Friday, September 20, 2024, 10:44 (GMT+7)

Coast Guard Region 3 improves legal dissemination and education

Coast Guard Region 3 improves legal dissemination and education

Monday, September 09, 2024, 20:21 (GMT+7)
This is a large sea with harsh weather conditions and complex, bustling economic and commercial activities, thus greatly impacting on troop ideology and law enforcement at sea as well. It is worth noting that crimes and violations of law at sea have been increasingly complex; Vietnamese fishing vessels’ violations of other countries’ seas and violations of Vietnamese waters by foreign vessels have not been completely prevented yet

Brigade 170 enhances the effectiveness of legal dissemination and education

Brigade 170 enhances the effectiveness of legal dissemination and education

Wednesday, July 10, 2024, 13:32 (GMT+7)
In recent years, the Brigade’s Party Committee and Command have synchronously implemented comprehensive leadership and directive measures. Among these, improving the effectiveness of legal dissemination and education is critical. This aims to cultivate legal awareness and behaviour in compliance with state laws and military discipline among officers and soldiers, serving as a foundation for effectively fulfilling military duties and the rights and obligations of citizens.

Naval Region 3 serves as a stronghold for fishermen’s operations at sea

Naval Region 3 serves as a stronghold for fishermen’s operations at sea

Thursday, April 11, 2024, 15:44 (GMT+7)
The efforts and perseverance of the cadres and soldiers of the Naval Region 3, in accompanying fishermen across every inch of the sea, have not only provided a pillar of strength for fishermen to confidently and securely set sail and adhere to the sea but have also been filled with humanistic values, significantly strengthening the solidarity between the military and the fishermen at sea. This has effectively enhanced the role of fishermen in participating in the protection of the sacred maritime and island sovereignty of the nation.

Coast Guard Region 1 improves effectiveness in preventing and combating IUU fishing

Coast Guard Region 1 improves effectiveness in preventing and combating IUU fishing

Monday, February 26, 2024, 15:02 (GMT+7)
Firmly grasping its functions, tasks, the characteristics of the area and the situation of maritime security, especially IUU fishing activities, recently the CGR1’s Party Committee and Command have led and directed its agencies and units to synchronously implement solutions to improve the efficiency of task performance, in which, preventing and combating IUU fishing is one of the key tasks.

Coast Guard Region 2 intensifies efforts to combat illegal fishing

Coast Guard Region 2 intensifies efforts to combat illegal fishing

Friday, September 22, 2023, 14:34 (GMT+7)
Despite numerous difficulties and challenges, with unwavering determination, an absolute commitment to never be complacent or negligent, and a high level of vigilance, the officers and soldiers of CGR2 consistently take proactive and resolute action in combating illegal fishing in their assigned waters. They play a crucial role in the collective efforts of the entire country to achieve the goal of removing the European Commission’s “yellow card” placed on our seafood products.

Phu Quoc City enhances leadership in defence and military work

Phu Quoc City enhances leadership in defence and military work

Monday, September 18, 2023, 10:01 (GMT+7)
With determination and high political consciousness, the Party Committee, government, armed forces, and the people of Phu Quoc City continue to strive to effectively carry out local defence and military tasks and ensure the stable political security, social safety, and a favourable environment for rapid, sustainable economic and social development, aiming to turn Phu Quoc into a first-class urban area by 2025, befitting its status as a national and international coastal and island tourism city.

Binh Dinh Provincial Border Guard strengthens propaganda and dissemination against IUU fishing to fishermen

Binh Dinh Provincial Border Guard strengthens propaganda and dissemination against IUU fishing to fishermen

Tuesday, August 29, 2023, 16:17 (GMT+7)
With the motto of "small rain lays great dust", the perseverance and efforts of the Provincial Border Guard officers and soldiers in legal propaganda and dissemination, and combat against IUU fishing, there have been positive changes in the awareness of fishermen in protecting and sustainably exploiting aquatic resources and actively participating in the protection of the country’s sovereignty of the sacred seas and islands.

Vietnam Coast Guard strengthens operations during the peak of countering IUU fishing

Vietnam Coast Guard strengthens operations during the peak of countering IUU fishing

Wednesday, August 23, 2023, 14:23 (GMT+7)
Promoting the achieved results, in the coming time, Vietnam Coast Guard will continue to drastically, synchronously and more effectively implement solutions and tasks to prevent and combat IUU fishing, considering it as an important political tasks of the Coast Guard. This task must be carried out regularly, continuously and constantly, contributing to the sustainable, responsible development of Vietnam's fisheries industry, complying with the standards of international law; aiming at building a sea of security, safety, peace and friendship.

Nghe An Provincial Border Guard actively fights against illegal fishing

Nghe An Provincial Border Guard actively fights against illegal fishing

Monday, July 24, 2023, 18:03 (GMT+7)
Together with the drastic attendance of levels, industries, localities, forces, the whole political system and people, Nghe An Provincial Border Guard has been synchronously implementing many solutions for fighting against illegal, unreported, and unregulated (IUU) fishing, making contribution together with the whole country to removing the European Commission’s “yellow card” on Vietnamese seafood.

Military actively participates in combating IUU fishing

Military actively participates in combating IUU fishing

Saturday, July 22, 2023, 07:17 (GMT+7)
Implementing its assigned functions and tasks, the Military has implemented synchronous solutions to counter IUU fishing and determines to have the "yellow card" removed for the fisheries industry. Implementing Decision No. 81/QD-TTg, dated February 13, 2023 of the Prime Minister on the promulgation of the “Action Plan against IUU fishing, preparing for the 4th working session with the Inspection Delegation of the European Commission”, the MND’s Steering Committee on IUU Fishing issued Plan No. 127/KH-CQTT on combating IUU fishing in 2023 and instructions for junior agencies and units to implement. At the same time, it has directed the forces of Border Guard, Coast Guard, Navy, Fisheries Surveillance to strengthen management, grasp the situation at sea, have check and control of activities of fishing vessels at sea in a bid to prevent, reduce and stop IUU fishing together with the whole political system.

Great Value and Vision Beyond Time in President Ho Chi Minh’s Testament
The sacred testament left behind by President Ho Chi Minh for the entire Party, the people, and the army before his passing is considered a “National Treasure”, which reflects his sincere emotions, profound wisdom, noble ethics, open-heartedness, kindness, and tolerance, along with his visionary outlook beyond the times.