Friday, September 20, 2024, 14:36 (GMT+7)

Border Guard Force’s commitment to safeguard territorial sovereignty and national border security

Border Guard Force’s commitment to safeguard territorial sovereignty and national border security

Sunday, December 24, 2023, 21:37 (GMT+7)
In the coming period, the situation along land and maritime borders, as well as in some strategically important areas, harbours complex factors, hostile forces persist in intensifying subversion efforts and sowing discord in the good traditional neighbourly relations between bordering regions. The security situation in rural areas with issues related to ethnic groups, religion, non-traditional security, criminal activities, legal violations, especially drug trafficking, smuggling, illegal immigration, is becoming increasingly complex, posing numerous difficulties and challenges for the management and protection of territorial sovereignty and national border security. This demands that the Border Guard officers and soldiers continue to foster unity, innovation, and determination in effectively implementing key measures and solutions.

Missile Regiment 93 to enhance overall quality and combat power

Missile Regiment 93 to enhance overall quality and combat power

Monday, November 06, 2023, 16:23 (GMT+7)
Being proud of achievements, Missile Regiment 93 keeps trying to improve its overall quality and combat power to deserve to be the leading long-range surface-to-air missile unit of the Air Defence – Air Force and to meet requirements of safeguarding the Fatherland in the new situation.

The art of fighting the first battle in an offensive operation in the war to safeguard the Fatherland

The art of fighting the first battle in an offensive operation in the war to safeguard the Fatherland

Monday, July 31, 2023, 13:04 (GMT+7)
As a result of employing modern, lethal, highly accurate weapon systems, mobility, and widespread electronic warfare on all terrain, the enemy can alter the balance of power in a short period of time. Events evolve rapidly and fiercely and are difficult to predict. If we do not have suitable measures, we will not be able to win the first battle. Thus, the campaign commander and operations directorate need to apply operational methods creatively and effectively at the operational level of war, including preparing for and fighting the first battle of an operation.

Enhancing the coordination between the People’s Public Security Force and the People’s Army in the cause of Homeland protection

Enhancing the coordination between the People’s Public Security Force and the People’s Army in the cause of Homeland protection

Thursday, November 17, 2022, 15:31 (GMT+7)
Thanks to the leadership of our Party and the teaching of our beloved Uncle Ho, during the course of our revolution, the People’s Public Security Force and the People’s Army have always stood shoulder to shoulder to work together to successfully complete all tasks assigned by the Party, the State and the People, making an important contribution to the cause of building and safeguarding the Socialist Vietnam Motherland.

Military Science Academy enhances the quality of education and training to meet the requirements and tasks in the new situation

Military Science Academy enhances the quality of education and training to meet the requirements and tasks in the new situation

Wednesday, August 10, 2022, 08:07 (GMT+7)
In recent years, the Academy has effectively conducted fundamental and comprehensive renewal and step-by-step standardisation of training contents and curriculum at all levels and specialisations with the orientation of being “specialised and intensive”.

Military proactively responds to non-traditional security challenges

Military proactively responds to non-traditional security challenges

Monday, March 08, 2021, 09:51 (GMT+7)
The entire military focuses on developing plans to respond to catastrophes, natural disasters, epidemics, etc., according to a scientific, unified manner; conduct periodic training and exercises to make cadres and soldiers well aware of objectives, requirements, and methods of collaboration and coordination during operations.

Armed forces of Hoa Binh Province promote key role in building defense zone

Armed forces of Hoa Binh Province promote key role in building defense zone

Monday, August 17, 2020, 09:13 (GMT+7)
Deeply grasping the Party's national defense and military viewpoints and guidelines, especially the policy of building provinces and cities directly under the Central Government into solid defense zones, Hoa Binh province armed forces have brought into full play the core role in advising and organizing the building of provincial defense zones with relatively equal, solid, and comprehensive results in all aspects.

On technical command in military region defence operation

On technical command in military region defence operation

Monday, March 23, 2020, 11:24 (GMT+7)
Technical command is an integral part of the chain of command in military region operation, which is of significant importance and directly decides the quality of weapon and equipment support, contributing to enhancing combat power of military regions’ armed forces.

Experience in building a model of engineering work at Brigade 550

Experience in building a model of engineering work at Brigade 550

Friday, August 10, 2018, 14:51 (GMT+7)
The Engineer Brigade 550 has been selected by the 4th Corps High Command and the Engineering High Command to build a model of engineering work at campaign level in the period from 2016 to 2018. The Brigade’s Party Committee and commanders have determined that this is an opportunity for the Brigade to consolidate and improve the quality of preservation and exploitation of military equipment as well as the professional qualifications of the contingent of technical personnel

Stepping up construction of economic-defence zones and improving their efficiency

Stepping up construction of economic-defence zones and improving their efficiency

Friday, August 25, 2017, 06:52 (GMT+7)
Establishing economic-defence zones to enhance social-economic development and strengthen defence and security in strategic regions, particularly in remote, border areas and islands represents a major policy of the Party and State. From recorded lessons and outcomes, the Army will continue to bring into play its key role in fostering the construction of economic-defence zones and improving their efficiency, meeting the demands of Homeland’s construction and protection in the new situation

Great Value and Vision Beyond Time in President Ho Chi Minh’s Testament
The sacred testament left behind by President Ho Chi Minh for the entire Party, the people, and the army before his passing is considered a “National Treasure”, which reflects his sincere emotions, profound wisdom, noble ethics, open-heartedness, kindness, and tolerance, along with his visionary outlook beyond the times.