the entire Party, Military, people, and political system. Thus, the building of a firm “posture of people’s hearts and minds” in border areas as the basis for the national border management and protection cause represents a matter of urgency which should be both theoretically and practically researched

Lang Son province promotes all people’s strength to protect national sovereignty and border security

Lang Son province promotes all people’s strength to protect national sovereignty and border security

Saturday, March 05, 2022, 10:19 (GMT+7)
Tapping the entire people’s strength to firmly protect national sovereignty and border security and build a border of peace, friendship, cooperation, and development is a consistent policy of our Party and State. This policy has been effectively implemented by Lang Son Provincial Border Guard’s Party Committee and Command via a lot of synchronous, creative measures

Enhancing military inspection work to strictly maintain military discipline

Enhancing military inspection work to strictly maintain military discipline

Tuesday, January 25, 2022, 13:35 (GMT+7)
As part of the Government Inspectorate, Military Inspectorate performs its function as an office that gives advice to the Central Military Commission (CMC) and leaders of the Ministry of National Defence (MND) on state administration of inspection, complaint and denunciation settlement, citizen reception, and anti-corruption

Ha Giang overcomes difficulties to well carry out the work of defence and security education

Ha Giang overcomes difficulties to well carry out the work of defence and security education

Saturday, January 22, 2022, 18:49 (GMT+7)
Being fully aware of those difficulties and the province’s particularities, the Provincial Military Party Committee (PMPC) and the Provincial Military Command (PMC) have advised the Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial People’s Committee to focus their leadership and direction on military-defence work, including defence and security education

Great Value and Vision Beyond Time in President Ho Chi Minh’s Testament
The sacred testament left behind by President Ho Chi Minh for the entire Party, the people, and the army before his passing is considered a “National Treasure”, which reflects his sincere emotions, profound wisdom, noble ethics, open-heartedness, kindness, and tolerance, along with his visionary outlook beyond the times.