Friday, September 20, 2024, 10:38 (GMT+7)

Tay Ninh provincial border guard better manages and protects national sovereignty and border security

Tay Ninh provincial border guard better manages and protects national sovereignty and border security

Sunday, May 12, 2024, 20:35 (GMT+7)
The Provincial Border Guard (PBG) of Tay Ninh is assigned to manage and protect a 240-km-long border section of Viet Nam with the Kingdom of Cambodia’s Svay Rieng, Prey Veng, and Tbong Khmum provinces. In Tay Ninh province’s border area, there are 20 communes under 5 districts, 3 international border gates (Moc Bai, Tan Nam, Xa Mat), 3 main border gates (Phuoc Tan, Chang Riec, Ka Tum), 10 secondary border gates, and many trails across the border

Dien Bien Province taps into value of the victory on 7 May 1954 to build itself on a par with a historical site

Dien Bien Province taps into value of the victory on 7 May 1954 to build itself on a par with a historical site

Wednesday, May 08, 2024, 14:44 (GMT+7)
Celebration of the 70-year anniversary of Dien Bien Phu victory is an extensive intensive political activity, which enables the Party Committee, authority, armed forces, and people of Dien Bien Province to review the glorious history of the resistance war against French colonialists, thus better understanding the significance and historical value of the victory and being motivated to promote solidarity, indomitable spirit, and emulation for building Dien Bien into an increasingly prosperous, civilised province on a par with the significance of a historical site.

Naval Region 5 builds a politically strong unit

Naval Region 5 builds a politically strong unit

Thursday, October 26, 2023, 15:34 (GMT+7)
Building politically strong agencies and units is the core content and decisive to the successful completion of tasks of the entire Military. This is even more important for Naval Region 5 which manages and protects the seas of strategic importance. Therefore, in order to build an all strong, "exemplary, typical" unit, the Party Committee and the Command of the Region focus on leading and directing the building of a politically strong unit as a basis for improving its overall quality and combat strength, meeting the requirements and tasks.

Northwest Armed Forces stay firmly in strategic areas

Northwest Armed Forces stay firmly in strategic areas

Sunday, September 17, 2023, 22:19 (GMT+7)
In light of the high political determination of the Party and the State in the comprehensive development and construction of the Northwest region, the armed forces stationed within this area are acutely aware that this is not merely a duty or responsibility but also a sacred and significant commitment to the people of various ethnicities residing in the area. Therefore, officers and soldiers of the armed forces have unflinchingly faced difficulties, hardships, and sacrifices. They have dedicated their efforts with unwavering persistence through practical actions, working hand in hand with the local party committees, authorities, and the people of the Northwest to rise up in life and catch up with other regions in the country. 

Armed forces of An Giang province promote the core role in national defence and security education

Armed forces of An Giang province promote the core role in national defence and security education

Tuesday, August 15, 2023, 20:00 (GMT+7)
To overcome its difficulties and challenges, An Giang Provincial Military Party Committee and the Provincial Military Command focus on leading and directing the armed forces to deploy synchronously and drastically solutions to successfully carry out military and defence tasks; in which, promoting the core role of the armed forces in the implementation of defence and security education is the one of primary importance.

Corps 16 combines socio-economic development with national defence and security assurance

Corps 16 combines socio-economic development with national defence and security assurance

Thursday, January 26, 2023, 07:14 (GMT+7)
Operating in a strategic area, over the past years, Corps’ cadres, soldiers, and have always been united, determined, and strived to overcome difficulties to both effectively preventing and controlling the Covid-19 pandemic and successfully performing military,  defence, and production tasks, and building of a clean and strong Party Committee and a comprehensively strong, "exemplary and typical" unit.

In the border province of Gia Lai, shine the qualities of "Uncle Ho’s Soldiers"

In the border province of Gia Lai, shine the qualities of “Uncle Ho’s Soldiers”

Thursday, September 22, 2022, 07:56 (GMT+7)
Being imbued with President Ho Chi Minh’s teachings to the Border Guard, Gia Lai PBG’s officers and soldiers try to strengthen and maintain solidarity with the local people, rely on them to perform tasks, be ready to overcome difficulties and hardships to “unite and help the local people”, thus building a firm “people’s hearts and minds posture”, which serves as a basis for protecting national territorial sovereignty and border security in the area.

Corps 15 accompanies people in the Central Highlands

Corps 15 accompanies people in the Central Highlands

Monday, August 15, 2022, 08:54 (GMT+7)
With its responsibility to the Party, State, and Army and the affection and attachment to the people of the Central Highlands, generations of cadres, soldiers, and employees of Corps 15 have always persevered, innovated, and been creative in production and business to strengthen national defence and security potentials in the area and contribute to realising the aspiration of a sustainable development for the Central Highlands.

Following Uncle Ho’s teachings, Forestry Enterprise 155 promotes mass mobilisation work at the border area

Following Uncle Ho's teachings, Forestry Enterprise 155 promotes mass mobilisation work at the border area

Saturday, June 25, 2022, 21:19 (GMT+7)
To fulfill the assigned political tasks, the Forest Enterprise Party Committee and commanders have synchronously implemented multiple solutions to lead and direct the promotion of mass mobilisation through effective and practical measures

Ha Giang overcomes difficulties to well carry out the work of defence and security education

Ha Giang overcomes difficulties to well carry out the work of defence and security education

Saturday, January 22, 2022, 18:49 (GMT+7)
Being fully aware of those difficulties and the province’s particularities, the Provincial Military Party Committee (PMPC) and the Provincial Military Command (PMC) have advised the Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial People’s Committee to focus their leadership and direction on military-defence work, including defence and security education

Great Value and Vision Beyond Time in President Ho Chi Minh’s Testament
The sacred testament left behind by President Ho Chi Minh for the entire Party, the people, and the army before his passing is considered a “National Treasure”, which reflects his sincere emotions, profound wisdom, noble ethics, open-heartedness, kindness, and tolerance, along with his visionary outlook beyond the times.