Friday, September 20, 2024, 06:32 (GMT+7)

Promoting innovation and creativity to enhance the efficiency of the military technical work

Promoting innovation and creativity to enhance the efficiency of the military technical work

Tuesday, September 10, 2024, 20:34 (GMT+7)
To effectively fulfil its assigned functions and tasks, the Military Technical Sector must continue to implement comprehensive measures for innovation and improvement, enhancing the quality and efficiency of its work.

Military Technical sector promotes digital transformation

Military Technical sector promotes digital transformation

Monday, September 26, 2022, 08:28 (GMT+7)
In recent years, digital transformation has become an inevitable trend of the whole country and the whole army. For the Military Technical sector, this task of paramount importance, which helps commanders and technical agencies to optimise the operation of the Sector in the whole army and at each level and each unit.

Solutions for building a data system for managing the lifecycle of high-tech weapons and equipment

Solutions for building a data system for managing the lifecycle of high-tech weapons and equipment

Saturday, May 28, 2022, 21:24 (GMT+7)
Due to the lack of data systems and technological equipment, most technical officers and staff are unqualified to meet the requirements of management and exploitation of hi-tech weapons. It poses an urgent task for the Military Technical sector to quickly deploy and build a data system concerning the existing hi-tech weapons and equipment.

Raising the quality of technical work for the modernisation of the Military

Raising the quality of technical work for the modernisation of the Military

Monday, March 21, 2022, 08:43 (GMT+7)
It should be noted that the Military Technical Branch (MTB) and especially the General Technical Department (GTD) have proactively given advice to higher echelons and promoted their core role in directing and comprehensively performing technical work in each period. Due regard has been paid to maintaining the technical coefficient of the existing weapons and equipment

Automotive Technology and Engineering College focuses on raising the quality of education and training

Automotive Technology and Engineering College focuses on raising the quality of education and training

Tuesday, November 23, 2021, 07:45 (GMT+7)
Automotive Technology and Engineering College whose forerunner was Tien Bo School under the General Technical Department was founded in October 1951; it launched the first course on November 25th, 1951. Nowadays, it is tasked with training vehicle - machinery technicians, mechanics at associate, intermediate, and elementary levels, and drivers for the Military. It is also assigned to take part in training technical and technological human resources for the country’s industrialisation and modernisation

Army Corps 2 boosts the quality of technical work for its strategic manoeuvre

Army Corps 2 boosts the quality of technical work for its strategic manoeuvre

Monday, November 22, 2021, 09:43 (GMT+7)
Bringing into play the tradition of “lightning speed, daring, determination to win,” over the years, the Technical Department’s Party Committee and Command have advised the Corps’ Party Committee and Command on leadership and direction over the performance of the technical work, thereby opportunely, sufficiently providing weapons and technical equipment for combat readiness, training, exercises, and contingency missions

Workshop X81 raises the quality of maintenance and repair to meet task requirements

Workshop X81 raises the quality of maintenance and repair to meet task requirements

Thursday, November 11, 2021, 09:00 (GMT+7)
In the past 40 years of construction and development, the Workshop has undertaken large-scale and medium-scale maintenance and repair of tens of thousands of vehicles, built 60 new small-size lorries, synchoronised and dieselised more than 300 vehicles, and tested more than 55,000 military vehicles, thereby greatly contributing to raising the Military Region’s manoeuvrability and combat strength and building a strong Technical Branch of the Military Region

Tank-Armoured Corps increases the quality of technical support for its new weapons and equipment

Tank-Armoured Corps increases the quality of technical support for its new weapons and equipment

Saturday, October 16, 2021, 22:11 (GMT+7)
Under the support, leadership, and direction from the Corps’ Party Committee Standing Board and the Corps’ leaders, and guiding documents by the General Technical Department (GTD) and higher-level technical agencies, the Tank-Armoured Corps’ Technical Department has adhered to its function and task and cooperated with offices and units in surmounting difficulties and synchronously taking measures to manage, exploit, and master modern weapons and technical equipment

Solutions to increase army corps’ capability in repairing weapons and technical equipment

Solutions to increase army corps’ capability in repairing weapons and technical equipment

Friday, May 28, 2021, 08:28 (GMT+7)
Army corps’ weapons and technical equipment have been in use for ages and deteriorated, while their spare parts have been scarce. Therefore, repairing and synchronising weapons and technical equipment represent an important task that will directly contribute to raising army corps’ manoeuvrability and enabling them to successfully fulfil all assigned missions. Besides, it is extremely necessary to enhance army corps’ capability in repairing their weapons and technical equipment

The Arms Depot K336 overcomes all difficulties to fulfil its mission

The Arms Depot K336 overcomes all difficulties to fulfil its mission

Thursday, November 19, 2020, 08:38 (GMT+7)
. In its early days, the Depot had only 50 cadres and soldiers, its facilities and equipment had been used in wars and experienced a serious deterioration, and it was assigned to receive, retrieve, allocate, preserve, and store weapons, equipment, and technical materials and ensure the safety of materials, goods and sub-depots. However, with the spirit of self-reliance, in a short time, the Depot quickly stabilised its organisational structure and surmounted all hardships to undertake and successfully fulfil all assigned tasks

Great Value and Vision Beyond Time in President Ho Chi Minh’s Testament
The sacred testament left behind by President Ho Chi Minh for the entire Party, the people, and the army before his passing is considered a “National Treasure”, which reflects his sincere emotions, profound wisdom, noble ethics, open-heartedness, kindness, and tolerance, along with his visionary outlook beyond the times.