Friday, September 20, 2024, 15:30 (GMT+7)

The Army actively engages in production and economic development combining with national defence in the new situation

The Army actively engages in production and economic development combining with national defence in the new situation

Sunday, December 24, 2023, 21:30 (GMT+7)
With honour and pride in the trust of the Party, State, and People, along with the achieved results, the entire Army continues to strive to excel in production and economic development combining with national defence, deserving to be the “fighting forces, working forces, and production forces” in the new era to contribute to the overall goals of the Party and the people in successfully implementing the course of building and protecting the Fatherland.

Military Party Committee of Ho Chi Minh City accelerates the implementation of Resolution No. 35 of the Politburo

Military Party Committee of Ho Chi Minh City accelerates the implementation of Resolution No. 35 of the Politburo

Tuesday, August 22, 2023, 07:49 (GMT+7)
Being fully aware of the situation and on the foundation of grasping the City's position and the role of the armed forces in safeguarding the Party's ideological foundation, in recent years, the Military Party Committee and the High Command of Ho Chi Minh City, along with the party committees and commanders of agencies and units have consistently led and directed the implementation of Resolution No. 35-NQ/TW issued on October 22nd, 2018 by the Politburo (12th tenure) with multiple synchronous and effective measures. All agencies and units have intensified education, enhanced awareness and responsibility among cadres, party members,  and the masses, and determined this task as a central political task, the responsibility of party committees, leaders, and commanders, as well as each cadre and soldier. 

Patriotic emulation - a consistent line in the revolutionary cause of our Party and people

Patriotic emulation - a consistent line in the revolutionary cause of our Party and people

Tuesday, June 13, 2023, 07:53 (GMT+7)
Seventy-five years have passed, but President Ho Chi Minh's thought of Patriotic emulation remains intact and is always the orientation for the entire Party, People and Army. His thought will forever light the fire of faith, illuminate the way and arouse patriotic emulation to firmly build and defend the Fatherland in the new era.

Grasping President Ho Chi Minh’s ideology on Patriotic Emulation, enhancing the patriotic emulation movement in Fatherland construction and protection

Grasping President Ho Chi Minh’s ideology on Patriotic Emulation, enhancing the patriotic emulation movement in Fatherland construction and protection

Tuesday, June 13, 2023, 07:30 (GMT+7)
The Appeal for Patriotic Emulation sparked a wave of emulation amongst social strata and within the entire society as a great incentive in the Vietnamese revolutionary course. More notably, in the hard periods or at the crucial times, patriotic emulation encouraged and gathered millions of Vietnamese people to create the strength of the national great unity block, thus achieving historic feats and contributing to national liberation, construction and protection.

Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union promotes its vanguard role in defending the Party’s ideological foundation

Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union promotes its vanguard role in defending the Party’s ideological foundation

Saturday, March 25, 2023, 11:15 (GMT+7)
Fully aware of its role as “a reliable reserve force of the Party, often reinforces the Party with young members, inherits the glorious revolutionary cause of the Party and President Ho Chi Minh”, the HCYU Central Committee has always considered the defence of the Party’s ideological foundation and the fight against wrong, hostile viewpoints as a basic, central task and routine self-work of each youth union, cadre, member, and young person.

Promoting press and publication agencies’ role in defending the Party’s ideological foundation and combating wrong, hostile viewpoints

Promoting press and publication agencies’ role in defending the Party’s ideological foundation and combating wrong, hostile viewpoints

Tuesday, January 24, 2023, 21:53 (GMT+7)
Journalism and publication are an important part of ideological and cultural work, acting as a sharp weapon placed under the Party’s direct leadership, constituting the voice of the Party, the State, socio-political organisations, and unions as well as the people’s forum. Fully aware of the importance of journalism and publication, our Party has promulgated many documents on the development of press and publication agencies, including the defence of the Party’s ideological foundation and the fight against wrong, hostile viewpoints.

Fighting against the argument that building modern armed forces weakens the country’s economic potential

Fighting against the argument that building modern armed forces weakens the country’s economic potential

Friday, December 30, 2022, 08:15 (GMT+7)
National construction and protection are the two central, routine tasks which are always performed in specific conditions and circumstances. It is predicted that in the coming years, the situation on global and regional scales will have complex developments. Arms races, armed conflicts, new-style cold wars, hegemony, pragmatism, and populism are on the rise; the world order is disrupted, which is clearly shown in the conflict in Ukraine. The rapid development of the 4th industrial revolution has created opportunities for and posed challenges to all nations. All those things necessitate the Army and the Public Security being modernised as an important and urgent task to protect the Fatherland.

Great contributions of the late Prime Minister Vo Van Kiet to the country’s development

Great contributions of the late Prime Minister Vo Van Kiet to the country’s development

Sunday, November 27, 2022, 08:02 (GMT+7)
The life and revolutionary career of the late Prime Minister Vo Van Kiet was not only associated with great contributions to the Party, the revolution, and the people, but also a great example of morality and dignity. Regardless of hardships and circumstances, he overcame all difficulties and obstacles to complete the tasks assigned by the Party, State and the People. That earned him great attraction, conquered people's hearts, united, and motivated the entire people to fight and work selflessly for the cause of national liberation, construction and defence of the socialist Fatherland.

Breakthrough developments in the Party’s theoretical thinking and direction towards the Fatherland protection in the new situation

Breakthrough developments in the Party’s theoretical thinking and direction towards the Fatherland protection in the new situation

Wednesday, October 12, 2022, 07:48 (GMT+7)
In addition to making preparations for defeating all invasions in any form and scale, our Party has always heightened the goal of firmly protecting the Fatherland without involving in a war. That breakthrough development in perception and theoretical thinking is relevant  to the new situation.

Comrade Vo Chi Cong – A talented leader of our Party and State

Comrade Vo Chi Cong – A talented leader of our Party and State

Wednesday, August 10, 2022, 14:47 (GMT+7)
Life and career of comrade Vo Chi Cong were closely connected with our Party and people’s glorious historical events in the 20th century. He was a role model as a communist. With his noble qualities, he was an excellent student of President Ho Chi Minh. He expressed his absolute loyalty to our revolution’s goal and ideal, while dedicating himself to our Party and people’s revolutionary cause.

Great Value and Vision Beyond Time in President Ho Chi Minh’s Testament
The sacred testament left behind by President Ho Chi Minh for the entire Party, the people, and the army before his passing is considered a “National Treasure”, which reflects his sincere emotions, profound wisdom, noble ethics, open-heartedness, kindness, and tolerance, along with his visionary outlook beyond the times.