Friday, September 20, 2024, 20:40 (GMT+7)

Defence and Security Training Centre of Hanoi University of Physical Education and Sports promotes renovation and all-round development

Defence and Security Training Centre of Hanoi University of Physical Education and Sports promotes renovation and all-round development

Monday, September 09, 2024, 20:23 (GMT+7)
To successfully accomplish the tasks, the Centre has deployed many synchronous solutions to gain all-round development, being determined to maintain and improve the quality of defence and security education.

Army College No. 2 innovates and improves the quality of education and training

Army College No. 2 innovates and improves the quality of education and training

Wednesday, August 28, 2024, 15:32 (GMT+7)
In recent years, Army College No. 2 has thoroughly grasped and implemented the Party's policy of "fundamental and comprehensive innovation in education and training" and the resolutions and directives of the Central Military Commission and the Ministry of National Defence with many practical measures, in line with the tasks of a training centre of battalion-level army officers, achieving many important results.

Military Hospital 7B improves its capability comprehensively to meet the requirements of medical examination and treatment

Military Hospital 7B improves its capability comprehensively to meet the requirements of medical examination and treatment

Friday, May 24, 2024, 08:21 (GMT+7)
Military Hospital 7B under the Logistics Department of Military Region 7 is tasked with receiving and treating patients as cadres and soldiers of the armed forces, persons under preferential treatment and health insurance policies, and citizens of Dong Nai province and adjacent localities, taking part in military medical support for Truong Sa Dong Island, Naval Region 2, and other units in its area; it is also the practical training centre for medical cadets from Logistics College No.2 and several medical – pharmaceutical schools

Political Officer College thoroughly grasps and implements Directive No. 2423-CT/QUTW

Political Officer College thoroughly grasps and implements Directive No. 2423-CT/QUTW

Monday, April 15, 2024, 16:57 (GMT+7)
Immediately after the issuance of Directive No. 2423-CT/QUTW by the CMC Standing Board, the School’s Party Committee thoroughly grasped and profoundly disseminated the Directive’s goals, requirements, tasks, and solutions. Simultaneously, they identified the key contents and measures that need the focused leadership and direction during the implementation process

Hung Yen Province attentively builds the militia and self-defence force

Hung Yen Province attentively builds the militia and self-defence force

Sunday, December 24, 2023, 21:39 (GMT+7)
On thoroughly grasping the Party’s viewpoints and guidelines on executing the two strategic tasks of building and safeguarding the Fatherland, together with promoting the development of economy, culture, society, etc., Hung Yen Province has paid attention to well leading and directing the local defence and security tasks, the construction of strong all-people national defence, stable all-level defence zones; of which, improving the quality of the militia and self-defence force has been much concerned by the Province from grasping, directing and guiding to implementing with many practical and effective solutions.

Renovating education and training for the military logisticians to meet the demands for working in the international environment

Renovating education and training for the military logisticians to meet the demands for working in the international environment

Monday, November 27, 2023, 15:41 (GMT+7)
The task of educating and training military logisticians  who have enough capability of working in the international environment appears to be vital at present and in the long run. The Logistics Academy needs to successfully implement this task in order to deserve to be the leading training centre of military logisticians  of the Military, practically contributing to the construction of the Logistics Branch and the revolutionary, regular, highly-skilled and gradually modernised Army.

Following Uncle Ho’s teachings, the Air Defence - Air Force Academy emulates good teaching and efficient learning

Following Uncle Ho’s teachings, the Air Defence - Air Force Academy emulates good teaching and efficient learning

Wednesday, November 22, 2023, 07:31 (GMT+7)
Deeply imbued with the teachings of President Ho Chi Minh, in recent years, the Party Committee and the Board of Directors of the Air Defence - Air Force Academy (AD-AF Academy) have focused on leading and directing the promotion of the emulation movement of good teaching and efficient learning, creating comprehensive and substantial changes in education, training, and scientific research. This contributes to the training of “moral and well-qualified” personnel to meet the requirements of building the AD-AF straight towards modernity.

Breakthroughs in the work of defence and security education in Mong Cai City

Breakthroughs in the work of defence and security education in Mong Cai City

Tuesday, October 31, 2023, 09:27 (GMT+7)
Mong Cai City of Quang Ninh Province is the border area located in the Northeastern region of the country. The city holds a strategic position in terms of economics, politics, defence, security and foreign affairs.In order to make the most of its advangtages and overcome challenges, the City Party Committee and People's Committee have developed and implemented many resolutions, programmes and plans to lead and direct its socio-economic development, in which, improving the quality of defence and security education is identified as a breakthrough and a key task.

Military Technical College 1 proactively overcomes difficulties to successfully fulfil its tasks

Military Technical College 1 proactively overcomes difficulties to successfully fulfil its tasks

Monday, October 23, 2023, 08:50 (GMT+7)
Under the guidelines by the Central Military Commission and the Ministry of National Defence on renewing education and training to build high-quality human resources for the modernisation of the Military, the College has adhered to directions and guiding documents by the General Department of Technology to focus on developing standard training outcomes for groups of learners. Based on those standards, it has directed its offices and faculties to review all training curricula and request feedback from units across the Military.

Hanoi Capital High Command’s Military School improves the quality of education and training

Hanoi Capital High Command’s Military School improves the quality of education and training

Thursday, September 28, 2023, 17:11 (GMT+7)
By implementing synchronously solutions, the quality and effectiveness of education and training of the School have been continuously improved, which has made contribution to building the human resources for the armed forces of the Capital on a par with the task requirements in the new situation. These results are the important foundations for the Military School of Hanoi Capital High Command to continuously improve the quality of education and training, deserving to be the training centre of cadres, technicians, defence and security education of the whole Capital.

Great Value and Vision Beyond Time in President Ho Chi Minh’s Testament
The sacred testament left behind by President Ho Chi Minh for the entire Party, the people, and the army before his passing is considered a “National Treasure”, which reflects his sincere emotions, profound wisdom, noble ethics, open-heartedness, kindness, and tolerance, along with his visionary outlook beyond the times.