Friday, September 20, 2024, 14:30 (GMT+7)

Continuing to raise the quality of education and training within the Military

Continuing to raise the quality of education and training within the Military

Sunday, September 08, 2024, 20:17 (GMT+7)
Due attention has been paid to renewing and improving education and training, executing education projects, and especially realising the motto: “the quality of training within schools signifies units’ combat readiness capacity”. Training procedures and curricula have been reviewed, adjusted, and updated scientifically, practically, continuously, and reciprocally. Military schools have stepped up the development of their curricula relevant to each major’s outcome standards

Military Region 4’s Military School promotes defence and security education

Military Region 4’s Military School promotes defence and security education

Wednesday, June 26, 2024, 09:07 (GMT+7)
With the pride of a unit stationed in the hometown of beloved President Ho Chi Minh, Military Region 4’s Military School will continue to improve the quality of defence and security education to make contributions to local party committees, authorities, armed forces, and people’s successful fulfilment of military, defence, Fatherland protection tasks

Developing the cadre of lecturers at Army College No.1 in light of Ho Chi Minh’s thoughts

Developing the cadre of lecturers at Army College No.1 in light of Ho Chi Minh’s thoughts

Sunday, February 18, 2024, 22:03 (GMT+7)
In the coming years, facing the demands of the reform of education and training and the cause of Army modernisation, the College is required to continue to “develop a cadre of lecturers and educational management officers with reasonable structure in terms of quality and quantity, meeting the standards”. To accomplish this political task, party committees and commanders at all levels need to implement a set of synchronised measures, among which the creative application of Ho Chi Minh’s thought in developing the cadre of lecturers is an urgent issue.

Military School of Military Region 5 renovates and enhances the quality of national defence and security education for students

Military School of Military Region 5 renovates and enhances the quality of national defence and security education for students

Monday, December 25, 2023, 13:38 (GMT+7)
The outcomes and experiences throughout 30 years of performing national defence and security education for students function as the foundation and momentum for the Military School of Military Region 5 in general and specifically for the Centre for National Defence and Security Education in Da Nang to strive for further improvement in the quality of national defence and security education for students in the current context.

Defence Industry College brings into play its tradition to build an advanced, strong school

Defence Industry College brings into play its tradition to build an advanced, strong school

Wednesday, March 23, 2022, 14:55 (GMT+7)
Founded on March 24th, 1952 on the basis of upgrading the Defence Industry Vocational School, over the past 70 years, the DIC has trained tens of thousands of cadres, professional employees, and technical workers for the DIB in revolutionary periods. In the two resistance wars against French colonialists and American imperialists, the DIC always surmounted all difficulties to hold training courses for employees in charge of maintaining and repairing weapons and technical equipment

Being imbued with Uncle Ho’s teachings, Commando Force determinedly successfully fulfils its task in new situation

Being imbued with Uncle Ho’s teachings, Commando Force determinedly successfully fulfils its task in new situation

Thursday, March 17, 2022, 08:43 (GMT+7)
In response to the urgent need of the resistance war against the U.S., for national salvation, on March 19th, 1967, the Commando Corps was established. Over the past 55 years of construction, combat, and development, under the leadership and direction from the Party, the Central Military Commission, and the Ministry of National Defence, Commando troops have always heightened revolutionary enthusiasm, wisdom, and courage in combat, remained proactive and creative in work, and achieved brilliant feats of arms

Automotive Technology and Engineering College focuses on raising the quality of education and training

Automotive Technology and Engineering College focuses on raising the quality of education and training

Tuesday, November 23, 2021, 07:45 (GMT+7)
Automotive Technology and Engineering College whose forerunner was Tien Bo School under the General Technical Department was founded in October 1951; it launched the first course on November 25th, 1951. Nowadays, it is tasked with training vehicle - machinery technicians, mechanics at associate, intermediate, and elementary levels, and drivers for the Military. It is also assigned to take part in training technical and technological human resources for the country’s industrialisation and modernisation

Building a revolutionary, regular, standardised, modernised Signal Officer College

Building a revolutionary, regular, standardised, modernised Signal Officer College

Wednesday, November 10, 2021, 06:57 (GMT+7)
The Signal Officer College was founded on November 11th, 1951 according to the then Defence Minister’s Decision 132/QĐ. In the past 70 years of construction and development, cadres, instructors, cadets, employees, and soldiers of the College have always been united and determined to surmount all difficulties and hardships and successfully fulfil the assigned mission, thereby building up the tradition of “proactiveness, creativity, unity, discipline, technical mastery, good teaching, and good learning”

Political Academy improves the quality of education and training in light of the 13th National Party Congress Resolution

Political Academy improves the quality of education and training in light of the 13th National Party Congress Resolution

Thursday, October 21, 2021, 13:14 (GMT+7)
Over its past 70 years of construction and development (October 25th, 1951 - October 25th, 2021), under the leadership of the Party, directly the Central Military Commission and the Ministry of National Defence, the Political Academy (PA) has always creatively, successfully completed all the assigned tasks. Implementing the 13th National Party Congress Resolution, the PA’s Party Committee and Board have focused their leadership and direction on raising the quality of education and training on par with the task requirements

Political Academy renovates training programs and methods

Political Academy renovates training programs and methods

Friday, September 17, 2021, 15:27 (GMT+7)
Thoroughly grasping the viewpoints of the 13th National Party Congress’ Documents on renovating the education and training goals, programs, contents, and methods, the Academy has implemented the motto of “science, practice, creativeness, and modernity” in synchronously renovating political theory training programs, contents, and methods.

Great Value and Vision Beyond Time in President Ho Chi Minh’s Testament
The sacred testament left behind by President Ho Chi Minh for the entire Party, the people, and the army before his passing is considered a “National Treasure”, which reflects his sincere emotions, profound wisdom, noble ethics, open-heartedness, kindness, and tolerance, along with his visionary outlook beyond the times.