Friday, September 20, 2024, 18:26 (GMT+7)

Kien Giang provincial armed forces join hands to build new-style rural areas

Kien Giang provincial armed forces join hands to build new-style rural areas

Friday, September 20, 2024, 14:37 (GMT+7)
Over the years, the emulation Movement titled “Joining hands to build new-style rural areas” across the province has been implemented extensively. As a result, the countryside has experienced a lot of progressive changes; rural traffic and socio-economic infrastructures have been developed; importance has been attached to education, healthcare, and rural environment hygiene work; the people’s material and mental life has been bettered

Main contents of the Master Planning on development of Vietnam’s seaport system in the 2021-2030 period, with a vision toward 2050

Main contents of the Master Planning on development of Vietnam’s seaport system in the 2021-2030 period, with a vision toward 2050

Thursday, May 30, 2024, 19:38 (GMT+7)
With systematic method, careful research, objective assessment, and strategic vision in the direction of promoting the strengths of each region and locality, ensuring investment and sustainable development, it is hoped that that the Plan will be a solid legal basis and a premise for developing seaport infrastructure in particular and transport infrastructure in general, ensuring wholeness, high connectivity, synchronisation and modernity, contributing to the successful implementation of the goals set by the Party and State.

Efficiency in learning and following Uncle Ho’s teachings at Military Hospital 121

Efficiency in learning and following Uncle Ho’s teachings at Military Hospital 121

Tuesday, March 12, 2024, 08:30 (GMT+7)
For achieving these outstanding results, the Hospital Party Committee and Management Board, Party committees, and commanders of departments have concentrated on leading and directing the synchronised implementation of policies and solutions. In particular, promoting learning and following Ho Chi Minh’s thoughts, ethics, and style is the basic solution, becoming the regular job of every cadres, nurse, doctor, and military medical staff.

Border Guard Force’s commitment to safeguard territorial sovereignty and national border security

Border Guard Force’s commitment to safeguard territorial sovereignty and national border security

Sunday, December 24, 2023, 21:37 (GMT+7)
In the coming period, the situation along land and maritime borders, as well as in some strategically important areas, harbours complex factors, hostile forces persist in intensifying subversion efforts and sowing discord in the good traditional neighbourly relations between bordering regions. The security situation in rural areas with issues related to ethnic groups, religion, non-traditional security, criminal activities, legal violations, especially drug trafficking, smuggling, illegal immigration, is becoming increasingly complex, posing numerous difficulties and challenges for the management and protection of territorial sovereignty and national border security. This demands that the Border Guard officers and soldiers continue to foster unity, innovation, and determination in effectively implementing key measures and solutions.

Naval Region 5 builds a politically strong unit

Naval Region 5 builds a politically strong unit

Thursday, October 26, 2023, 15:34 (GMT+7)
Building politically strong agencies and units is the core content and decisive to the successful completion of tasks of the entire Military. This is even more important for Naval Region 5 which manages and protects the seas of strategic importance. Therefore, in order to build an all strong, "exemplary, typical" unit, the Party Committee and the Command of the Region focus on leading and directing the building of a politically strong unit as a basis for improving its overall quality and combat strength, meeting the requirements and tasks.

Phu Quoc City enhances leadership in defence and military work

Phu Quoc City enhances leadership in defence and military work

Monday, September 18, 2023, 10:01 (GMT+7)
With determination and high political consciousness, the Party Committee, government, armed forces, and the people of Phu Quoc City continue to strive to effectively carry out local defence and military tasks and ensure the stable political security, social safety, and a favourable environment for rapid, sustainable economic and social development, aiming to turn Phu Quoc into a first-class urban area by 2025, befitting its status as a national and international coastal and island tourism city.

A snapshot of Kien Hai island district

A snapshot of Kien Hai island district

Wednesday, August 30, 2023, 15:48 (GMT+7)
Located off the southwest coast of the country, Kien Hai is an island district of Kien Giang province, with a natural area of 27.85 square kilometres, including 23 large and small islands. Being near coast, the island district is endowed with many potentials and advantages for tourism and marine economy development, while holding an important position in terms of national defence and security in the coastal defence posture of Kien Giang province and Military Region 9.

Binh Dinh Provincial Border Guard strengthens propaganda and dissemination against IUU fishing to fishermen

Binh Dinh Provincial Border Guard strengthens propaganda and dissemination against IUU fishing to fishermen

Tuesday, August 29, 2023, 16:17 (GMT+7)
With the motto of "small rain lays great dust", the perseverance and efforts of the Provincial Border Guard officers and soldiers in legal propaganda and dissemination, and combat against IUU fishing, there have been positive changes in the awareness of fishermen in protecting and sustainably exploiting aquatic resources and actively participating in the protection of the country’s sovereignty of the sacred seas and islands.

Vietnam Coast Guard strengthens operations during the peak of countering IUU fishing

Vietnam Coast Guard strengthens operations during the peak of countering IUU fishing

Wednesday, August 23, 2023, 14:23 (GMT+7)
Promoting the achieved results, in the coming time, Vietnam Coast Guard will continue to drastically, synchronously and more effectively implement solutions and tasks to prevent and combat IUU fishing, considering it as an important political tasks of the Coast Guard. This task must be carried out regularly, continuously and constantly, contributing to the sustainable, responsible development of Vietnam's fisheries industry, complying with the standards of international law; aiming at building a sea of security, safety, peace and friendship.

Ca Mau Provincial Border Guards firmly protect national maritime sovereignty and security

Ca Mau Provincial Border Guards firmly protect national maritime sovereignty and security

Wednesday, June 28, 2023, 09:55 (GMT+7)
The Party Committee and High Command of the Ca Mau Provincial Border Guard (PBG) have attached importance to leading and directing this key task with several synchronous and appropriate measures, creating a favourable environment for the province’s rapid and sustainable development.

Great Value and Vision Beyond Time in President Ho Chi Minh’s Testament
The sacred testament left behind by President Ho Chi Minh for the entire Party, the people, and the army before his passing is considered a “National Treasure”, which reflects his sincere emotions, profound wisdom, noble ethics, open-heartedness, kindness, and tolerance, along with his visionary outlook beyond the times.