Saturday, September 21, 2024, 17:48 (GMT+7)

Promoting the role of the General Political Department in building defensive zones’ politico-spiritual potential, meeting the requirements for the Homeland construction and defence

Promoting the role of the General Political Department in building defensive zones’ politico-spiritual potential, meeting the requirements for the Homeland construction and defence

Tuesday, December 17, 2019, 06:55 (GMT+7)
Fully aware of the importance of the politico-spiritual potential within defensive zones, over the years, the Vietnam People’s Army General Political Department (hereafter the GPD) has well performed its function, task, role, and responsibility for building defensive zones in general, the politico-spiritual potential within the defensive zones in particular

The Military promotes its core role in building the all-people national defence

The Military promotes its core role in building the all-people national defence

Friday, December 13, 2019, 07:06 (GMT+7)
Building the all-people national defence is a central, routine task of the entire Party, people, and Military, with the latter playing the core role. Fully aware of that, the Military has been adopting synchronous, drastic measures for building the solid all-people national defence and defending the Homeland in all situations

Division 9 focuses on enhancing its synergy and combat strength

Division 9 focuses on enhancing its synergy and combat strength

Thursday, December 05, 2019, 13:59 (GMT+7)
The Division 9 under the Army Corps 4, the first main division of the People's Liberation Armed Forces of South Vietnam, was founded in the War Zone Đ which was situated in the Southeast Vietnam. Promoting the glorious tradition of the Vietnam People’s Army, cadres and soldiers of the Division have surmounted numerous hardships and difficulties to achieve landslide exploits, build up the tradition of “being united, humble, brave, creative, and victorious,” and make great contributions to the national liberation and Homeland protection

The General Political Department of the Vietnam People’s Army determinedly defends the Party’s ideological foundation

The General Political Department of the Vietnam People’s Army determinedly defends the Party’s ideological foundation

Saturday, November 16, 2019, 19:51 (GMT+7)
As an office in charge of strategically couselling and directing the party and political work, while enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of the party and political work and performing various missions, the GPD has always taken fundamental measures to direct the struggle for defending the Party’s ideological foundation within the VPA and achieved significant initial results

Making the General Political Department’s Party Organization capable of meeting the task requirements in the new period

Making the General Political Department’s Party Organization capable of meeting the task requirements in the new period

Sunday, November 10, 2019, 08:34 (GMT+7)
The GPD’s Party Organization has taken specific, effective measures for making itself politically, ideologically, morally, and organizationally strong, its affiliated party organizations pure and strong, and offices and units comprehensively strong as well as leading the GPD to accomplish the work of advising the CMC and MND on major measures and strategies to build a politically strong VPA

Promoting the spirit of independence, self-reliance and determination to fight and win in the Dien Bien Phu Campaign for the sake of national construction and defense

Promoting the spirit of independence, self-reliance and determination to fight and win in the Dien Bien Phu Campaign for the sake of national construction and defense

Tuesday, May 07, 2019, 08:01 (GMT+7)
65 years have elapsed, yet the significance of and historic lessons from the Dien Bien Phu victory continue to reverberate through Vietnam, giving added impetus to the entire Party, people and military’s path to reform, international integration, development and the construction and defense of the socialist Vietnamese Fatherland

How to promote the military’s fine qualities of being "loyal to the Party, pious to the people" in the current situation

How to promote the military’s fine qualities of being “loyal to the Party, pious to the people” in the current situation

Friday, February 15, 2019, 14:25 (GMT+7)
Plotting to “depoliticize” the military, hostile forces have always stopped at nothing to incite the complete detachment of the military from the Party leadership, to provoke divisions between the military and the people, as well as to wear down the military’s fine qualities of being “loyal to the Party, pious to the people”. Against this backdrop, it is essential that synchronous measures be taken in order to promote those fine qualities, contributing to further bolstering the image of “Uncle Ho’s soldiers”

The Lao People’s Army promotes its 70-year-long traditions to strengthen itself

The Lao People’s Army promotes its 70-year-long traditions to strengthen itself

Friday, January 18, 2019, 13:44 (GMT+7)
During its 70 years of building, combating and maturing, the Lao People’s Army (LPA) has always asserted its core role in the struggle for national liberation and the cause of Homeland defense. Amidst more demanding requirements, the LPA exerts itself to become comprehensively strong, successfully fulfilling its assigned tasks and deserving to be the loyal and reliable political and combat forces of the Party, the State and the people of Laos

Vietnam’s National Defence Strategy - the institutionalization of the Party’s military guidelines in the new situation

Vietnam’s National Defence Strategy - the institutionalization of the Party’s military guidelines in the new situation

Wednesday, December 12, 2018, 19:56 (GMT+7)
Reality of the Vietnamese revolution in the cause of national liberation in the past and today’s Homeland protection has proved the important role and great contribution of the people’s armed forces. Under the leadership of our Party and beloved Uncle Ho, with the sound, creative political and military guidelines, the people’s armed forces have unceasingly developed, become stronger and stronger, and clinched landslide feats of arms

Solutions for improving oral propaganda work in the military

Solutions for improving oral propaganda work in the military

Saturday, October 13, 2018, 10:01 (GMT+7)
Oral propaganda is an important element of cultural – ideological education work, a crucial component of Party – political work of Vietnam People’s Army. This type of propaganda has many advantages, because it can quickly provide necessary information about sensitive and “burning” issues

Great Value and Vision Beyond Time in President Ho Chi Minh’s Testament
The sacred testament left behind by President Ho Chi Minh for the entire Party, the people, and the army before his passing is considered a “National Treasure”, which reflects his sincere emotions, profound wisdom, noble ethics, open-heartedness, kindness, and tolerance, along with his visionary outlook beyond the times.