Friday, September 20, 2024, 10:58 (GMT+7)

Participation in UN Peacekeeping Forces - the noble responsibility of the VPA

Participation in UN Peacekeeping Forces - the noble responsibility of the VPA

Wednesday, September 18, 2024, 15:57 (GMT+7)
Through this important and meaningful activity, we convey a message of Vietnam as a nation that cherishes peace, humanity, compassion, and loyalty. We are a friend, a reliable partner, and an active, responsible member of the international community, always ready to cooperate in addressing global challenges.

Applying the principle of "Firm in objectives, flexible in tactics" in national defence, security, and the protection of the Fatherland

Applying the principle of “Firm in objectives, flexible in tactics” in national defence, security, and the protection of the Fatherland

Friday, August 23, 2024, 09:44 (GMT+7)
“Firm in objectives, flexible in tactics” is a core philosophy of President Ho Chi Minh, which has become a guiding principle for the Party in its struggle for national liberation and unification. Today, in the context of a rapidly evolving and unpredictable global and regional landscape, this principle holds even greater significance and must be thoroughly understood and effectively applied in the realms of national defence, security, and the safeguarding of the Fatherland.

Party’s new thinking on strengthening the relationship between national defence and security and foreign affairs in the Strategy for Homeland Protection

Party’s new thinking on strengthening the relationship between national defence and security and foreign affairs in the Strategy for Homeland Protection

Wednesday, June 26, 2024, 08:48 (GMT+7)
As an essential and consistent mission of the Party, people, Army, and political system in their entirety, national defence and security and foreign affairs are fundamental matters of high significance to the fate of our nation and people. Therefore, strengthening the relationship between these aspects in the Strategy for Homeland Protection is a matter of high importance, reflecting the Party’s strategic thinking and vision. This issue needs to be thoroughly grasped for the sake of practical effectiveness

Applying and creatively developing Ho Chi Minh’s ideology on great national unity in the building of strong all-people national defence in the new period

Applying and creatively developing Ho Chi Minh’s ideology on great national unity in the building of strong all-people national defence in the new period

Friday, June 14, 2024, 13:28 (GMT+7)
In fact, great national unity according to Ho Chi Minh’s ideology means all-people unity based on an alliance between the working class, peasantry, and intelligentsia under the CPV’s leadership. It is the ideology on building up, promoting, and transforming the strength of domestic and foreign revolutionary forces, social forces, and political organisations into the strength of the entire nation

Building a strong Department of Foreign Relations to meet the requirements of international integration and defence diplomacy

Building a strong Department of Foreign Relations to meet the requirements of international integration and defence diplomacy

Sunday, May 26, 2024, 21:18 (GMT+7)
As the leading competent office in charge of giving advice to the Central Military Commission (CMC) and the Ministry of National Defence (MND) on this important task, the Department of Foreign Relations has been adopting measures synchronously to make itself comprehensively strong and capable of satisfying its task requirements

Military Hospital 7B improves its capability comprehensively to meet the requirements of medical examination and treatment

Military Hospital 7B improves its capability comprehensively to meet the requirements of medical examination and treatment

Friday, May 24, 2024, 08:21 (GMT+7)
Military Hospital 7B under the Logistics Department of Military Region 7 is tasked with receiving and treating patients as cadres and soldiers of the armed forces, persons under preferential treatment and health insurance policies, and citizens of Dong Nai province and adjacent localities, taking part in military medical support for Truong Sa Dong Island, Naval Region 2, and other units in its area; it is also the practical training centre for medical cadets from Logistics College No.2 and several medical – pharmaceutical schools

Finland’s accession to NATO and its implications on the region and the world

Finland’s accession to NATO and its implications on the region and the world

Tuesday, May 14, 2024, 02:46 (GMT+7)
After Russia launched the “special military operation” in Ukraine, the Finnish Ministry for Foreign Affairs issued a report on the international security environment on 13 April 2022, stating that Russia’s action had completely altered the security environment in Europe and that Russia posed a significant security threat to Finland. This is the clearest indication that Finland abandoned its policy of neutrality, and it also served as a sign that the country would draw closer to NATO.

Dien Bien Phu Victory – Lessons on promoting the spirit of determination to fight, determination to win

Dien Bien Phu Victory – Lessons on promoting the spirit of determination to fight, determination to win

Tuesday, May 07, 2024, 09:51 (GMT+7)
70 years ago, under the leadership of the Party and President Ho Chi Minh, our military and people won the victory of Dien Bien Phu that “resounded across the five continents, shook the globe”, successfully ending the resistance war against the French, stimulating the rise of colonies for national liberation, marking the complete collapse of colonialism on a global scale. That great victory has profound theoretical and practical values with a lot of lessons for the country’s renovation, integration, development, construction, and protection cause

Building a politically elite Vietnam People’s Army in the new situation

Building a politically elite Vietnam People’s Army in the new situation

Saturday, April 06, 2024, 20:20 (GMT+7)
When he was alive, President Ho Chi Minh said that “we must do our best to turn our Army into a powerful people’s army, a revolutionary army towards regularity and modernity, for the sake of peace maintenance and Fatherland protection”. In the new situation, building a revolutionary, regular, elite, modern Vietnam People’s Army (VPA), especially making it politically elite constitute our Party and State’s strategic vision and thinking for the cause of Fatherland construction and protection

Key tasks of international integration and defence diplomacy in 2024

Key tasks of international integration and defence diplomacy in 2024

Friday, March 08, 2024, 19:54 (GMT+7)
On grasping diplomatic guidelines and policies of the Party and State, international integration and defence diplomacy were carried out synchronously, actively, and proactively; recorded comprehensive achievements both bilaterally and multilaterally; continued to be one of the vital pillars of Party, State, and people-to-people diplomacy; and contributed to defence of the Fatherland from afar.

Great Value and Vision Beyond Time in President Ho Chi Minh’s Testament
The sacred testament left behind by President Ho Chi Minh for the entire Party, the people, and the army before his passing is considered a “National Treasure”, which reflects his sincere emotions, profound wisdom, noble ethics, open-heartedness, kindness, and tolerance, along with his visionary outlook beyond the times.