Saturday, September 21, 2024, 17:54 (GMT+7)

The absurdity of the U.S annual human rights reports

The absurdity of the U.S annual human rights reports

Monday, October 10, 2022, 13:44 (GMT+7)
Implementing the good and progressive nature of the socialist democracy - a democracy of the people, by the people and for the people, Vietnam has always put people at the centre of all development policies in order to bring free, prosperous and happy life to its people. That is the consistent view of the Communist Party and State of Vietnam.

Governing, leading role of the Communist Party of Viet Nam: Achievements and vision

Governing, leading role of the Communist Party of Viet Nam: Achievements and vision

Thursday, December 24, 2020, 09:47 (GMT+7)
As a founder and trainer of our Party, President Ho Chi Minh paid special attention to Party building under the condition that the Party was in power. The concept of ruling Communist Party was first introduced by him to affirm that “our Party is a ruling party”, the only party in the political system exercising political power and leadership of state since 1945 when the Democratic Republic of Viet Nam came into being. As for our people, “ruling party” means “leading party.” The Party assumes authority and controls state power. The Party is embodied in the State and nation. In essence, the Party uses the State to lead public authorities and political system to achieve the goal of national independence in connection with socialism and bring about benefit for the people.

The absurdity and partiality of the argument holding that "Marxism and Leninism is no longer appropriate in the 21st century"

The absurdity and partiality of the argument holding that “Marxism and Leninism is no longer appropriate in the 21st century”

Monday, February 02, 2015, 15:12 (GMT+7)
Marxism–Leninism is such a great and outstanding achievement of human intelligence in the modern history of the world. Its vitality and influence were shown through not only changes in the 19th century but also in the 20th century with the great Russian October Revolution giving birth to realistic socialism and ushered in a new era– the transition period from capitalism to socialism

The absurdity of the idea of "depoliticizing" the military (Part II)

The absurdity of the idea of “depoliticizing” the military (Part II)

Tuesday, October 07, 2014, 16:32 (GMT+7)
Countering the plot of “depoliticizing” the military and building the army strong politically are two issues of the process of building the military towards “revolutionary, regular, seasoned and gradually modern” direction. It requires us to lay bare the absurdity and the essence of the idea to “depoliticize” the military ; at the same time to carry out synchronously solutions in politics, ideology, organization and policy with the key task is to build military party committees strong in politics, ideology and organization

The absurdity of the idea of "depoliticizing" the military

The absurdity of the idea of “depoliticizing” the military

Wednesday, September 03, 2014, 10:16 (GMT+7)
Editorial Note: The promotion of the “depoliticization” of the Vietnam People’s Army is the hostile forces’ dangerous and wicked plot. In order to lay bare the absurdity of this idea, the National Defence Journal introduces the article by Nguyen Ngoc Hoi

Great Value and Vision Beyond Time in President Ho Chi Minh’s Testament
The sacred testament left behind by President Ho Chi Minh for the entire Party, the people, and the army before his passing is considered a “National Treasure”, which reflects his sincere emotions, profound wisdom, noble ethics, open-heartedness, kindness, and tolerance, along with his visionary outlook beyond the times.