Friday, September 20, 2024, 15:52 (GMT+7)

Promoting national "soft power" in the cause of national defence and protection of the Fatherland

Promoting national “soft power” in the cause of national defence and protection of the Fatherland

Thursday, December 28, 2023, 10:51 (GMT+7)
Viet Nam always emphasises justice, great national unity, national independence and socialism, consistency of its strategic principles, flexibility in its stratagems, compliance with President Ho Chi Minh’s perspectives on acting flexibly while maintaining firmly his own principles, being a friend of all democratic countries, and having no desire to make an enemy of any countries. This is one of a fundamental source of “soft power,” together with other types of power, to make up the national overall power to firmly safeguard the socialist Vietnamese Fatherland.

Military cultural values in the book on military doctrine and national defence policies by the General Secretary

Military cultural values in the book on military doctrine and national defence policies by the General Secretary

Tuesday, November 28, 2023, 07:34 (GMT+7)
The culture of “Uncle Ho’s Soldiers” is a distinctive and unique aspect, vividly expressed through the activities of the armed forces, as summarised by the General Secretary: the image of soldiers labouring on training grounds, enduring storms, fighting against fire, coping hardship and danger, selflessly rescuing people, and protecting the property of fellow citizens during natural disasters and fires. These soldiers fight day and night, silently serving from remote and rugged villages to distant islands, dedicating their strength, intelligence, and blood to safeguard our borders, land, sky and seas.

Enhancing combat power of the military in the Fourth Industrial Revolution

Enhancing combat power of the military in the Fourth Industrial Revolution

Monday, February 27, 2023, 07:33 (GMT+7)
“Building an adept, compact, strong People’s Army to meet requirements of national construction and defence in the new situation” needs to base on concrete condition of situations in the country and the world to address emerging issues in a timely and effective manner. The matters of principle and consistency are to pay constant attention to leverage of the human factor; raise the spirits of independence, self-reliance, and creativeness in order to ceaselessly improve the quality of the VPA’s weapons and technical equipment; work out the best ways to combine humans and weapons aimed to generate the VPA’s comprehensive power.

Hypersonic weapon – A new arms race among major powers

Hypersonic weapon – A new arms race among major powers

Friday, October 28, 2022, 14:47 (GMT+7)
Hypersonic weapon is also a “double-edged sword”, which, if not controlled effectively, will become a destabilising factor for global and regional security and the source of a new arms race, even threatening the survival and development of all mankind. Therefore, to ensure the global strategic balance, major powers must reach an agreement on the development of this dangerous type of weapon and strictly limit its proliferation.

The Arctic as a place of great power competition

The Arctic as a place of great power competition

Saturday, September 24, 2022, 10:36 (GMT+7)
Although it is considered the second largest desert in the world after Antarctica, access to the Arctic promises many geopolitical and economic benefits to concerning countries because of its outstanding potential. Therefore, the competition for influence in this deserted region has been ongoing for decades and is getting fiercer.

The world’s major military and political shifts in 2021

The world's major military and political shifts in 2021

Monday, December 27, 2021, 10:08 (GMT+7)
U.S military policy under Biden’s administration is shaped and implemented basing on the “Interim National Security Strategic Guidance” released on 3 March, 2021 which predicted that US is confronting changes in world power balance with growing competition from China and Russia who are pursuing their influences on regional and international scales

Development of space weapons and risk of a space arms race

Development of space weapons and risk of a space arms race

Wednesday, November 24, 2021, 06:48 (GMT+7)
During the Cold War, the U.S. conducted a research program to develop ground-based anti-satellite (ASAT) ballistic missiles with nuclear and conventional warheads. In fact, it has successfully tested the RIM-161 Standard Missile, capable of directly attacking low-earth orbit satellites. Currently, the U.S. is also testing missiles launched from a reusable X-37 space plane for destroying targets on earth

The Institute for Defence Strategy raises the quality of strategic research and staff work to meet the national protection requirements

The Institute for Defence Strategy raises the quality of strategic research and staff work to meet the national protection requirements

Monday, January 11, 2021, 15:38 (GMT+7)
Over the past 30 years of construction and development, thanks to its cadres’ political responsibility, enthusiasm, creativity, and dedication, the IDS has undertaken hundreds of strategic-level researches greatly contributing to building the Military, consolidating national defence, and protecting the Homeland. Researches by the IDS have clarified many issues and provided important scientific grounds for the Party and the State to formulate the guidelines for the military-defence work and the Homeland protection

Historical truth about World War II should be protected

Historical truth about World War II should be protected

Tuesday, September 15, 2020, 08:04 (GMT+7)
On the basis of respecting historical truths, progressive people of the world need to affirm and resolutely reject all attempts to review the history of World War II; doubts about the decisive role of the Soviet Union in the victory over fascism and militarism. At the same time, it is necessary to assert that the victory of the Soviet Red Army in World War II has paved the way for many countries to liberate themselves from the dangers of fascism, militarism and colonialism.

Building a comprehensively strong People’s Army Publishing House

Building a comprehensively strong People’s Army Publishing House

Friday, July 10, 2020, 13:52 (GMT+7)
In the war against the French Colonialists, in spite of difficulties in force, equipment and facility, cadres and employees of the Publishing House promoted a sense of unity to fulfil all missions and especially publish hundreds of volumes and important books serving the task of building the armed forces and encouraging the people and soldiers across the country to take part in the resistance war and national construction

Great Value and Vision Beyond Time in President Ho Chi Minh’s Testament
The sacred testament left behind by President Ho Chi Minh for the entire Party, the people, and the army before his passing is considered a “National Treasure”, which reflects his sincere emotions, profound wisdom, noble ethics, open-heartedness, kindness, and tolerance, along with his visionary outlook beyond the times.