Friday, September 20, 2024, 16:57 (GMT+7)

Rebutting distortions of press freedom in Vietnam

Rebutting distortions of press freedom in Vietnam

Friday, June 21, 2024, 15:14 (GMT+7)
Press freedom is one of the fundamental human rights that Vietnam has committed to and seriously implemented in accordance with the general principles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. However, hostile forces, reactionaries, and political dissidents consistently distort this reality to sabotage our Party, State, and socialist regime

Promoting press and publication agencies’ role in defending the Party’s ideological foundation and combating wrong, hostile viewpoints

Promoting press and publication agencies’ role in defending the Party’s ideological foundation and combating wrong, hostile viewpoints

Tuesday, January 24, 2023, 21:53 (GMT+7)
Journalism and publication are an important part of ideological and cultural work, acting as a sharp weapon placed under the Party’s direct leadership, constituting the voice of the Party, the State, socio-political organisations, and unions as well as the people’s forum. Fully aware of the importance of journalism and publication, our Party has promulgated many documents on the development of press and publication agencies, including the defence of the Party’s ideological foundation and the fight against wrong, hostile viewpoints.

Press freedom must be within the legal framework

Press freedom must be within the legal framework

Monday, October 24, 2022, 08:03 (GMT+7)
Over the years, the press in Vietnam has always played the role as the voice of the Party and the State and the forum of the people and proactively, promptly, and effectively informed major issues of the country to clearly demonstrate the role to lead and guide public opinion and create social consensus. Vietnam's press agencies are really a bridge between the Party and the State and the People to quickly, fully, and accurately propagate the news of events, undertakings, and guidelines of the Party and policies of the State and the Government in performing two strategic tasks of building and protecting the Fatherland.

President Ho Chi Minh with Vietnam revolutionary press

President Ho Chi Minh with Vietnam revolutionary press

Tuesday, June 21, 2022, 09:11 (GMT+7)
President Ho Chi Minh’s journalistic views and career are very valuable guidelines for the development of the Vietnamese press today, especially when the country is developing the socialist-oriented market economy and undergoing globalisation and international integration.

Promoting the role of the revolutionary press in defending the Party’s ideological foundation and fighting against wrong, hostile viewpoints in the new situation

Promoting the role of the revolutionary press in defending the Party’s ideological foundation and fighting against wrong, hostile viewpoints in the new situation

Monday, June 20, 2022, 13:08 (GMT+7)
Thanks to their rich contents, persuasive arguments, and specific figures, programmes and articles by press agencies in charge of protecting the Party’s ideological foundation and combating wrong, hostile information and viewpoints have brought about significant effects in information and propagation work and earned strong support from cadres, party members, and the people.

70 years of the People’s Army Newspaper’s following of Uncle Ho’s teachings

70 years of the People’s Army Newspaper’s following of Uncle Ho’s teachings

Monday, October 19, 2020, 10:10 (GMT+7)
With the spirit of “readily fighting and sacrificing for independence, freedom and socialism,” generations of soldier journalists produced intrinsic articles on battlefields that touched our troops and people’s hearts across the country, promoted patriotism, and encouraged them to overcome all difficulties and hardships. At the same time, those articles helped the peace-loving people around the world to clearly understand the justice of our revolution, while prominently displaying war crimes committed by colonialism and imperialism

Vietnamese revolutionary press’ 95-year development process together with the country

Vietnamese revolutionary press’ 95-year development process together with the country

Saturday, June 20, 2020, 22:22 (GMT+7)
95 years ago, on June 21st, 1925, the Youth Newspaper founded by Leader Nguyen Ai Quoc made its debut, marking the birth of the Vietnamese revolutionary press. Since then, under our Party’s leadership, Vietnam’s revolutionary press has always accompanied the country’s development process, playing a core, vanguard role on the ideological - cultural front, keeping maturing comprehensively, making significant contributions to our Party and people’s revolutionary cause

Promoting the role of military press in the Homeland construction and defence

Promoting the role of military press in the Homeland construction and defence

Thursday, June 20, 2019, 17:24 (GMT+7)
As part of Vietnam’s revolutionary press, the military press plays a role of utmost importance to the Party’s revolutionary cause. To meet the requirements for the Homeland construction and defence in the new situation, the military press should be consolidated and made capable of successfully fulfilling the assigned task, contributing to orientating public opinion, achieving a consensus within the society, building a firm “posture of people’s hearts and minds”

Military journalists follow Ho Chi Minh’s example as a journalist

Military journalists follow Ho Chi Minh’s example as a journalist

Thursday, June 20, 2019, 17:20 (GMT+7)
Together with the whole Party and people, journalists in Vietnam in general, within the Military in particular have been stepping up the studying and following of Ho Chi Minh’s ideology, morality and lifestyle. In this regard, improving the professional morality and competence and the quality of articles represents the most fundamental issue

Measures to improve quality of military press personnel training

Measures to improve quality of military press personnel training

Sunday, December 30, 2018, 13:23 (GMT+7)
Inheriting and promoting the glorious tradition of Vietnam's revolutionary press, over the past 70 years, the military press has made significant contributions to the political, ideological and cultural front, encouraging the entire Party, people and Military to successfully carry out the struggle for national liberation and unification and today’s Fatherland construction and protection. Therefore, adequate attention should be paid to improving the quality of military press personnel training

Great Value and Vision Beyond Time in President Ho Chi Minh’s Testament
The sacred testament left behind by President Ho Chi Minh for the entire Party, the people, and the army before his passing is considered a “National Treasure”, which reflects his sincere emotions, profound wisdom, noble ethics, open-heartedness, kindness, and tolerance, along with his visionary outlook beyond the times.