Friday, September 20, 2024, 08:26 (GMT+7)

Ho Chi Minh City’s armed forces enhance the quality of defensive area exercises

Ho Chi Minh City’s armed forces enhance the quality of defensive area exercises

Wednesday, February 14, 2024, 20:28 (GMT+7)
The defensive area exercise is the highest, most comprehensive content and serves as the measure to evaluate the quality and effectiveness of military and defence work at the local in general, and in the construction and activities of provincial and city defence zones in particular. Recognicing this and based on the local reality, mission requirements, in recent years, the Ho Chi Minh City High Command has chaired and closely coordinated with departments and agencies to actively advise the City Party Committee and People's Committee to lead and direct the organisation of various defensive area exercises on a large scale, achieving high results.

Thu Duc City successfully implements national defence and security education

Thu Duc City successfully implements national defence and security education

Sunday, November 26, 2023, 20:54 (GMT+7)
Recognising the advantages and challenges, the Thu Duc City Party Committee and People’s Committee have comprehensively implemented measures to lead and direct all aspects of work, especially the national defence and security education for different subjects and the whole people, building a strong “people’s hearts and minds” posture, stabilising the area, and creating favourable conditions for rapid and sustainable socio-economic development.

Ho Chi Minh Municipal Border Guard firmly protects the sovereignty, security, and order at port border gates and sea border areas

Ho Chi Minh Municipal Border Guard firmly protects the sovereignty, security, and order at port border gates and sea border areas

Tuesday, January 24, 2023, 21:50 (GMT+7)
By grasping, forecasting, and assessing the situation, the City Border Guard Party Committee and Command have advised and assisted the City People's Committee to thoroughly observe and deploy to departments, sectors and agencies, local Party committees and authorities, specialised port state management agencies, port enterprises, ship agents, and people at the port border gates to effectively carry out the task.

Bringing into play heroic tradition to continue building a strong Militia and Self-Defence Department on a par with its task requirements

Bringing into play heroic tradition to continue building a strong Militia and Self-Defence Department on a par with its task requirements

Friday, February 11, 2022, 07:40 (GMT+7)
Over the past 75 years of construction and development, Militia and Self-Defence Department has obtained a lot of brilliant achievements and built up its tradition of “loyalty, creativity, unity, and determination to win.” Bringing into play that glorious tradition, the Department’s Party Committee and Command have been synchronously adopting various measures to build a strong Department capable of meeting its task requirements in the new period

Ho Chi Minh municipal armed forces in the vanguard of the fight against COVID-19

Ho Chi Minh municipal armed forces in the vanguard of the fight against COVID-19

Monday, October 04, 2021, 13:14 (GMT+7)
The 4th wave of COVID-19 has profoundly impacted on Vietnam and especially Ho Chi Minh City - a socio-economic and transport centre of the South and the whole country. Under the spirit of “fighting the pandemic like fighting enemies,” the municipal armed forces have promoted their vanguard, core role in the fight against COVID-19, which has been acknowledged and highly appreciated by local party committees, authorities, and citizens

Great Value and Vision Beyond Time in President Ho Chi Minh’s Testament
The sacred testament left behind by President Ho Chi Minh for the entire Party, the people, and the army before his passing is considered a “National Treasure”, which reflects his sincere emotions, profound wisdom, noble ethics, open-heartedness, kindness, and tolerance, along with his visionary outlook beyond the times.